Archives for 2010
Siebrand Weitenberg: De Verwondering
November 26, 2010
This thursday me and some colleagues went to Pulchri Studio, an art gallery in The Hague, where painter and teacher Siebrand Weitenberg is currently showing some of his works in an exposition called “De Verwondering” (The Wondering).
364 words.
November 22, 2010
When I arrived at Sogyo for my first interview, I was a little early, so I was offered a cup of coffee and asked to wait a few moments.
150 words.
November 15, 2010
I found this really clean theme that I decided to try out on this blog. Its called plaintxtblog.
170 words.
Boinc milestone: 100.000 points
November 14, 2010
A new Boinc milestone for me today: 100.000 points. That’s more points than 88.264% of all Boinc contributors.
157 words.
Tech support
October 15, 2010
I guess we’ve all had our share of ignorant customer support
93 words.
Diaspora on Arch
September 16, 2010
Diaspora (also Diaspora*) is an open-source personal web server software intended to provide a distributed social networking service, a decentralized alternative to Facebook.
478 words.
Bad, bad Powerpoint
August 26, 2010
A couple of days ago, someone in my vicinity needed to create a Powerpoint presentation with lots and lots of JPEG files. She was doing this on a netbook which is usually pretty fast, but after adding a couple of pictures, she noticed it slowing down to a crawl.
353 words.
KDevelop 4: first steps
August 25, 2010
My desktop environment of choice is KDE, and recently I thought of developing a plasmoid, so I decided to check out KDevelop 4
259 words.
Scarlett Thomas, The End of Mr. Y
August 24, 2010
A while ago, I read PopCo, also by Scarlett Thomas, and I found it a fantastic read. It had a compelling and believable story and it gave me lots to think about, which is basically all I need from a book. I was therefore looking forward to reading The End of Mr. Y. I’m afraid I didn’t quite like it as much.
947 words.
Martin Bril, De kleine keizer
August 24, 2010
The book is easily readable (except for a couple of untranslated citations in French) and Bril tells a couple of illustrative anecdotes, but I fail to see the point of this book.
205 words.
Site unreliabilty
June 03, 2010
This site will be completely unreliable for the next (and past) few days, due to my house being more or less rebuild.
71 words.
Lucid breaks Firefox Flash plugin (+solution)
May 05, 2010
After upgrading their Ubuntu 9.10 machine to 10.4 (Lucid Lynx), someone in my neighbourhood noticed that Flash had stopped working in Firefox.
49 words.
X Forwarding and sudo
May 05, 2010
I administrate a remote linux machine of someone I know who now and then needs me to help him out. But whenever I become another user on that machine, using su or sudo, X forwarding stops working.
259 words.
The consumer’s responsibility
May 02, 2010
As I understand it, lots of Greeks seem to be under the impression that they are not to blame for their country’s current problems.
92 words.
A day at Emmen Zoo
April 04, 2010
Two weeks ago I visited the Zoo in Emmen (links to Dutch site), where one week earlier an Indian elephant was born.
117 words.
Crea concert: Shostakovitch, Debussy, Nielsen
March 19, 2010
The Amsterdam CREA orchestra will be performing Shostakovitch's seventh at the Dominicuskerk in Amsterdam, March 17th and 19th.
0 words.
New theme
March 14, 2010
I changed themes today, mainly because the default WordPress theme I used only has a single side bar and the text column is too small.
113 words.
Amsterdam from space!
March 06, 2010
An astronaut on board the ISS took a picture of my town.
24 words.
Boinc: 30.000 credits!
March 06, 2010
One of the things that I use this server for, except serving the blog you’re reading right now, is performing calculations for various projects that need computer resources but don’t have the money to spend.
288 words.
Netbeans ignores class (+solution)
March 03, 2010
The weirdest thing happened while I was programming with my favorite IDE, Netbeans 6.8, today.
143 words.