Large organizations often partner with local nonprofits that are uniquely positioned to mobilize quickly, leveraging their deep understanding of community needs and established trust with residents.
In emergencies, when every minute counts, research shows family, friends and neighbors are often saving lives. These local efforts go uncounted, yet they’re crucial.
This unofficial and invisible safety net is widespread and operates at all income levels. But no one knows the actual scale of this web of informal transactions.
Zachary Morris, Stony Brook University (The State University of New York)
About 1 in 4 of the people with blindness or low vision who were surveyed said they spent less on food to be able to afford expenses associated with their disability.
Erin K. McFee, National Defense University and Jonathan Röders, London School of Economics and Political Science
What’s missing in most donor evaluations is a participatory approach to measurement and evaluation that asks local communities what matters to them and then adapts evaluation frameworks accordingly.
Unlike other big tech companies, OpenAI is the for-profit subsidiary of a nonprofit overseen by the nonprofit’s board of directors. Many media outlets report that this arrangement could soon change.
Associate Professor of Philanthropic Studies and Donald A. Campbell Chair in Fundraising Leadership, Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Indiana University
Professor of Economics and Philanthropic Studies; Associate Dean for Research and International Programs, Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Indiana University