The solar dynamo continues to pose a challenge to observers and theoreticians. Observations of the solar surface reveal a magnetic field with a complex, hierarchical structure consisting of widely different scales. Systematic features... more
In a recent paper numerical simulations of a 2D mean-field model where shown to produce grand minima, typical of the long-term behavior of solar magnetic activity. The model consisted of a dynamo that features an α effect based on the... more
The role of the dynamo layer for dynamo action in solar-type stars is discussed. As a result of instabilities, magnetic flux is expelled from the dynamo layer into the convection zone above it. The resulting partial evacuation of the... more
We show that toroidal magnetic uxtubes can provide ane ect only if they are unstable to small displacements, a criterium that is met for uxtubes in the solar overshoot layer with eld strengths larger than about 10 5 G. A magnetic... more
The origin of the solar magnetic field remains a stubborn challenge of astrophysics. At the solar surface the magnetic field assumes a complex, hierarchical structure in space and time. Systematic features such as the solar cycle and the... more
Lattice gas automata are used to model transport phenomena in random media with static disorder. If the interactions are repulsive, there is a large probability of backscattering or retracing collision sequences. In that case the... more
We present numerical simulations of three-dimensional compressible magnetoconvection in a rotating rectangular box that represents a section of the solar convection zone. The box contains a convectively unstable layer, surrounded by... more
We study the pumping of magnetic flux in three-dimensional compressible magnetoconvection in the context of stellar dynamos. The simulation domain represents a rectangular section from the lower part of a stellar convection zone plus the... more
In der Seleukidenzeit waren die Tempel Babyloniens Zentren der Gelehrsamkeit, wo sich spezialisierte Schreiber mit Astronomie, Astrologie, und anderen Bereichen der mesopotamischen Wissenskultur beschäftigten. Die Kolophone der gelehrten... more
Numerical simulations of a 2D mean-field model are presented which show that grand minima, typical for the longterm behaviour of solar magnetic activity, can be produced by a dynamo that features an alpha effect based on the buoyancy... more
Aims. The Strouhal number (St), which is a nondimensional measure of the correlation time, is determined from numerical models of convection. The Strouhal number arises in the mean-field theories of angular momentum transport and magnetic... more
We show that the cycle periods (P cyc ) of slowly rotating lower main-sequence stars with well-defined periodic chromospheric activity can be parametrized by the rotation period P rot and the convective turnover time τ c through a... more
Like no other cultural achievement, astronomy stands out as a legacy of Babylon. The Chaldaean astronomer, a stock character of the biblical and classical literature, is the personification of that legacy. 1 In this contribution I... more