1 [Note: In principio erat uerbum et uerbum erat apud deum. & deus erat uerbum. Hoc erat in principio apud deum. & reliqua. A. In principio erat uerbum, &c. B. ] On FRYMÐ WÆ word & þt word wæs mid gode & god wæs þt word.
2 þt wæs on fruman mid gode
3 ealle þing wæron geworhte ðurh hyne & nan þing næs geworht butan him.
4 þt wæs lïf þe on him geworht wæs. & þt lïf wæs manna leoht
5 & þt leoht lyht on ðystrum. & þystro þt ne genamon;
6 Mann wæs fram gode asend. þæs nama wæs iohannes.
7 ðes cöm to gewitnesse. þt he gewitnesse cyðde be ðam leohte. þt ealle menn þurh hyne gelyfdon;
8 Næs he leoht. ac þt he gewitnesse forð-bære be þam leohte;
9 Soð leoht wæs. þt onlyht ælcne cumendne man on þisne middan-eard.
10 he wæs on middan-earde. & middan-eard wæs geworht þurh hine. & middan-eard hine ne ge-cneow;
11 To his agenum he cöm. & hig hyne ne under-fengon;
12 Soðlice swa hwylce swa hyne under-fengon. he sealde him änweald þt hi wæron godes bearn þam ðe gelyfað on his naman.
13 ða ne synt acennede of blodum. ne of flæsces willan. ne of weres willan. ac hig synt of gode acennede;
14 And þt word wæs flæsc geworden & eardode on üs & we gesawon hys wuldor swylce äncennedes wuldor. of fæder þt wæs ful mid gyfe. & soðfæstnysse;
15 [Note: Ðys godspel gebyrað þrym wucon ær myddan wyntran on þone frige-dæg. Iesus testimonium. A. ] Iohannes cyþ gewitnesse be him & clypaþ þus cweðende. þes wæs þe ic sæde. Se ðe to cumenne is æfter me. wæs geworden beforan me. forðam he wæs ær þonne ïc;
16 And of his gefyllednesse we ealle onfengon gyfe for gyfe.
17 for-þam þe æ wæs geseald þurh moysen. & gyfu; & soþfæstnes is geworden þurh hælend crist.
18 Ne geseah næfre nan mann god butan se acenneda sunu hit cyðde se is on his fæder bearme
19 [Note: Ðys gebyrað on þone sunnan-dæg ær myddan wyntra. Miserunt iudei sacerdotes & leuites. A. Miserunt iudei sacerdotes & leuitas ab ierosolimis ad iohannen dicentes tu quis es. B. ] & þt is Iohannes gewitnes; Ða þa iudeas sendon hyra sacerdas & hyra diaconas fram gerusalem to him þt hi axsodon hine & þus cwædon; Hwæt eart þu.
20 & he cyðde & ne wið-soc & þus cwæð; Ne eom ic na crist;
21 And hig axsodon hine & þus cwædon. eart ðu elïas & he cwæð ne eom ic hit; Ða cwædon hï. eart ðu witega. & he andwyrde & cwæð nïc.
22 Hig cwædon to him hwæt eart þu þt we andwyrde bringon þam ðe us to þe sendon. hwæt segst þu be þe sylfum;
23 Hë cwæð. ic eom clypiendes stëfn on westene; Gerihtað drihtnes weg swa se witega isaias cwæð;
24 And þa þe þær äsende wæron. þa wæron of sundor-halgon.
25 & hig axsodon hine & cwædon to him. hwi fullast þu. gif þu ne art [cryst]. ne helïgas ne wïtega;
26 Iohannes him &swarode. ic fullige on wætere. tomiddes eow stöd þe ge ne cunnon.
27 he is þe æfter me toweard is; Se wæs geworden be-foran me. ne eom ic wyrðe þt ic unbinde his sceo-þwang;
28 Ðas ðing wæron gewordene on bethanïa begeondan iordanen þær iohannes fullode;
29 [Note: Ðys gebyrað on þone .viii. dæg godes ætywednysse. Uidit iohannes iesum uenientem ad se & ait. Ecce agnus dei. A. ] Oþre dæg iohannes geseah þone hælend to him cumende & cwæð; Her is godes lämb. her is se þe deð aweg middan-eardes synnæ.
30 þes is be ðam ic sæde æfter më cymð wer þe me beföran geworden wæs. forðam þe he wæs ær ðonne ic.
31 & ic hyne nyste. ac ic cöm & fullode on wætere to ðæm þt he wære geswutelud on israhela folce;
32 And Iohannes cyþde gewitnesse cweðende þt ic geseah nyðer-cumendne gäst of heofenum swa swa culfran. & wunode ofer hine.
33 & ic hine ne cüðe ac se þe me sende to fullianne on wætere. he cwæð to me ofer ðæne þe ðu gesyhst nyðer-stïgendne gast. & ofer hine wuniendne þt is se ðe fyllað on halgum gaste.
34 & ic geseah & gewitnesse cyðde þt þes is godes sunu;
35 [Note: Ðys sceal on sancte andreas mæsse-æfen. Stabat iohannes & ex discipulis eius duo. A. Stabat iohannes & ex discipulis eius duo & uidit iesum B. ] Eft oðre dæg stod iohannes & twëgen of his leorning-cnihtum.
36 & he cwæð þa he geseah þæne hælend gangende hër is godes lämb;
37 Ða gehyrdon hyne twegen leorning-cnihtas sprecende & fylidon þam hælende.
38 þa beseah se hælend & geseah hig him fyliende. & cwæð to him hwæt sëce gyt; Hi cwædon to him rabbi þt is gecweden & gereht lareow. hwar eardast ðu.
39 he cwæþ to him cumað & geseoþ; Hig comon & gesäwon hwar he wunode & mid him wunodon on ðam dæge. hit wæs þa seo teoðe tid;
40 Andreas simones broþur petrus wæs oþer of þam twam; Þa gehyrdon æt Iohanne & him fyligdon;
41 Ðes gemette ærost simonem his broðor & cwæð to him. we gemetton messiam þt is gereht crïst.
42 & hig læddon hine to þam hælende; Ða beheold se hælend hyne & cwæþ. þu eart sïmon iönan sunu þu bist genemned cephäs. þt is gereht petrus;
43 On mergen he wolde faran on galilea. & he gemette philippus. & se hælend cwæð to him fylig me.
44 Soþlice pHilippvs wæs fram bethzaida andreas ceastre & petres;
45 philippus gemette nathanael & cwæþ to him. we gemetton ðone hælend iosepes sunu of nazareth. þone wrat moyses & þa witegan on ðære .æ.
46 & nathanahel cwæð to him. mæg ænig þing godes beon of nazareth; Philippus cwæð to him. cum & geseoh;
47 Ða geseah se hælend nathanahel to him cumendne & cwæð be him. her is israhelisc wer on ðam nis nan facn;
48 Ða cwæð nathanahel to him hwanon cuðest ðu me. þa &swarode se hælend & cwæð to him; Ic geseah þe þa þu wære under þam fic-treöwe ærðam þe philippus þe clypode;
49 Him &swarode þa nathanahel & ðus cwæð. rabbï. þu eart godes sunu. & þu eart israhela cing.
50 þa cwæð se hælend to him. þu gesyhst mare þonne þis sy. forðam þe ðu gelyfdest; Ða ic cwæð þt ic gesawe þe under þam fïc-treowe.
51 & he sæde him; Soð ic secge eow ge ge-seoð opene heofonas & godes englas üp-stigende; & nyðer-stigende ofer mannes Sunu: