Yalcin Kaya
Prof Dr Yalcin KAYA is a professor from Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey. He has longer carrier and experience on plant breeding and genetics and developed many sunflower hybrids and lines. He has worked in Trakya Agricultural Research Institute, Turkey as National Sunflower Coordinator and as Project leader for over 20 years and institute deputy director. He had M Sc in Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, US, and Post Doc on sunflower breeding in USDA Sunflower Lab at Fargo, ND, US. Now he is Plant Breeding Research Center director and Genetic Engineering Dept. Head in Trakya University. He is currently FAO Sunflower Research Coordinator. He is also former President of Turkish Plant Breeders Union and International Sunflower Association. He published more than 250 articles including book chapters, papers and communications.
Supervisors: Prof Dr David Baltensperger, Dr Jerry Miller, and Prof Dr Ibrahim ATAKISI
Phone: + 90 284 226 12 18
Address: Trakya University Engineering Faculty, Genetic and Bioengineering Dept. Edirne, Turkey
Supervisors: Prof Dr David Baltensperger, Dr Jerry Miller, and Prof Dr Ibrahim ATAKISI
Phone: + 90 284 226 12 18
Address: Trakya University Engineering Faculty, Genetic and Bioengineering Dept. Edirne, Turkey
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Papers by Yalcin Kaya
ve Karadeniz Bölgesi'nde en çok yetiştirilen, en çok tüketilen ve üretilen yağlı tohumdur. Bölgede aynı zamanda dünya ayçiçeği üretiminin de %60'dan fazlasını üretilmektedir. Orijini Amerika da olsa, ayçiçeği Rus araştırmacılar tarafından yağ bitkisi olarak geliştirilmiş ve ilk olarak bu bölgedeki yetiştiriciler tarafından üretilmiştir. Ayçiçeği, kumlu, çorak tuzlu ve kayalık topraklara kadar yetişen yabani akrabalarından gelen genetik çeşitliliği daha fazla koruduğu için, çok kuru ve normal mevsimsel yağışla birçok değişik bölgelerde yetişebilir (Skoric, 2012; Kaya ve ark., 2012; 2020).
Ayçiçeği, ülkemizde ve dünyada yazlık ve genelde sulanmadan
yetiştirildiğinden kuraklık, aşırı sıcaklık vb çevresel faktörlerden en fazla
etkilenen bitkilerden biridir. Ülkemizde ilkbaharda ekilen ayçiçeğinin ilk gelişme döneminde ihtiyacı olan su miktarı, kış yağışlarıyla toprakta biriken sudan karşılanmaktadır. Tane verimi için kuraklık açısından en kritik periyot, Haziran-Temmuz ayları olup, bu dönem tabla oluşumundan başlayıp, tane dolumunu da içerisine almaktadır (Kaya ve ark., 2005, 2012; 2020; Skoric, 2012; Sahin ve ark., 2020). Yapılan araştırmalarda ayçiçeğinde bu kritik dönemde kuraklığın 5 haftadan fazla sürmesi durumunda, kuraklığın önemli verim kayıplarına yol açtığı, tozlanmayı durdurduğu ve yağ verimini de etkilediği bildirilmiştir (Hussain ve ark., 2000; Fernandez ve ark, 2009; Skoric 2012).
ve Karadeniz Bölgesi'nde en çok yetiştirilen, en çok tüketilen ve üretilen yağlı tohumdur. Bölgede aynı zamanda dünya ayçiçeği üretiminin de %60'dan fazlasını üretilmektedir. Orijini Amerika da olsa, ayçiçeği Rus araştırmacılar tarafından yağ bitkisi olarak geliştirilmiş ve ilk olarak bu bölgedeki yetiştiriciler tarafından üretilmiştir. Ayçiçeği, kumlu, çorak tuzlu ve kayalık topraklara kadar yetişen yabani akrabalarından gelen genetik çeşitliliği daha fazla koruduğu için, çok kuru ve normal mevsimsel yağışla birçok değişik bölgelerde yetişebilir (Skoric, 2012; Kaya ve ark., 2012; 2020).
Ayçiçeği, ülkemizde ve dünyada yazlık ve genelde sulanmadan
yetiştirildiğinden kuraklık, aşırı sıcaklık vb çevresel faktörlerden en fazla
etkilenen bitkilerden biridir. Ülkemizde ilkbaharda ekilen ayçiçeğinin ilk gelişme döneminde ihtiyacı olan su miktarı, kış yağışlarıyla toprakta biriken sudan karşılanmaktadır. Tane verimi için kuraklık açısından en kritik periyot, Haziran-Temmuz ayları olup, bu dönem tabla oluşumundan başlayıp, tane dolumunu da içerisine almaktadır (Kaya ve ark., 2005, 2012; 2020; Skoric, 2012; Sahin ve ark., 2020). Yapılan araştırmalarda ayçiçeğinde bu kritik dönemde kuraklığın 5 haftadan fazla sürmesi durumunda, kuraklığın önemli verim kayıplarına yol açtığı, tozlanmayı durdurduğu ve yağ verimini de etkilediği bildirilmiştir (Hussain ve ark., 2000; Fernandez ve ark, 2009; Skoric 2012).
IJIAAR is indexed and abstracted in Bielefeld Academic Search Engine BASE; Index Copernicus World List; Scilit; ROAD Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources; Crossref; Google Scholar; Directory of Research Journals Indexing; Cite Factor; Scientific Indexing Services (SIS); Journal Factor; Eurasian Scientific Journal Index.
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IJIAAR is a Crossref Member and gives DOI number to the accepted manuscript.
Peer-review policy: All relevant submissions will undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and doubly-anonymized refereeing by at least two referees.
Editör Prof. Dr. Yalçın Kaya
Foundation Year 2017
e-ISSN 2602-4772
DOI Prefix 10.29329/ijiaar
Owner Pen Academic Publishing™
THDSoft Tayfun Taşbilek
Address Pen Academic Publishing™
THDSoft Tayfun Taşbilek
Çanakkale Teknopark Yerleşkesi No:276/J2, PK: 17100 Sarıcaeli Kampüsü
Çanakkale / Turkey
November 6-7, 2019
Lviv, Ukraine
“World Oilseed Congress” is a premier international science, bringing together producers, trade, industry, technology and business focusing on oilseeds. The program will include a plenary session on oilseed production, markets, economics and the policies and regulations governing oil trade. The technical sessions will highlight invited and oral presentations on congress topics.
The congress will be green congress basis so as much as less papers will be used and with carrying out our environment.
Congress language is ENGLISH.
Congress Topics:
• All oilseeds (Sunflower, Canola, Peanut, Flax, Sesame, Cottonseed, Castor, Palm, Olive and other oilseeds) production, breeding, agronomy, biotechnology, etc.
• World oilseed and oil trade,
• Oilseed and Oil chemistry
• Oilseed and Oil Industry and sector
• Oilseed and Oil equipment
• Nutrition and Lipids
• Processing and Industrial Applications
• Food Applications and Products
• Methods and Standards
Prof Dr Aziz TEKIN, President of Oil Science and Technology Association, Turkey (YABITED), Dean of Engineering Faculty, Ankara University, Turkey, Euro Fed Lipid Board Member
Metin YURDAGUL, President of Margarine Producers and Industry Association, Turkey (MUMSAD),
Dr. Leonardo VELASCO, Director of IAS-CSIC, Córdoba, Spain, EUCARPIA Oilseed Coordinator
Prof. Dr Maria DUCA, Rector of University of National Academy of Sci. Moldova
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nooduan MUANGSAN, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand
Prof. Dr. Nurhan T. DUNFORD, Oklahoma State University, USA
Deadlines of Abstract Submission ~ August 1st 2019
Deadlines of Full Paper Submission ~ November 1st 2019
Deadlines for Early Registration ~ May 31st 2019
Congress Dates ~ November 6-7, 2019
Early Registration fee for Academicians & Researchers 125 Euro, Students for 75 Euro
Early Registration fee for Industry 200 Euro, Late registration 250 Euro
Registration Fee covers attending of all Congress sessions, Congress materials (bag, flash memory, etc.), coffee breaks, lunches, transfers between the congress center and hotels during the Congress (November 6th – 7th), city excursion in November 7th and gala dinner on November 7th.
Congress papers will be published in Congress Abstract of Proceeding Book. Additionally, the participants are encouraged to send their full papers that after the Congress are going to be published in indexed International Scientific Journals or Congress Proceeding Book.
Abstract submission and registration link is below. http://oilseed.congress.gen.tr/
You can get more information from our web page. https://worldoilseed.org/
Wait you to attend in our congress…
See you in Lviv, Ukraine..
Prof. Dr. Yalcin KAYA
Chair of Organizing Committee
Edirne, Turkey, September 2-5, 2018
This conference is a premier international science, technology and business forum focusing on Agriculture, Biology and Life Science. The technical sessions will highlight invited and volunteer oral presentations. The best presentations and posters for both for academic participants and also students will be selected and awarded in three categories as Agriculture, Biology and Life Science. The students are strongly encouraged to submit an application for the student poster award also. Three student posters will be selected to receive 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd place monetary awards and a certificate during the conference also. The conference will be green conference basis so as much as less papers will be used and with carrying out our environment. Abstract book will be published in as electronic book in flash memory sticks which will be distributed during the conference. On the other, poster will be prepared electronically and submit via web page and will be exhibited in electronic poster panels. The attendees will have ample opportunities for learning, reconnecting, engaging and networking with colleagues in academia and industry and meet with exhibitors.
September 2-5, 2018 organized by Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey,
This conference is a premier international science, technology and business forum focusing on Agriculture, Biology and Life Science. The technical sessions will highlight invited and volunteer oral presentations. The best presentations and posters for both for academic participants and also students will be selected and awarded in three categories as Agriculture, Biology and Life Science. The students are strongly encouraged to submit an application for the student poster award also. Three student posters will be selected to receive 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd place monetary awards and a certificate during the conference also. The conference will be green conference basis so as much as less papers will be used and with carrying out our environment. Abstract book will be published in as electronic book in flash memory sticks which will be distributed during the conference. On the other, poster will be prepared electronically and submit via web page and will be exhibited in electronic poster panels. The attendees will have ample opportunities for learning, reconnecting, engaging and networking with colleagues in academia and industry and meet with exhibitors.
The conference will be organized by Trakya University and International Sunflower Association in Edirne which is so lovely, historical and a border city in the European part of Turkey..
flowering stage were found №14, followed by №PL, №12, Mir and №6, Tore, №13, №11. The difference in days was 13. For the location B the earliest lines at the beginning of flowering stage were found №14, №PL, №12A, Mir, №6, Tore and №11. The difference in days was 16. Vegetation period of the genotypes studied was found shorter for the location B with 17 days despite the late sowing data. For both locations the earliest lines/cultivars were found №14 (coef. 1.00, followed by №PL (coef. 1.42), №12A (coef. 1.46), Mir (coef. 1.50) and №6 (coef. 1.60). From the tested samples pea line №14 and №PL were highly productive in grain. Lines
№6, №12A and the Taskent variety were responsive with average grain yield. Therefore, the line №14 and line №PL are of interest for both earliness and grain productivity. The data obtained can be a contribution to the selection of winter forage pea to create new genotypes with pronounced both early maturity and grain productivity.
AGBIOL 2021 Conference
September 1-3, 2020, Edirne, Turkey
The first AGBIOL conference has been organized in 2018 in Edirne, Turkey by Trakya University, with over 400 participants. Our conference is a premier international science, technology and business forum focusing on Agriculture, Biology and Life Sciences.
AGBIOL 2020 Conference was organized online in September 1-3, 2020 in Edirne, Turkey due to Covid 19 conditions with 480 abstracts with 1100 authors from 55 different countries in all parts of the world. Our e-conference was one of the biggest online conferences in recent years in the world with 333 oral, 147 e-poster presentations.
The Organizing Committee of AGBIOL 2021 considers the health, safety, and security of its conference attendees and community as its top priority. Due to an uncertain COVID-19 situation, which results in a very difficult travel restriction for most countries and the fact that there is no definite end in sight, with a careful consideration in all aspects, AGBIOL 2021 will be on-line as digital event, in lieu of an in-person event and with limited participation in controlled conditions.
The AGBIOL 2021 conference will be organized by Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey focusing on Agriculture, Biology and Life Sciences topics, on September 1-3, 2021. The event will be held in TU Balkan Congress Center in Edirne, Turkey. The program will include oral talks by invited prominent scientists as well selected topics from the submitted abstracts.
The preferable conference presentation language is English, but Turkish, French and Russian will be also acceptable. Same language presentations will be organized in separate virtual or normal sessions.
However, please keep in mind that all the submitted abstracts and full papers must be in English only.
The participants with paid conference fee will be able to access all the virtual presentation talks in each session, as well as to visit the virtual poster hall via preliminary provided participant ID and codes for online participants as well as for normal participants in conference site.
Abstract deadline is July 21st, 2021.
The selected abstracts will be published in the Conference Abstract and Proceedings Book. Participants might send us their full papers, which based on their preferences will be published either in our Conference Abstract and Proceedings Book or in selected International Indexed Scientific Journals.
The best five selected full papers related to food science will be published in SCI indexed Journal; Journal of Food Processing and Preservation
The best three selected full papers related to soil science and plant nutrients will be published in Scopus indexed Journal; Eurasian Journal of Soil Science
There is other options also to publish your papers in our international indexed journals too.
All virtual and normal participants will receive participation certificates and a copy of Conference Abstract and Proceedings Book, which will be send as PDF file via e-mail.
Conference fee:
Early registration (before 21st July) – 100 Euro;
Late registration (after 21st July) – 150 Euro;
Students early registration – 50 Euro;
Students late registration – 75 Euro;
Turkish participants early registration – 400 TL (students – 200 TL)
Turkish participants late registration – 600 TL (students – 300 TL)
See you in our conference!
Prof Dr Yalcin KAYA
Chair of Organizing Committee
(standard) were studied in terms of ripeness and yield of grain and green mass. The study was
performed in the experimental field of Institute of Forage Crops - Pleven, Bulgaria (2016-
2018). The occurrence of the phenological stages beginning of flowering, full flowering, and
technical maturity (days) was monitored. At the full bottom pods stage the green mass yield
(kg/da), and at the technical maturity stage the grain yield (kg/da) were recorded. The line No.
14 (vegetation period 218 days) was found to develop faster than other lines. Plants from this
line enter the flowering stage much earlier than the Mir variety and reach technological maturity
at the earliest. At ripeness, the lines are arranged: line No. 14 (218 days), line No. 12А (222
days), Mir variety (224 days), line No. 6 (225 days) and line No. 13 (233 days). Lines No. 13
and PL managed in the most unfavorable environment to fully manifest their biological
potential and to accumulate more green mass (2007 and 2059 kg/da, respectively). In terms of
grain yield, line No. 14 exceeds the standard by 35.42% on average over the period. Grain yield
after it, lines No. 6 and 12А are ranked, with an excess of 21.53% and 20.83% respectively.
For breeding purposes line No. 14 may be used in terms of ripeness, lines No. 14, 2А and 6 in
terms of grain yield. The study is a contribution to the selection for the creation of new
genotypes of forage peas with pronounced ripeness, increased ecological stability of both, green
mass and grains.
üzere 51 türden oluşmaktadır. Ayçiçeği (Helianthus annuus L.), dünyada ve
ülkemizde en önemli yağ bitkilerinden biridir. Artan nüfusa paralel olarak
ülkemizin bitkisel yağ ihtiyacı da yükselmekte olup, bitkisel yağ tüketiminde çoğunlukla ayçiçeği yağını tercihi ve son yıllarda artan yağ açığımız, ülkemizde ayçiçeğinin önemi giderek arttırmaktadır. Fazla bir adaptasyon kabiliyeti olmasına rağmen, ayçiçeği alanları yeterli olmayıp, birim alandan elde edilen gelir de çeşitli nedenlerden dolayı beklenenden düşük olmaktadır. Bu nedenle, ayçiçeğinin geniş alanlarda ekiminin yayılmasının mutlak teşvik edilmesi gereklidir.
Ayçiçeği üretiminde büyük problemlere yol açan orobanş, mildiyö ve diğer
bazı hastalıklara karşı geliştirilen genetik dayanıklı hibritlerin yanı sıra, hem
orobanşı, hem de yaygın yabancı otları kontrol eden Clearfield System
(Imidazolinone (IMI)) ve ayrıca Sulfonlyurea (SU) herbisitlerine dayanıklı
hibritlerin kullanımı son zamanlarda ayçiçeği üretiminde karlılığı arttırmıştır. Bu katkıların çoğu yabani ayçiçeği genetik kaynaklarından elde edilen genlerden elde edilmiştir. Ayçiçeği son yıllarda olumsuz iklim değişikliklerine karşı daha fazla tolerans göstermekte olup, yine dünyada yağlı tohumlara olan talebin artmasına da bağlı olarak Karadeniz bölgesinde ekim alanlarını ve üretimini artırmıştır (Kaya, 2014; Kaya ve Vasilevska-Ivanova, 2021).
dayanıklılığı kırmakta, çok küçük ve fazla sayıda tohumlarıyla kolayca yayılarak ayçiçeği alanlarında değişik ülkelerde hızlıca ağır epidemilere yol açmaktadır (Kaya, 2014a, 2014b). Orobanşın çok zararlı olmasının nedeni; tohumlarının su, rüzgâr, böcekler veya diğer ajanlar tarafından hızlı ve kolay bir şekilde yayılması ayrıca çiçeklerinin binlerce tohum oluşturabilmesi ve bu tohumların boyutlarının çok küçük olmasıdır. Üstelik bu tohumlar yeniden çimlenebilmek neslini devam ettirmek amacıyla toprakta yıllarca uyku döneminde kalabilirler. Bu yüzden
ayçiçeği üreticileri ve araştırıcıları için çok büyük bir tehdit olarak görülmektedir (Fernández-Martínez vd., 2015).