Constant Head Permeameter Testing

This page will discuss the process behind the constant head permeameter testing and the obtained results:

Permeameter Testing

The above is the constant head permeameter testing protocol used for all trials.

The results are shown in the excel files below.

  • Five trials were performed for each composition.
  • The Fifth trial was removed due to faulty data collection.
  • The geometric flow average was calculated for each sample. Using this data and the area of the bioretention site in question, the water retention time (days) for each of the 5 compositions was determined.
      • This data resulted in water retention times under 3 days.

Saturated hydraulic conductivity was calculated for all five samples by manipulating. Darcy's Law

The constant head permeameter testing provided three constants necessary for calculating hydraulic conductivity from Darcy's law

  • h - constant head (mm)
  • A - area of cores (mm^2)
  • L - length of the core (mm)

The graphic above displays the process behind determining hydraulic conductivity from the constant head permeameter device.

Copy of Flow Rates/Example Calculations

Excel file available to view results