Studio Khara shows, literally, how Eva’s creators made the sounds that the anime’s iconic pilot suits made.
Illegal posters also used AI to make images of older and obscure characters to appeal to fans with vintage tastes.
After a three-year absence from animation, Hideaki Anno is coming back to help a new project for one of Japan’s most beloved science fiction series.
“Cruel Angel’s Thesis” singer says she can’t see eye-to-eye with organizers of Tokyo anime concert series.
Shinji and three of his Eva co-pilots inspire unique shoes with high style and surprising functionality.
Promotion for Eva streaming in China looks an awful lot like French illustrator’s artwork.
Sure, testing your Eva synchronization rate in the entry plug is pretty cool, but so is the food faithfully recreated from the anime.
Turns out Tokyo-3 is a really nice place to visit when it’s not getting attacked by giant space monsters.
The driving force behind this team-up isn’t nuclear power or existential angst, but little metal balls.