We provide career professional development services for all current students enrolled in a degree seeking program at the Rollins School of Public Health. The Office of Career Development collaborates with employers and alumni in various realms including private, federal, state, and local public health agencies to facilitate networking and career opportunities for our students.
Our Goal
The Office of Career Development is focused on supporting the professional development of our students to advance their careers in public health. The Office provides personalized attention and assistance during the two-year program including exploring career goals and interests through individual coaching sessions, networking opportunities, and employer information sessions.
Career Resources
Networking, resumes, job search strategies, preparing for job interviews, and learning to negotiate are crucial skills in your professional development. The Office of Career Development has created resources in all these areas for our students and alumni. Click here to access these resources.

Congratulations on your admission into the Rollins School of Public Health! The Office of Career Development is committed to providing advisement and programs designed to assist you in your career development and professionalism journey. The Office of Career Development will work with you in exploring and utilizing career strategies and career resources in order to advance your professionalism to create a successful public health career.
Each incoming RSPH student signs the Office of Career Development “Professional Partnership Agreement” in tandem with the RSPH Student Honor and Conduct Code, which provides professional development guidelines for graduate students of the Rollins School of Public Health. This agreement reflects the input of the RSPH Community, including alumni, faculty, staff, and external partners, as well as demonstrates the expectations of OCD. The Office of Career Development diligently nurtures existing alumni and employer relationships.
Adhering to these guidelines below protects the integrity and sustainability of Rollins’ resources for you and your fellow classmates.
I understand that if I cannot attend an employer event, I will un-RSVP from the event in RSPH Career Connection at least 24 hours in advance. In the event of an emergency within 24 hours of the event, I will provide a notice of cancellation to the OCD via email rsphcareerdev@emory.edu or 404.727.9957.
I will not release information (such as alumni email address) I have obtained by OCD or RSPH partners (alumni, employers, faculty and staff) to anyone unless permission is granted by the RSPH partner.
I will engage in timely attendance, appointment cancellation etiquette, and considerate meeting suggestions for professional networking. Note: Do not assume Emory campus is an ideal meeting location for alumni or employers, some may prefer to meet at a more convenient location, or by Zoom.
I will maintain professional communications in-person, phone, and email with RSPH faculty, staff, alumni and employers (including at Rollins Earn and Learn positions, APE: applied practice experience, internship or volunteer opportunities). Professional communication includes, but is not limited to, professional tone and content, appropriate email/phone greetings, grammatically correct communication, and proper follow-up practices.