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User talk:Shirayuki

From translatewiki.net

Welcome to translatewiki.net!

Hi Shirayuki. Welcome to translatewiki.net!

You can now start translating.

You should also check the portal for your language, the link is in the sidebar. Other useful pages are linked in the menu next to this message.

Your translations are transferred to the standard product every few days or every few weeks, depending on the product. Please notice that it may take longer before you see your translation in the actual product.

We wish you a productive and pleasant stay. Please leave any questions on Support (the link is also available on any page, in the navigation sidebar). Cheers!

-- WelcomeMessageBot (talk) 07:37, 29 January 2012 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
HELP US change to HELP US/KY107:10, 22 February 2022
HELP US change to HELP US/KY (2)007:04, 22 February 2022
ローマ字121:39, 11 August 2021
Template:Optional312:46, 22 December 2020
Small i18n fixes216:11, 28 September 2015
ContentTranslation111:57, 22 June 2015
Sirayukiさんへ015:48, 11 November 2014
Wikimedia:Wikipedia-android-strings-app_store_description/ja101:05, 7 July 2014
VisualEditor message reuse012:37, 29 June 2014
help006:43, 24 January 2014
poor quality translation110:31, 22 January 2014
Your help is needed016:15, 31 December 2013
Support request and project011:09, 31 December 2013
Thank you from Blockly!717:59, 17 December 2013
Please add full triage templates017:50, 2 December 2013
Blockly English221:37, 21 October 2013
luri lrc307:30, 25 September 2013
Why message "proofreadpage-disambiguationspage" is translated "Aimai" in Japanese?110:45, 28 August 2013
Sorry for the mess017:08, 19 August 2013
Thanks for your patches712:21, 6 August 2013
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HELP US change to HELP US/KY

Edited by another user.
Last edit: 06:59, 22 February 2022

Hi, how I can change "help us" from english to 'help us/ky' kyrgyz language? Here kyrgyz text:

Биз ар дайым ыктыярчыларга муктажбыз,  translatewiki.net ресурсун мындан ары жакшыртуу жана туруктуу абалда кармоого Сиз салымыңызды кошо аласыз.
Эгер Сиз бизге жардам бергиңиз келсе же кошулгуңуз келсе анда биз менен байланышыңыз.
Айрыкча бизге PHP-усталар жана бул уикини өркүндөтүүгө, аны менен бирге эле  '''[[Todo|пландаштырылгын иштерди]]''' аткарууда, документ топтоодо адамдарды талап кылабыз.
Эгерде Сиз кандайдыр бир usability катасын оңдоп-түздөөгө же жөн гана бизге билгизүүгө жардам берсеңиз соонун болмок; эгерде Сизде учурда кандайдыр бир ойлор жок болуп турса, анда биздин долбоорлорду  [[mw:Internationalization жана localization tools]] карап, окуп чыгыңыз, аны менен катар пикириңизди билдирсеңиз болот.
Эгерде биз бир нерсени айтпай унутуп калган болсок, уялбастан кайрылыңыз жана билдириңиз бизге.

Биз колдонгон кодду бул шилтемеден таба аласыз: [[mw:Download from Git|MediaWiki кампасы]] ([https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/gitweb?p=translatewiki.git;a=tree browse]). [[mw:Help:Extension:Translate|Колдонуу жана түздөп-оңдоо документтери]] ошондой эле [http://translatewiki.net/docs/Translate/html/ интерактивдүү маалымат] түрүндө.

Жаңы функцияларды кошуп же алып салуудагы чечиле элек маселелер бул жакта:'''[[issues and features]]''' жана, ошондой эле мында бар [https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/buglist.cgi?resolution=---&resolution=LATER&resolution=DUPLICATE&query_format=advanced&component=Translate&product=MediaWiki%20extensions bugzilla].

==Кошумча маалымат ==
* [[Special:FirstSteps]] биздин котормочуларга кошулуу бардыгы үчүн ачык
* [[:Category:Supported projects]] конкреттүү долбоорлор тууралуу маалыматтар, суроо-жооптор бул жакта

Maksat (talk)09:21, 30 August 2013

This old message contained a rendering with categorization. It was just changed ot use preformatted text, in order to remove this categorization of the thread. The page Help us/ky was in fact created a long time ago by you on 30 August 2013 (just one minute after you posted this message), and this cleanup allows cleanup of closed requests.

Verdy p (talk)07:07, 22 February 2022

HELP US change to HELP US/KY (2)

Edited by another user.
Last edit: 07:04, 22 February 2022

(duplicate message removed)

Maksat (talk)09:21, 30 August 2013



Ajeje Brazorf (talk)21:16, 11 August 2021

いいえ。日本語のポータルサイトは Portal:Ja です。

Shirayuki (talk)21:39, 11 August 2021


Template:Optional is strange and dysfunctional, and I'm not sure how to fix it.

It was recently changed to use "system messages" i18n-template-optional-1 and i18n-template-optional-2, but this doesn't actually work because they are not real system messages.

I tried to revert it to the change before it, but this doesn't totally help either because I see a "Template loop detected" error when it's rendered in the message documentation pane.

Do you happen to know how to fix it? You were involved in editing that template in the past, and you understand localized templates better than I do :)


Amir E. Aharoni (talk)07:46, 22 December 2020

It's because that MediaWiki:i18n-template-optional-1 and MediaWiki:i18n-template-optional-2 messages are not existed due to AbuseFilter problem. I'm sorry for breaking the translation.

Edit: I have reverted all my edits from the translations. I thought it could work for one language page, but it was disappointing.

MuratTheTurkish (talk)12:03, 22 December 2020

I have prepared Template:Optional for translation. Request a translation administrator to mark the page for translation.

Shirayuki (talk)12:46, 22 December 2020

Small i18n fixes

Hello, are you still interested in sending patches to gerrit for small i18n fixes like typos and maybe gender/plural? We have quite a queue now and I'm trying to decide how to handle it.

Nemo (talk)11:27, 3 April 2015

Purodha has found several, as I hinted. I'm making a list of the quick ones which we don't need the maintainers' help, feel free to "steal" some from Purodha. :) See the list at User:Purodha.

Nemo (talk)10:35, 14 May 2015

Yay! Today we got your last open patch merged. Thanks again.

Nemo (talk)16:11, 28 September 2015


Hi Shirayuki!

I'd like to use this opportunity to thank you for all the enormous help that you are providing here. It's really, really valuable.

I have one particular request if you have some time: We are enhancing the testing of the ContentTransation extension in the Japanese language.

Can you please complete its localization some time?


Amir E. Aharoni (talk)08:39, 19 February 2015

Hi Shirayuki,

We are enabling this beta feature in the Japanese Wikipedia tomorrow, and it would be great to get it as fully translated as possible. There are just 42 untranslated strings left, so it should take less than an hour ;)


Amir E. Aharoni (talk)11:57, 22 June 2015


今日は。先日はアドバイスありがとうございました。 少しまとめてポータルを読み、翻訳者の皆さんの名前を見つけたのでご挨拶しています。 翻訳は楽しいですが私はIT育ちでないのでウィキペディアは異世界です(^^;) 生き物が好きなのでEOLに集中するつもりでいます。これからよろしくお願いいたします。


SkyDaisy9 (talk)15:48, 11 November 2014


- ウィキペディアゼロ: ウィキペディアゼロのプログラムに参加している携帯電話会社においては、データ通信料金がかかりません

ここの編集で「(現在のところ日本国内では利用できません)」という文字列を「※for Japanese speakers in foreign countries」というコメント付きで削除しておられますが、「この文字列を削除する」ことが「for Japanese speakers in foreign countries」であるということについて、意図をお聞かせ願えますでしょうか。 その文字列を追加したのは私の判断で、その意図としては以下のようになります。

Androidを日本語で利用しているユーザー、日本語話者の多くは日本に住んでいます。海外に住む日本語話者よりも圧倒的に多いでしょう。それらの人たちが注釈なしで「ウィキペディアゼロのプログラムに参加している携帯電話会社においては、データ通信料金がかかりません」という文を見た時、「そういうプログラムがあるんだ! では日本のどこのキャリアを使った時に対象になるの?」と自然に思うはずです。このとき「日本のキャリアでは対応してない」という情報があれば、それ以上調べる必要がなくなります。驚き最小の原則 によるものです。単に「ある人の驚きを最小にする」というよりは、「できるだけ多くの人の驚きを減らす」という観点でもあります。 一方で海外の日本語話者にとっては、日本国内で利用できないという情報があっても、特には困りません。 これらのトレードオフにより、この情報を残しておこうと考えたものです。

Takot (talk)14:59, 6 July 2014


関連: Localisation_guidelines/ja#カスタマイズせずに翻訳する

Shirayuki (talk)00:16, 7 July 2014

VisualEditor message reuse

Hello, are you interested in submitting a patch for bugzilla:67274. I'm not sure that list of reused messages is complete, but it should be easy to do.

Nemo (talk)12:37, 29 June 2014

Hello MR Shirayuki
please help us to enabling southern luri luz , request for enabling this language takes long time this language has more than 2 milions speakers and this is a southern luri luz enabling page: https://translatewiki.net/wiki/Thread:Support/License
please helpe us to resolve this problem so thanks be success!

Bonevarluri (talk)06:43, 24 January 2014

poor quality translation


あなたは善意で翻訳しているのではなく、いたずらしたくて来ているのではないかと思えるものも存在します。 少なくとも、使われている場所を勘案する能力の無い人が翻訳に参加するのは害悪にしかなりません。

!!FUZZY!! となっているような更新を要する場合を除き、翻訳の上書きは議論での合意なく無断で行わないようにしてください。



Vigorous action (talk)12:04, 10 January 2014



whym10:31, 22 January 2014

Your help is needed

Hi there :) I just want to let you know that your help would be appreciated to finish translations in Lithuanian for MediaWiki's VisualEditor software. The current progress is 35%, and VE will reach lt.wikipedia in a few weeks (Jan 13th). Also, if you feel like you want to walk an extra mile, please check if this language needs further help with the tasks listed at mw:VisualEditor/TranslationCentral#To_do. Thanks, and happy 2014!

Elitre (talk)16:15, 31 December 2013

Support request and project

Hello. Especially when you mass-add support request templates, please include the project. In most of the cases where you've added it today, it should have been project=twn, not the default MediaWiki, because it doesn't involve changes to MediaWiki code or it's completely unrelated to MediaWiki, as in Summary:Support/How to get a source language (English) .po file?.

Nemo (talk)11:09, 31 December 2013

Thank you from Blockly!

Thanks so much for the Japanese translation of the Blockly puzzle! If you'd like to view the translated version online, it's at [blockly-demo.appspot.com/static/apps/puzzle/ja.html].

Espertus (talk)00:36, 30 May 2013

Thank you, too. Blockly is very useful for students.

Shirayuki (talk)12:10, 30 May 2013

Shirayuki, Blockly is now 97% translated into Japanese, with only 12 messages remaining. If you could polish those off, that would be fantastic.

Ellen Spertus (talk)23:48, 30 November 2013

Did you translate with machine translation? :(

Shirayuki (talk)09:11, 2 December 2013

No, of course not. Did the translation look that bad? It was done under the auspices of code.org at crowdin.net.

Ellen Spertus (talk)17:53, 2 December 2013

For example, these translations are inconsistent and "odd":

  • MATH IS ODD (“is odd”)
  • MATH IS EVEN (“is even”)

Much the same is true on the other translations.

Shirayuki (talk)22:29, 2 December 2013

Please add full triage templates

Hi. I see you make edits like this to tag open topics. Please make them complete, and add project and dev, too. This immediately classifies the issues for a project, too, and allows a developer to easily claim the issue, or allows for easily closing it later.

Siebrand17:50, 2 December 2013

Blockly English

While I always welcome your contributions, I was surprised by your contributing en-gb to Blockly. Blockly's default English is Canadian. (Blockly's creator, Neil Fraser, is Canadian, and objects to en being assumed to be en-us, which is why he uses en.) I've considered doing an en-us translation but don't see the need for an en-gb one. What was your thinking? Thanks!

Espertus (talk)17:16, 18 October 2013

On translatewiki.net, "en" is assumed to be "en-us".

So, "en", "en-gb", and "en-ca" are valid language codes and "en-us" is not valid.

See also: Thread:Support/Add_language_en-us

Shirayuki (talk)00:46, 19 October 2013

I realized that might be the reason after sending my message. I'll have to discuss with my Canadian overlord whether this is an acceptable solution. :-)

Espertus (talk)21:37, 21 October 2013
Edited by author.
Last edit: 02:51, 16 September 2013

Hello so thanks I did those steps in
and this is lrc portal
and this is my basic request!! how can I translate a message in luri lrc?
and how can I add luri lrc in supported language in translatewiki same as english, arabic, germany and so on!!!!
please help me I need your urgent help so thanks for your help

Mogoeilor (talk)02:43, 16 September 2013

There's nothing I can do about it. Thanks.

Shirayuki (talk)13:19, 16 September 2013

so thanks for your help please inform me!!!

Mogoeilor (talk)14:01, 16 September 2013

so thanks for your help
please inform me

Mogoeilor (talk)14:02, 16 September 2013

Why message "proofreadpage-disambiguationspage" is translated "Aimai" in Japanese?

I think this message is translated "曖昧回避" in Japanese. Why it is translated "Aimai" in Japanese?

아라 (talk / 아라는 다 알아)06:45, 28 August 2013

You are talking about Proofreadpage-disambiguationspage (“Template:disambig”).


Shirayuki (talk)10:45, 28 August 2013

Sorry for the mess

Sorry, somehow I confused language when translating. My apologies, I'm going to revert what I did wrong right now.Qllach (talk) 17:03, 19 August 2013 (UTC)

I see you already did it. Thanks and sorry again.Qllach (talk) 17:08, 19 August 2013 (UTC)
Qllach (talk)17:03, 19 August 2013

Thanks for your patches

You're being very helpful, thank you.

There has been some resistance to the changes to American spelling of some words that we have made recently. I think we should try to not fix comments in code, but focus on messages in the user interface only. Those really should be made consistent across MediaWiki core and extensions. It's de facto (i.e. not decreed, but in practice) American English spelling that we are using in the language code "en".

Siebrand18:54, 6 March 2013

I'll be careful from now on. About gerrit:52405, I've fixed it.

Shirayuki (talk)21:48, 6 March 2013

Thank you for the n-th time from me too :) and I hope you don't mind that I added three more ideas for small consistency/typofix patches that you can see in your userpage now. If you're not interested, edit the support template and "assign" them to me, thanks!

Nemo (talk)20:28, 21 July 2013

Sorry for closing some issues you had open patches for. Is this for you only, or for someone else to see? We usually try to avoid duplicating the tracking work of bugzilla and gerrit; you and your reviewers can see the open patches on the gerrit dashboard (e.g. siebrand's).

Nemo (talk)13:59, 29 July 2013

I know it. My patches could be rejected, so the issues should not be closed until the patches are approved.

Shirayuki (talk)23:25, 29 July 2013

Sure. Still, is this tracking for yourself or for others?

Nemo (talk)04:42, 30 July 2013

Wow, I see you now have more than 150 merged commits. I would never hoped for so much when I suggested to give a look to the git tutorial to submit some changes yourself. :D

Nemo (talk)09:00, 6 August 2013

150!? Thanks for telling me about the git tutorial. :)

Shirayuki (talk)12:21, 6 August 2013
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