Sound & Recording Mag. 千代田区 Sound & Recording Mag.’s tracks L/Rステレオ書き出し(サンレコ2025年5月号 Studio One連載 連動音源 Emerald「in The Mood 」Dolby Atmosミックス) by Sound & Recording Mag. published on 2025-03-13T16:35:21Z バイノーラル書き出し(サンレコ2025年5月号 Studio One連載 連動音源 Emerald「in The Mood 」Dolby Atmosミックス) by Sound & Recording Mag. published on 2025-03-13T16:33:51Z Audio4「Jamming」Guitar by Sound & Recording Mag. published on 2025-02-04T12:56:05Z Audio3「Jamming」Bass by Sound & Recording Mag. published on 2025-02-04T12:56:08Z Audio2「Jamming」Drums by Sound & Recording Mag. published on 2025-02-04T12:56:11Z Audio1「Jamming」Drums/Bass/Guitar by Sound & Recording Mag. published on 2025-02-04T12:56:13Z 22_modern-2_drums_wet_filter-on by Sound & Recording Mag. published on 2025-01-22T06:49:58Z
L/Rステレオ書き出し(サンレコ2025年5月号 Studio One連載 連動音源 Emerald「in The Mood 」Dolby Atmosミックス) by Sound & Recording Mag. published on 2025-03-13T16:35:21Z
バイノーラル書き出し(サンレコ2025年5月号 Studio One連載 連動音源 Emerald「in The Mood 」Dolby Atmosミックス) by Sound & Recording Mag. published on 2025-03-13T16:33:51Z