The University of Sydney
Sydney College of the Arts
Critical new media art is based on research-based art practice. It is both research-and process-oriented, so that the final result is not " completed " works (products) but rather process artifacts. This paper describes the artistic... more
Artistic research is still in its infancy and continues to pander to dominant institutional discourses of what research is. In particular artists too often 'borrow' methodologies from the sciences to justify their practice as research.... more
It is generally agreed that deconstruction in fashion was ushered in by the first major collections of Rei Kawakubo (Comme des Garcons) in the early 1980s. Kawakubo, together with Vivienne Westwood and Martin Margiela revolutionised... more
In many ways the two books under review here are part of the same book. Edward Scheer’s The Infinity Machine assumed its own subsequent autonomy once it transpired that the tome of Parr’s performances was reaching mammoth proportions, of... more
Queer Style offers an insight into queer fashionability by addressing the role that clothing has played in historical and contemporary lifestyles. From a fashion studies perspective, it examines the function of subcultural dress within... more
- by Adam Geczy
In October this year, Sandra Bridie 1 emailed me a sequence of questions. One of these stood out as being the most vital: what does art allow you to do? A provocation like this directs attention towards art's potential for opening up a... more
**This is a 20 page extract ** For full copy of the book, visit 'A Published Event: Lost Rocks' website : Sandstone is a book of creative non-fiction based upon... more
This essay articulates connections between sculpture, geology and the social through a philosophical concept of individuation developed by philosopher Gilbert Simondon. It addresses materiality’s deeply temporal dimensions in order to... more
material adventures, spatial productions: manoeuvring sculpture towards a proliferating event
An expanded conclusion, divided into two parts: MANOEUVRING SCULPTURE articulates the ways that sculpture has been manoeuvred towards becoming an event through a series of methodologies, thereby addressing the first research question,... more
Animating time and space: scientific virtual modelling, microscopy time-lapse and the fifth dimension. As a visual artist I am exploring methods of contemporary scientific research and digital technologies that create new ways of... more
Animating time and space: scientific virtual modelling, microscopy time-lapse and the fifth dimension. As a visual artist I am exploring methods of contemporary scientific research and digital technologies that create new ways of... more