Posts with tag privacy
Privacy policy
May 05, 2024
Someone got a 404 Not found when requesting my privacy problem. Here's why.
321 words.
Creating a PDA in 2024
March 21, 2024
This is a follow-up post on my earlier post about why using a PDA in 2024 is a good idea. I assembled all the notes I made when I set it up, and put them here for (a) myself so that I can look things up when I need to go back and do (part of) it again, and (b) you to see if this is something you'd want to set up and use.
951 words.
Why don’t I embed video’s?
February 28, 2024
I don’t want to function as a way for YouTube to steal your data. This is why I don’t embed videos from other sites.
214 words.
Diaspora on Arch
September 16, 2010
Diaspora (also Diaspora*) is an open-source personal web server software intended to provide a distributed social networking service, a decentralized alternative to Facebook.
478 words.
Let’s give away some more civil rights
December 30, 2009
We give up irresponsible amounts or our civil rights into the hands of those we put in charge of our safety, because they deem it necessary, and when they screw up, the solution is to give up more privacy?
310 words.