• 12
    • OK but why is the scarf flying aggressively?

      2025-02-06 22:34:59 UTC 4
  • Juubi 🌑👿

  • Furry combat

    • muito bom

      2025-01-25 17:01:24 UTC 1
    • bro i keep checking your shits https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtJEsQ2mCDOB5GVSt15aMpQ

      and i never see these pokemon things finished and uploaded

      angry emoji

      tho that latest kaiju one was clean

      2025-01-25 17:12:47 UTC 4
    • You’re crazy pokemon is not furry

      2025-01-25 17:23:44 UTC 0
      • Replying to: Rafa 47889You're crazy pokemon is not furry

        They have fur

        They stand up right

        Hey have ears, a tail and a snout

        Pretty damm sure that qualifies as a furry

        2025-01-25 18:12:52 UTC 4
        • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀They have fur They stand up right Hey have ears, a tail an

          Yo thats such a good point

          2025-01-25 19:43:34 UTC 1
          • Replying to: Deni AnimzYo thats such a good point

            It’s a very bad and dumb point. Pokémon are treated like animals, They do nothing human, they have no human rights and they don’t know how to speak and they are treated like pets., No they have very human bodies, they don’t act, they don’t have human rights and they don’t wear clothes and most of them don’t know how to talk.
            Furry are sexualized with female breasts and thighs,
            Pokémon was created for a children’s audience and not for shitty purposes

            2025-01-25 20:04:41 UTC 0
        • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀They have fur They stand up right Hey have ears, a tail an

          LOL seriously? What a bad argument.
          First Pokémon are Animals in the franchise are treated as pets for battles and few have the ability to speak
          Pokémon have animal rights and no human rights in the cartoon Pokémon was created with the purpose of being a children’s anime for children Just because one walks on two legs doesn’t mean they’re furry, and the Pokémon’s design is also very different from the one used for these strange drawings.

          Pokémon has a stylized body and I have no intention of looking human.
          Furry are made to be sexualized, with animals having female breasts and human asses, acting like humans.
          So no Pokémon was not created with the purpose of being this shit, you just use this argument to say that everything is furry everyone likes it But you don’t know the difference between a children’s product and innocent mascots.
          So it’s not just because they walk on two paws that they are furry, after all furry has a much more human body with farts, thighs and anatomy similar to humanity

          2025-01-25 20:00:36 UTC 0
          • Replying to: Rafa 47889LOL seriously? What a bad argument. First Pokémon are Animal

            Im sorry, why are you so alarmed by that? Its not a big deal, i Guess…

            2025-01-25 20:05:40 UTC 3
            • Replying to: Deni AnimzIm sorry, why are you so alarmed by that? Its not a big deal

              Because he is comparing Pokémon to furries I don’t want my childhood to be ruined by furry bestiality
              Your animals with big breasts and exaggerated feminine bodies

              2025-01-25 20:18:58 UTC 0
              • Replying to: Rafa 47889Because he is comparing Pokémon to furries I don't want my

                Oh trust me it already has been

                2025-01-25 20:25:45 UTC 0
              • Replying to: Rafa 47889Because he is comparing Pokémon to furries I don't want my

                If you think for a millisecond that being a furry makes you a zoophile or a sex obsessed freak then you need a stern talking to good sir

                First of all, im a furry, so watch yo tone mf

                Second of all, are you saying being a furry means you shouldn’t have human rights?

                Also there are indeed male furry OCs out there that are.. *gasp* NOT OVERSEXUALIZED!!!!!

                being a furry isn’t a sex thing, it’s a hobby

                Get a grip fool

                And PS, in my mind, anything bipedal that has fur, ears, a snout, and a tail is a furry IMO

                2025-01-25 21:11:56 UTC 6
                • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀If you think for a millisecond that being a furry makes you

                  First of all you’re an idiot because I said that Pokémon don’t have human rights, if you like to wear a costume and act like a long in front of the camera it’s not my fault, What do you think is cool about being an anthropomorphic animal!? Don’t you like how humans were created!? Or are you just crazy?

                  2025-01-25 21:31:50 UTC 0
                  • Replying to: Rafa 47889First of all you're an idiot because I said that Pokémon do

                    FIRST OF all, you got me all wrong buddy boi, I don’t own a suit, nor do I have a “furry” OC (my oc is a 1997 chevy ck series truck) nor do I want to be an animal, I am very content with my human life, compared to that of an animals

                    I like being able to take a piss without worrying about being ambushed from the bushes

                    I like being able to sleep a good long amount of time without worry of something killing me in my sleep

                    I do not want to be an animal Rafa, I am quite grateful to be born a human, especially in this modern age of luxury and low child mortality rates compared to that of the medieval age or stone age.

                    Also, I think anthropomorphic are metal af, and since I’m a metalhead, it works all the more

                    You can’t sit on your ass and tell me a blood covered werewolf that just massacred a nazi camp isn’t bad ass

                    And dragons, oh boy don’t even get me started, even the name gets me gitty

                    I love dragon and anything reptilian

                    Reason why I love the 2003 dodge viper so much, same with the f22 raptor (imo the f16 looks better but I degrease)

                    Also please refrain from calling me an idiot, it’s not nice

                    2025-01-25 21:45:53 UTC 3
                    • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀FIRST OF all, you got me all wrong buddy boi, I don't own a

                      Seriously, you said you “like to pee without dying?” And you randomly put “werewolf” In the conversation?, I don’t care, for me what you said about the good part is still strange. Even more so the random color costumes that make no sense

                      2025-01-25 22:19:03 UTC 0
                      • Replying to: Rafa 47889Seriously, you said you "like to pee without dying?" And y

                        I agree with the color costumes making sense

                        I dont like the cartoonish styles

                        I like more realistic, gritty, grungy, bloody styles
                        Not gore

                        2025-01-25 22:49:03 UTC 2
                • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀If you think for a millisecond that being a furry makes you

                  Characters who walk on two legs audience are called Cartoons with the purpose of being cartoonish, For children’s drawings and children’s anime like the characters from Warner Bros, Disney. Looney Tunes if you like You don’t know how to tell the difference. So you don’t deserve my respect.

                  2025-01-25 21:40:36 UTC 1
                  • Replying to: Rafa 47889Characters who walk on two legs audience are called Cartoons

                    You are right, might very got a wee bit carried away

                    Oh no what will I ever do with… your.. respect..

                    Oh no….. im imploding in on myself


                    2025-01-25 21:51:34 UTC 1
                • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀If you think for a millisecond that being a furry makes you

                  I don’t want to know about male OCs skskkskskks I didn’t ask anything I’m using female ones as an example,

                  2025-01-25 21:43:20 UTC 0
                  • Replying to: Rafa 47889I don't want to know about male OCs skskkskskks I didn't a

                    Just to let you know lad, all furries aren’t bad…

                    Sorry if I got angry earlier, I can help you figure out who’s actually good and bad if you want

                    Direct that anger not at normal furries just wanting to unwind after a long days work, Direct it at zoophiles, nazis, those kinda dipshits

                    2025-01-25 21:50:07 UTC 1
                    • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀Just to let you know lad, all furries aren't bad... Sorry

                      For me it doesn’t matter if you say you’re a furry, like to play anthropomorphic characters and wear costumes.I can only think automatically a person with an unstable mentality.. How difficult is it to draw or cosplay a human anime character?

                      2025-01-25 22:21:25 UTC 0
                      • Replying to: Rafa 47889For me it doesn't matter if you say you're a furry, like t

                        Well, i can’t speak to the difficulty of making a fursuit but I can speak to the difficulty of drawing them

                        It sucks, fuck drawing hands man, hands, paws, faces, human and furry, it’s all hard

                        I wanna stick to making supermarine spitfires and F16s in modded minecraft

                        2025-01-25 22:47:44 UTC 2
                        • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀Well, i can't speak to the difficulty of making a fursuit b

                          It’s just being a normal person and not wearing those costumes. If he had some brains and didn’t act like the random kids show mascot in front of the tik tok camera,After all, no one is forcing them to wear strange clothes.

                          2025-01-26 12:56:59 UTC 0
                      • Replying to: Rafa 47889For me it doesn't matter if you say you're a furry, like t


                        2025-01-26 00:21:54 UTC 2
                    • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀Just to let you know lad, all furries aren't bad... Sorry

                      I just think it’s pointless to want to wear clothes or be your own character. And take this very seriously, for example, no one creates a character made by a dragon ball fan who does cosplay. And he takes it as if it were really his own character.

                      2025-01-26 12:59:52 UTC 0
                    • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀Just to let you know lad, all furries aren't bad... Sorry

                      There are no normal furries, normal People are people who like human characters and who do not create a double personality for a fantasy. These people just can’t face reality or don’t like themselves so they keep creating these masks.

                      2025-01-26 13:02:00 UTC 0
                      • Replying to: Rafa 47889There are no normal furries, normal People are people who l

                        Bro is so butt hurt😭🙏

                        2025-01-26 13:03:24 UTC 2
                      • Replying to: Rafa 47889There are no normal furries, normal People are people who l

                        Aight fuck it im rippen the band aid off

                        Shut the fuck up lad

                        I dont wanna hear your anti furry bullshit about how we “cAnT fAcE rEaLiTy”
                        It’s not meant to be reality
                        It’s meant to be an EXCAPE FOR PEOPLE. Just like video games or reading or whatever other hobby one might have

                        One, if someone just got of a 12 hour shift working UPS truck loader getting underpaid or something, im pretty damm sure they are entitled to a lil bit of dancing around in a colorful costume for a few minutes or hours to take their minds off the cruel reality that is the modern minimum wage
                        And don’t give me bullshit about “tHeY sHoUld jUsT dO sOmEtHiNg eLsE!!!1!” They can do whatever the fuck they goddamm please along as it doesn’t break any laws or hurt any one or thing.

                        Shut your face

                        2025-01-26 13:11:54 UTC 0
                        • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀Aight fuck it im rippen the band aid off Shut the fuck up l

                          Seriously you used the argument to convince me that furry aren’t crazy with “after work dancing in a colorful outfit”? And following the same examples just read Mangas and play games, (at work, a normal person leaves work and does what? Watch an anime, watch a cartoon, play a game? Chat with friends? DON’T SPEND A LOT OF MONEY ON A RIDICULOUS COSTUME YOU’LL BE DANCING

                          2025-01-26 13:25:34 UTC 0
                          • Replying to: Rafa 47889Seriously you used the argument to convince me that furry ar

                            It’s their money, not yours, let them buy what they want with THEIR money..💔

                            2025-01-26 13:29:40 UTC 2
                          • Replying to: Rafa 47889Seriously you used the argument to convince me that furry ar

                            And I’m not going to shut up after all I made a simple comment saying “Seriously he called pokemon furry ” You’re the one who tried to make an argument and started the discussion then If you like to say that everything that walks on two legs has fur, it’s furry.I’d rather have my sanity and keep cursing this so it can finally end. And it’s no wonder that I saw a video “where a child was sent by his parents to a psychological hospital for saying he was a furry” After all, who would want a child who likes to be an animal and goes against human nature?

                            2025-01-26 13:32:27 UTC 0
                          • Replying to: Rafa 47889Seriously you used the argument to convince me that furry ar

                            Bitch did you not read what I just fucking said???

                            They can do whatever the fuck they goddamm please along as it doesn’t break any laws or hurt any one or thing.

                            READ MF

                            2025-01-26 13:36:12 UTC 1
                            • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀Bitch did you not read what I just fucking said??? >They

                              I read all of this does it matter? You are just defending your own madness to make yourself feel better, that is really saying that a person who has a mental problem can do whatever they want because they like it.

                              2025-01-26 13:41:38 UTC 0
                        • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀Aight fuck it im rippen the band aid off Shut the fuck up l

                          Kkkkk If you notice that most people talk bad about furries, then it doesn’t mean just because you like them. It’s okay because if it were okay, no one would get mad. And if you don’t want someone to come Swearing, so don’t be a furry if you don’t like being sworn at

                          2025-01-26 13:29:45 UTC 0
                          • Replying to: Rafa 47889Kkkkk If you notice that most people talk bad about furries,

                            Maybe I do

                            Maybe I like being sworn at

                            Maybe I like inflicting pain and misery on bad people

                            2025-01-26 13:33:20 UTC 0
                            • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀Maybe I do Maybe I like being sworn at Maybe I like inflic

                              You talk like a stubborn child “people but”. Is being bad having the mental health of a normal human being?
                              Is it bad to be a person who does normal things like watching anime, playing games, talking to friends, instead of acting like a crazy person?

                              2025-01-26 13:46:25 UTC 0
                              • Replying to: Rafa 47889You talk like a stubborn child "people but". Is being bad

                                You say that like I cant be a furry and be a regular human t the same time

                                Bro I play games, watch TV, and have friends.
                                I play minecraft bedrock, minecraft Java, fallout, the elder scrolls, forza, any lego game really, and for TV… oh boy..
                                Supernatural (Goated AF)
                                Game of thrones (Goated AF)
                                The witcher
                                Breaking bad (goted AF)
                                Teen wolf (eh)
                                Initial D
                                And The shield
                                And for friends, I have 2 really close and good friends, a girl in Alabama and a guy in Kansas
                                And don’t even get me started an music, I listen the hell out of megadeth

                                2025-01-26 13:52:57 UTC 0
                                • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀You say that like I cant be a furry and be a regular human t

                                  If you were normal you wouldn’t be a fucking furry

                                  2025-01-26 14:06:10 UTC 0
                                  • Replying to: Rafa 47889If you were normal you wouldn't be a fucking furry

                                    And if you where likable you wouldn’t still be bitching about me being a furry

                                    2025-01-26 14:07:38 UTC 1
                                    • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀And if you where likable you wouldn't still be bitching abo

                                      I don’t need to have sympathy for a devil’s animal. And that’s the same thing I know how to say “If you see an adult wearing a diaper, wearing animal ears, and shitting on the floor”You should be happy and you shouldn’t find it strange, come on you guys even have sex with the costumes

                                      2025-01-26 14:44:39 UTC 0
                                    • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀And if you where likable you wouldn't still be bitching abo

                                      Their realistic characters are more human with bodily features human attributes
                                      Thus making them have a sexualized appearance. For example Pokémon is cartoonish and has no purpose to look or be realistic. And that is the difference.
                                      From a weirdo, to someone who knows how to do something cool

                                      2025-01-26 14:52:04 UTC 0
                                • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀You say that like I cant be a furry and be a regular human t

                                  Back to being part of a community of crazy people who wear diapers, with split personalities, with sexualized animal things If you were a normal person you would stay far away from this community. I feel sorry for the disappointment you are to your parents. I think they didn’t want this thing to feed. Instead of having a Son , they had a stupid animal that tries to go against human nature, it’s regrettable.

                                  2025-01-26 14:10:03 UTC 0
                                  • Replying to: Rafa 47889Back to being part of a community of crazy people who wear d

                                    3 minutes no reply, I win.

                                    2025-01-26 14:13:33 UTC 1
                                  • Replying to: Rafa 47889Back to being part of a community of crazy people who wear d

                                    ARE YOU FUCKING BLIND

                                    IVE TOLD YOU COUNTLESS TIMES

                                    why am isaying this you’re just going to throw it out the window and insult me again because you have a peanut for a brain

                                    Peanut brain

                                    2025-01-26 14:24:43 UTC 1
                                    • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀ARE YOU FUCKING BLIND IVE TOLD YOU COUNTLESS TIMES THE WEI

                                      You who are blind have not seen the part that I said is furry is strange everything and it doesn’t matter, you don’t want to be human so you don’t deserve respect,And if you were smart you wouldn’t be part of a community that only has shit, bad things, people who like sex with animals, someone smart like me would stay away from that. M But it seems that you didn’t do the same, you preferred to stay with the crazy people and criminals of this community.

                                      2025-01-26 14:41:17 UTC 0
                              • Replying to: Rafa 47889You talk like a stubborn child "people but". Is being bad

                                Ooohhhh riiight

                                Because ..
                                Because me making a furr character on a barely mainstream program occasionally that doesn’t effect anyone
                                .. not a single soul… is so obhorant
                                Oh the misery
                                How will I ever go on??????

                                You make me chuckle

                                2025-01-26 13:59:10 UTC 1
                                • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀Ooohhhh riiight Because .. Because me making a furr charact

                                  The only thing that’s funny is seeing how far you go to defend the shit that you are

                                  2025-01-26 14:04:23 UTC 0
                            • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀Maybe I do Maybe I like being sworn at Maybe I like inflic

                              2025-01-26 13:49:18 UTC 0
                • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀If you think for a millisecond that being a furry makes you

                  And what does it matter if you’re a furry, it was just another reason for me to keep complaining.

                  2025-01-25 21:44:42 UTC 1
                  • Replying to: Rafa 47889And what does it matter if you're a furry, it was just anot

                    Hey fun fact. If you say your name back to back really fast it sounds like an idling diesel engine

                    2025-01-25 21:47:28 UTC 2
              • Replying to: Rafa 47889Because he is comparing Pokémon to furries I don't want my

                And BY THE Way, half of the good folks here are furries, so if you are an antifurry scoundrel, you best be on your way

                2025-01-25 21:13:06 UTC 3
                • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀And BY THE Way, half of the good folks here are furries, so

                  LOL look, furry thinks it’s good to be crazy!?, I’ve seen several videos talking badly about these people, A woman who supports being attracted to animals, an event that had adults wearing diapers and Throwing them on top in cars, So being cool means being part of a crazy community? Do you shit your diaper!? The videos I saw also show that you make vore art so there’s no reason for me to respect crazy people.

                  2025-01-25 21:36:30 UTC 0
                  • Replying to: Rafa 47889LOL look, furry thinks it's good to be crazy!?, I've seen

                    Uhh that stuff sounds legitimately fucked up and

                    What the hell kind of side of YouTube are you on????? I mean for christs sake that stuff is NOT generic furry behavior, I mean., generic furry behavior is maybe going to a fur con in a suit and watching furry media, then the edgy side of the furry Fandom is the side that makes the no no content and the furry tictac dances, then the bad side is what you just mentioned, beastiality, coo coo crazy stuff,

                    If you think that’s the shit I’m into and do on my free time then you must be out of yo mind

                    2025-01-25 21:55:26 UTC 3
                    • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀Uhh that stuff sounds legitimately fucked up and What the

                      For me if they just made drawings of anthropomorphic characters or innocent comics just pointing out a story it would be better
                      Wearing a costume creating a double personality for an outfit that is OC seems like something people with mental problems and double personalities would do.

                      2025-01-25 22:24:43 UTC 1
                      • Replying to: Rafa 47889For me if they just made drawings of anthropomorphic charact

                        I think it’s a bit odd sure but then again, people dress up for Halloween, not just kids too, so IMO dressing up isn’t that far fetched

                        If I can complain the master chief with out issue, I think the furries should be allowed to comply their own characters at a con specifically meant for that

                        It gets weird when they wear the suits outside of the cons

                        2025-01-25 22:46:07 UTC 0
                        • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀 I think it's a bit odd sure but then again, people dress u

                          I think you being furry has left your mind a little confused Halloween is a festive celebration on a special day of the year Second, no one will want to give space to a bunch of adults wearing randomly colored football mascot costumes just because they want to and others have to like it.

                          2025-01-26 12:54:33 UTC 0
                    • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀Uhh that stuff sounds legitimately fucked up and What the

                      You asked about YouTube, you can watch this video, it’s in Portuguese but just activate the automatic subtitles for English (FURRYS NÃO DEVERIAM EXISTIR… KKKKK). If you can’t find the video, you can also search for its name. (Ele Mesmo Haraci)

                      2025-01-25 22:35:02 UTC 0
                      • Replying to: Rafa 47889You asked about YouTube, you can watch this video, it's in

                        Id rather not…. I don’t wanna see the bad side of furriers nor humanity for that matter

                        2025-01-25 22:43:54 UTC 2
            • Replying to: Deni AnimzIm sorry, why are you so alarmed by that? Its not a big deal

              If you want to call an anime character a furry, then say that about Bills, the God of Destruction from Dragon Ball.Or Lola from Looney Tunes, who wear clothes, know how to talk and act like humans and can even eat human food. But they were disrespectful enough to talk about Pokémon. are furrys And it’s a sin to compare pets with a community that likes to make animals sexy

              2025-01-25 20:24:59 UTC 0
        • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀They have fur They stand up right Hey have ears, a tail an

          I think it’s just your excuse for furrys to defend themselves, first look at one of your characters that you’ve already made and tell me She has breasts and thighs of a human woman being thus sexualized
          Pokémon cannot speak and are treated like pets. Their bodies are not intended to appear human.. They don’t wear clothes or act like humans, so they’re just animals. For a child audience of an anime, and not for an r34 like furries are.

          2025-01-25 20:09:13 UTC 0
          • Replying to: Rafa 47889I think it's just your excuse for furrys to defend themselv

            I am a furry dip shit

            Stop talking about them like their un deserving of human rights

            First of all, it’s a hobby, they can do what ever the fuck they want (within reason) in their free time, they work, they pay their bills, they slave away in the modern machine that is the economy, yet they don’t get to escape from it all for a few hours and go to a furry con or some shit?

            Now I do agree, there are furry scum out there, just like humans, every side has its good and bad

            Personally I think both the bad sides, furry and human need to rot in hell for the rest of this eternity

            2025-01-25 21:21:24 UTC 3
            • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀I am a furry dip shit Stop talking about them like their un

              Furry convention? Is that the thing where I saw a video where there are a bunch of crazy people wearing weird costumes? LOL, one with giant breasts in the outfit, They better go to a psychologist or a mental hospital! You are just weirdos who don’t want to be human and create split personalities thinking you are that character. You’re just people with a shitty life. Thinking that putting on clothes will change!
              And now you’ve created a new thing on TikTok when I went to open the app there were a bunch of mentally retarded teenagers Walking on all fours with a mask and a tail, saying that in their past life they were animals!! You are just people with a double personality who cannot face the reality they live in or cannot improve. And you need to go to a psychologist to improve your mentality and stop creating Useless fantasies

              2025-01-25 21:55:03 UTC 0
              • Replying to: Rafa 47889Furry convention? Is that the thing where I saw a video wher

                Okay what ever you say disembodied text on the internet that means literally nothing in the grand scale of life, if you wanna be angry at folks for dressing up in costumes and cutting lose for a few hours then go right ahead, ain’t nun stoppin ya

                2025-01-25 21:58:11 UTC 3
              • Replying to: Rafa 47889Furry convention? Is that the thing where I saw a video wher

                meaningless dribble, not reading this

                2025-01-25 23:16:03 UTC 4
                • Replying to: Larry, Dr Furstralia (LM J)meaningless dribble, not reading this

                  You weren’t supposed to read it anyway, you’re not participating in the discussion, it’s not like anyone really cares about your opinion in this discussion, after all, don’t get involved in other people’s fights.

                  2025-01-26 12:44:52 UTC 0
                  • Replying to: Rafa 47889You weren't supposed to read it anyway, you're not partici

                    idk maybe don’t say dumb shit then if you don’t want me to interject into your absolute nothing of a text wall

                    2025-01-26 13:06:07 UTC 1
                    • Replying to: Larry, Dr Furstralia (LM J)idk maybe don't say dumb shit then if you don't want me to

                      Escalate the situation with me pretty please

                      2025-01-26 13:08:11 UTC 0
                    • Replying to: Larry, Dr Furstralia (LM J)idk maybe don't say dumb shit then if you don't want me to

                      First of all, I’m not talking shit. I’m not obligated to like or speak well of furries. The texts are long because it was a discussion, so if you don’t want to read it, just ignore it and don’t bother me.

                      2025-01-26 13:20:46 UTC 0
            • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀I am a furry dip shit Stop talking about them like their un


              2025-01-26 01:19:54 UTC 1
        • Replying to: 💀🥓97-CK1500🥓💀They have fur They stand up right Hey have ears, a tail an

          Following the same logic

          They are treated like normal pets for battles.

          They can’t speak, they can’t eat human food and they can’t work.

          Their bodies are not sexualized, only being able to tell whether they are male or female by details and color changes.

          They are made for a children’s anime, they have no purpose of being furry

          2025-01-25 20:16:27 UTC 0
          • Replying to: Rafa 47889Following the same logic They are treated like normal pets

            Dont be so mad about it

            2025-01-25 20:27:13 UTC 3
          • Replying to: Rafa 47889Following the same logic They are treated like normal pets

            2025-01-26 14:55:45 UTC 0
  • Martial furry 🐺🥋

  • Chakra Kurama 🦊 ☀️ and Kokuou 🐎

  • Isobu 🐢 // Gyuuki 🐙

  • “I am stronger than you”

  • Lucario vs Zeraora (57%)

  • Kurama 🦊 vs Godzilla 🦖

  • @ralph Another animation on my channel, I’m maintaining a frequency of 1 animation per month. What do you think?

  • ⚡ vs 🔩

  • Kurama 🦊 and Choumei 🪲

  • Replying to comment by: Ralph (Developer)don't you hate when a mf just throws a whole ass building a

    From a human perspective, it would be like someone throwing a ROAD ROLLER DA at you 🚜

  • Godzilla 🦖 vs Destoroyah 🦀

    • don’t you hate when a mf just throws a whole ass building at you

      2024-12-16 15:57:46 UTC 5
      • Replying to: Ralph (Developer)don't you hate when a mf just throws a whole ass building a

        From a human perspective, it would be like someone throwing a ROAD ROLLER DA at you 🚜

        2024-12-16 16:18:32 UTC 2
    • I know little to nothing about the monsterverse so forgive me, but what is that giant opening on destroyah’s body? Is it like a big toothy anus? Does he like it when I poke it?

      2024-12-16 16:41:30 UTC 1
      • Replying to: ⚙️Bootlegsnake⚙️I know little to nothing about the monsterverse so forgive m


        2024-12-17 02:30:18 UTC 2
      • Replying to: ⚙️Bootlegsnake⚙️I know little to nothing about the monsterverse so forgive m

        Are you blind? Of course it’s a big toothy anus but it is very sensitive to touch

        Trust me, I’ve tried it with a stick of my own

        2024-12-17 16:22:04 UTC 1
  • Blaze kick 🔥 vs eletric punch ⚡

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