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International Trade Administration
The International Trade Administration (ITA) is your U.S. government resource for competing in the global marketplace.

About Us

Who we are

♦ Our Mission

Create prosperity by strengthening the international competitiveness of U.S. industry, promoting trade and investment, and ensuring fair trade and compliance with trade laws and agreements.

♦ Our Focus 

  • Promote U.S. exports
  • Attract inbound investment
  • Provide actionable data and information
  • Defend against unfair trade

♦ Our People

Our trade experts and professional staff - approximately 2,200 employees - are positioned in more than 100 U.S. cities and 80 international markets.

Our Organization

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Global Markets (GM)

We assist and advocate for U.S. businesses in international markets, and help global companies invest in the United States.

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Industry & Analysis (I&A)

We produce in-depth trade analyses and engage with industries on trade strategies.

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Enforcement & Compliance (E&C)

We work to ensure a level playing field for U.S. industries by defending against unfair trade and ensuring compliance with existing trade agreements.

Our Customers

If you are looking to grow your business through exports, seeking market analysis, facing a trade issue, or pursuing an opportunity, we are here to help.
Group of workers from Element 119
Czech Out Element 119's Success

Dave Bertnag from Element 119 said the resources ITA provided were “a great asset to our small company saving us a lot of time…”

Molly Ray Exports
Global Digital Strategy Yields Surge in Web Visits for Seattle-based Fragrance Firm

Molly Ray Parfums said after attending an ITA event, “You’ve been so awesome in all of our work together, I couldn’t have done it without you this year!”

The Total Package: ITA Helps Packaging Machinery Reflect Excellence by Design

Our Market Development Cooperator Program (MDCP) awarded funds to help set standards that make sure packaging machines are safe and produce high-quality output.

Our Leadership

The International Trade Administration is led by the appointed Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade. Learn more about ITA's executive leadership team.
Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade (Vacant)
Office of the Under Secretary
Deputy Under Secretary, Diane Farrell
Diane Farrell

Deputy Under Secretary

Diane Farrell oversees ITA’s daily operations, plans, policies, and budget. She is a dedicated leader and advocate for U.S. businesses.