
Hello Ohio! *Sticky Post*

The Ohio Odonata Society has moved their webpage to

Please go to that website for any updates on survey efforts.

Although the main survey period is now over, the Ohio Odonata Society is still accepting photo observation records via iNaturalist. So if you find any cool dragonflies and damselflies in 2020 and beyond, consider submitting them to contribute to our knowledge!

The iNaturalist project can be found here:

The Ohio Odonata Society collaborated with the Ohio Division of Wildlife to update the original Ohio Odonata Survey that ran from 1991 – 2001. The newest survey ran from 2017 through 2019.

Goals for the second survey of Ohio dragonflies and damselflies included:

  • identify species known for each county
  • identify species introduced/established in Ohio since the original survey
  • determine changes in distribution and abundance