Home-Brewer's Malting System
1.1 million Americans homebrew their own beer. The creation of a low cost at-home malting system could change microbreweries and at-home brewing. Malted barley is the primary grain used in the beer that affects the color and taste. Currently homebrewers are required to make the extra purchase of malted barley. Malting barley at home can reduce the cost for home brewers and microbreweries by about fifty percent. Therefore, the creation of a tabletop malting system would help the consumers.
Yet, price is not the main reason why a Home Malting system would be beneficial, as buying pre-malted barely is less than $100 in most places. The main benefit from a home malting system is the ability to customize their brew. The customer gains the ability to chose how they want their barley malted, instead of buying pre-malted “stock” products.
Team Members:
Tyler Browning, Erica Kevnick, Jimmy Morelli, and Katie Ricciardi
Faculity Mentors:
Alicia Modenbach, Sue Nokes, and Michael Peterson