Papers by Fábio P Pádua Júnior

Resumo A narrativa de marca ajuda a formar e a mudar atitudes e crenças, se tornando um important... more Resumo A narrativa de marca ajuda a formar e a mudar atitudes e crenças, se tornando um importante processo de persuasão. Por ser um tema pouco explorado, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a narrativa criada por um terceiro na internet e a sua influência na imagem da marca na qual é feita alusão. São explorados os processos de persuasão narrativa por meio dos mecanismos transportation (imersão dentro de um texto ou estória) e identification (conexão da audiência com o personagem da narrativa). Foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade, em que os pesquisados assistiram a dois vídeos. A narrativa do primeiro filme é uma paródia e foi criada de modo independente, ao passo que a do segundo é uma resposta da marca. Os resultados encontrados enfatizam a ocorrência do processo de " imersão " na estória e a identificação com os personagens, o que gera um impacto direto na imagem da marca, nem sempre de modo positivo.
Abstract The brand narrative helps to form and change attitudes and beliefs and is an important persuasion process. Given that this is a relatively unexplored subject, the purpose of this study is to analyze the narrative created by a third party on the Internet, and its influence on the brand image which allusion is made. The narrative persuasion processes using transportation (immersion in a text or story) and identification (audience connection with the character of the narrative) mechanisms are explored. Subjects watched two videos, and after that in-depth interviews were taken. The narrative of the first film is a parody that was created independently, while the second is a response from the brand. The results emphasize the process of " immersion " in the story and identification with the characters, which generates a direct impact on brand image, not always in a positive way.

A narrativa de marca ajuda a formar e a mudar atitudes e crenças, se tornando um importante proce... more A narrativa de marca ajuda a formar e a mudar atitudes e crenças, se tornando um importante processo de persuasão. Por ser um tema pouco explorado, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a narrativa criada por um terceiro na internet e a sua influência na imagem da marca na qual é feita alusão. São explorados os processos de persuasão narrativa por meio dos mecanismos transportation (imersão dentro de um texto ou estória) e identification (conexão da audiência com o personagem da narrativa). Foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade, em que os pesquisados assistiram a dois vídeos. A narrativa do primeiro filme é uma paródia e foi criada de modo independente, ao passo que a do segundo é uma resposta da marca. Os resultados encontrados enfatizam a ocorrência do processo de “imersão” na estória e a identificação com os personagens, o que gera um impacto direto na imagem da marca, nem sempre de modo positivo.
Resumo Esta pesquisa visa a analisar como a introdução de novos atributos, geralmente considerado... more Resumo Esta pesquisa visa a analisar como a introdução de novos atributos, geralmente considerados complexos, afeta a adoção de produtos de alta tecnologia pelos consumidores.
É crescente a importância da narrativa no estudo das ações de comunicação da marca com o intuito ... more É crescente a importância da narrativa no estudo das ações de comunicação da marca com o intuito de formar e mudar atitudes e crenças do público-alvo. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o impacto da narrativa criada por um terceiro na Internet, e capaz de impactar a imagem da marca a qual é feita alusão. São explorados os processos de persuasão narrativa por meio dos mecanismos transportation e identification. Foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade, onde os sujeitos assistiram a dois vídeos. A narrativa do primeiro filme foi criada de modo independente, ao passo que a do segundo é uma resposta da marca. Os resultados encontrados enfatizam o processo de " imersão " na estória e a identificação com os personagens, o que gera um impacto direto na imagem da marca, nem sempre de modo positivo.

Consumo e meio ambiente são assuntos amplamente debatidos sob diversos pontos de vista. O modelo ... more Consumo e meio ambiente são assuntos amplamente debatidos sob diversos pontos de vista. O modelo econômico vigente tende a não ser sustentável a longo prazo, fazendo com que novas alternativas sejam criadas. O consumo colaborativo vem surgindo como uma nova proposta com o potencial de romper o paradigma atual. O objetivo do presente artigo é enriquecer o debate acerca dos limites e possibilidades das ações de consumidores e da sociedade civil organizada no enfrentamento dos complexos problemas ambientais contemporâneos. Por meio de um ensaio teórico, é feita uma análise sobre o consumo consciente, em especial o consumo colaborativo. Constata-se que inúmeras iniciativas já foram implementadas com sucesso, mas que no Brasil dificuldades comportamentais e estruturais podem representar um obstáculo. Trata-se de uma primeira incursão sobre o tema, uma área em expansão e campo fértil para futuras pesquisas e aprofundamentos.
The purpose of this research is to analyze how the introduction of new features, normally conside... more The purpose of this research is to analyze how the introduction of new features, normally considered complex,
affects the consumer’s adoption of high tech products. To do so, the relationship among consumer’s personal
characteristics, perceived characteristics, and personal influence, mediated by the decision difficulty, were
valued. A quantitative survey was conducted with 303 undergraduates, owners of cell phones. The results
indicate that the dependent variables analyzed had little or no influence in the adoption of new generation cell
phones. The mediating decision difficulty variable had a weak influence in the adoption of cell phones

The aim of this study is to analyze how the introduction of new attributed, generally considered ... more The aim of this study is to analyze how the introduction of new attributed, generally considered complex, affects the adoption of high technology products by consumers. To this end, the relationships between personal characteristics and the interpersonal influences of consumers have been evaluated, considering the difficulties of decision making in the adoption of technological innovations in cellular phones. There were two stages to the field research. The first was qualitative, with in-depth interviews with consumers and professionals in the field of cellular telephones. The second was quantitative involving 303 university students aged 17 to 25 who owned a cellular phone. The results obtained show that the independent variables analyzed had a great deal of influence on the adoption of new generation telephones. The moderating variable " Decision Difficulty " had a relatively heavy influence on the adoption of innovations in cellular phones.

The aim of this study is to analyze how the introduction of new attributes, generally considered
... more The aim of this study is to analyze how the introduction of new attributes, generally considered
complex, affects the adoption of high technology products by consumers. As such, the
relationships between personal characteristics and the interpersonal influences of consumers
have been evaluated, considering the difficulties of decision making in the adoption of
technological innovations in cellular phones. There were two stages to the field research:
the first was qualitative, with in-depth interviews with consumers and professionals in the
field of cellular telephones; the second was quantitative, involving 303 university students
aged 17 to 25 who owned a cellular phone. The results obtained show that the independent
variables analyzed had a great deal of influence on the adoption of new generation telephones.
The moderating variable “Difficulty to Decide” had a relatively heavy influence on the adoption
of innovations in cellular phones.

The affective reactions experienced by consumers in a purchase process have most of their studies... more The affective reactions experienced by consumers in a purchase process have most of their studies focused on
consumer's satisfaction. However, negative emotions, such as regret, have extreme importance, although there
is little research addressing this issue. Other than collaborating for the literature development, the present thesis
has two objectives: verify if the effort undertaken by the consumer in the searching information process
influences his or her regret degree and analyze the relation between regret intensity and future claim intentions,
negative ‘word-of-mouth’ and repurchases. The results of the sample composed by teenagers suggest that: the
search of information doesn't influence the regret intensity; the probability of negative ‘word-of-mouth’ and claim
increase according to regret intensity; people with high regret degree tend to avoid repurchases. When the
sample is stratified by gender, the hypothesis of ‘the larger the intensity of regret, the larger the complaint
probability’ is confirmed for men and rejected for women.

This article aims to evaluate the positive and negative aspects of a possible adoption of new tec... more This article aims to evaluate the positive and negative aspects of a possible adoption of new technologies and methodologies applicable to the education of administration systems, such as PBL, distance learning, and new evaluation systems, taking into account the impact that these can have on the performance of undergraduate Business students. Twelve in-depth interviews were conducted with students and teachers. The results indicate that the use of PBL is viewed with suspicion and restriction by students, while teachers believe that this methodology is a tool that aids student transformation. Distance learning is also viewed with caution by both parties, because of the stigma still attached to it, although both agree that it plays a key role as a teaching aid. Teaching innovations aim for greater student autonomy and multidisciplinary projects, which enable a broader view not restricted to the discipline. Finally, it was found that assessment systems must be reviewed by teachers and that preference is given for mixed forms that take individual aspects of students into account.

This paper aims to evaluate the pros and cons of a possible adoption of new teaching system techn... more This paper aims to evaluate the pros and cons of a possible adoption of new teaching system technologies and
methodologies applicable to management, such as pbl, distance learning and new assessment systems, taking into
account their possible impact on undergraduate students. Twelve in-depth interviews were conducted with students
and teachers. The results indicate that the use of pbl is viewed with suspicion and restriction by students, while
teachers believe that this methodology is a tool that aids student transformation. Both parties also have reservations
relating to distance learning due to the prejudice that still exists, but they all agree that it plays a key role as a teaching
aid. Teaching innovations lead to more student autonomy and multidisciplinary projects, which enable a broader view
that is not limited to the discipline. Finally, it was found that the assessment systems must be reviewed by teachers,
with a preference for mixed forms that take into account students’ individual characteristics.
Keywords: teaching innovation; problem-based learning; distance learning; assessment systems; information
technology and communication.

Among the different heuristics theories that attempt to explain the decision making process, this... more Among the different heuristics theories that attempt to explain the decision making process, this
study explores the gambler's fallacy and the hot hand theory. This paper investigates the influence of
self-regulation in heuristics and biases used during consumer decision making. Two experiments were
conducted. The first one assessed if results of past performance of stocks affected consumer
preference to buy or sell those stocks. Results indicated a significant difference between gender in
decision making, with the occurrence of the gambler's fallacy for the male sample, but not for the
female sample. The second experiment investigated the role of self-regulation in the gambler's
fallacy and hot hand bias. Results showed that after the induction of self-regulation, it was noticed
the gambler's fallacy and the hot hand theory in some conditions, indicating changes in the decisions
made by consumers. We conclude that there is a significant influence of affective state in decision
making and that women are less susceptible to the gambler's fallacy than men.

Research into the authenticity of facial emotion expressions often focuses on the physical proper... more Research into the authenticity of facial emotion expressions often focuses on the physical properties of the face while paying little attention to the role of beliefs in emotion perception. Further, the literature most often investigates how people express a predetermined emotion rather than what facial emotion expressions people strategically choose to express. To fill these gaps, this paper proposes a non-verbal zero-sum game – the Face X Game – to assess the role of contextual beliefs and strategic displays of facial emotion expression in interpersonal interactions. This new research paradigm was used in a series of three studies, where two participants are asked to play the role of the sender (individual expressing emotional information on his/her face) or the observer (individual interpreting the meaning of that expression). Study 1 examines the outcome of the game with reference to the sex of the pair, where senders won more frequently when the pair was comprised of at least one female. Study 2 examines the strategic display of facial emotion expressions. The outcome of the game was again contingent upon the sex of the pair. Among female pairs, senders won the game more frequently, replicating the pattern of results from study 1. We also demonstrate that senders who strategically express an emotion incongruent with the valence of the event (e.g., smile after seeing a negative event) are able to mislead observers, who tend to hold a congruent belief about the meaning of the emotion expression. If sending an incongruent signal helps to explain why female senders win more frequently, it logically follows that female observers were more prone to hold a congruent, and therefore inaccurate, belief. This prospect implies that while female senders are willing and/or capable of displaying fake smiles, paired-female observers are not taking this into account. Study 3 investigates the role of contextual factors by manipulating female observers' beliefs. When prompted to think in an incongruent manner, these observers significantly improve their performance in the game. These findings emphasize the role that contextual factors play in emotion perception—observers' beliefs do indeed affect their judgments of facial emotion expressions.
Papers by Fábio P Pádua Júnior
Abstract The brand narrative helps to form and change attitudes and beliefs and is an important persuasion process. Given that this is a relatively unexplored subject, the purpose of this study is to analyze the narrative created by a third party on the Internet, and its influence on the brand image which allusion is made. The narrative persuasion processes using transportation (immersion in a text or story) and identification (audience connection with the character of the narrative) mechanisms are explored. Subjects watched two videos, and after that in-depth interviews were taken. The narrative of the first film is a parody that was created independently, while the second is a response from the brand. The results emphasize the process of " immersion " in the story and identification with the characters, which generates a direct impact on brand image, not always in a positive way.
affects the consumer’s adoption of high tech products. To do so, the relationship among consumer’s personal
characteristics, perceived characteristics, and personal influence, mediated by the decision difficulty, were
valued. A quantitative survey was conducted with 303 undergraduates, owners of cell phones. The results
indicate that the dependent variables analyzed had little or no influence in the adoption of new generation cell
phones. The mediating decision difficulty variable had a weak influence in the adoption of cell phones
complex, affects the adoption of high technology products by consumers. As such, the
relationships between personal characteristics and the interpersonal influences of consumers
have been evaluated, considering the difficulties of decision making in the adoption of
technological innovations in cellular phones. There were two stages to the field research:
the first was qualitative, with in-depth interviews with consumers and professionals in the
field of cellular telephones; the second was quantitative, involving 303 university students
aged 17 to 25 who owned a cellular phone. The results obtained show that the independent
variables analyzed had a great deal of influence on the adoption of new generation telephones.
The moderating variable “Difficulty to Decide” had a relatively heavy influence on the adoption
of innovations in cellular phones.
consumer's satisfaction. However, negative emotions, such as regret, have extreme importance, although there
is little research addressing this issue. Other than collaborating for the literature development, the present thesis
has two objectives: verify if the effort undertaken by the consumer in the searching information process
influences his or her regret degree and analyze the relation between regret intensity and future claim intentions,
negative ‘word-of-mouth’ and repurchases. The results of the sample composed by teenagers suggest that: the
search of information doesn't influence the regret intensity; the probability of negative ‘word-of-mouth’ and claim
increase according to regret intensity; people with high regret degree tend to avoid repurchases. When the
sample is stratified by gender, the hypothesis of ‘the larger the intensity of regret, the larger the complaint
probability’ is confirmed for men and rejected for women.
methodologies applicable to management, such as pbl, distance learning and new assessment systems, taking into
account their possible impact on undergraduate students. Twelve in-depth interviews were conducted with students
and teachers. The results indicate that the use of pbl is viewed with suspicion and restriction by students, while
teachers believe that this methodology is a tool that aids student transformation. Both parties also have reservations
relating to distance learning due to the prejudice that still exists, but they all agree that it plays a key role as a teaching
aid. Teaching innovations lead to more student autonomy and multidisciplinary projects, which enable a broader view
that is not limited to the discipline. Finally, it was found that the assessment systems must be reviewed by teachers,
with a preference for mixed forms that take into account students’ individual characteristics.
Keywords: teaching innovation; problem-based learning; distance learning; assessment systems; information
technology and communication.
study explores the gambler's fallacy and the hot hand theory. This paper investigates the influence of
self-regulation in heuristics and biases used during consumer decision making. Two experiments were
conducted. The first one assessed if results of past performance of stocks affected consumer
preference to buy or sell those stocks. Results indicated a significant difference between gender in
decision making, with the occurrence of the gambler's fallacy for the male sample, but not for the
female sample. The second experiment investigated the role of self-regulation in the gambler's
fallacy and hot hand bias. Results showed that after the induction of self-regulation, it was noticed
the gambler's fallacy and the hot hand theory in some conditions, indicating changes in the decisions
made by consumers. We conclude that there is a significant influence of affective state in decision
making and that women are less susceptible to the gambler's fallacy than men.
Abstract The brand narrative helps to form and change attitudes and beliefs and is an important persuasion process. Given that this is a relatively unexplored subject, the purpose of this study is to analyze the narrative created by a third party on the Internet, and its influence on the brand image which allusion is made. The narrative persuasion processes using transportation (immersion in a text or story) and identification (audience connection with the character of the narrative) mechanisms are explored. Subjects watched two videos, and after that in-depth interviews were taken. The narrative of the first film is a parody that was created independently, while the second is a response from the brand. The results emphasize the process of " immersion " in the story and identification with the characters, which generates a direct impact on brand image, not always in a positive way.
affects the consumer’s adoption of high tech products. To do so, the relationship among consumer’s personal
characteristics, perceived characteristics, and personal influence, mediated by the decision difficulty, were
valued. A quantitative survey was conducted with 303 undergraduates, owners of cell phones. The results
indicate that the dependent variables analyzed had little or no influence in the adoption of new generation cell
phones. The mediating decision difficulty variable had a weak influence in the adoption of cell phones
complex, affects the adoption of high technology products by consumers. As such, the
relationships between personal characteristics and the interpersonal influences of consumers
have been evaluated, considering the difficulties of decision making in the adoption of
technological innovations in cellular phones. There were two stages to the field research:
the first was qualitative, with in-depth interviews with consumers and professionals in the
field of cellular telephones; the second was quantitative, involving 303 university students
aged 17 to 25 who owned a cellular phone. The results obtained show that the independent
variables analyzed had a great deal of influence on the adoption of new generation telephones.
The moderating variable “Difficulty to Decide” had a relatively heavy influence on the adoption
of innovations in cellular phones.
consumer's satisfaction. However, negative emotions, such as regret, have extreme importance, although there
is little research addressing this issue. Other than collaborating for the literature development, the present thesis
has two objectives: verify if the effort undertaken by the consumer in the searching information process
influences his or her regret degree and analyze the relation between regret intensity and future claim intentions,
negative ‘word-of-mouth’ and repurchases. The results of the sample composed by teenagers suggest that: the
search of information doesn't influence the regret intensity; the probability of negative ‘word-of-mouth’ and claim
increase according to regret intensity; people with high regret degree tend to avoid repurchases. When the
sample is stratified by gender, the hypothesis of ‘the larger the intensity of regret, the larger the complaint
probability’ is confirmed for men and rejected for women.
methodologies applicable to management, such as pbl, distance learning and new assessment systems, taking into
account their possible impact on undergraduate students. Twelve in-depth interviews were conducted with students
and teachers. The results indicate that the use of pbl is viewed with suspicion and restriction by students, while
teachers believe that this methodology is a tool that aids student transformation. Both parties also have reservations
relating to distance learning due to the prejudice that still exists, but they all agree that it plays a key role as a teaching
aid. Teaching innovations lead to more student autonomy and multidisciplinary projects, which enable a broader view
that is not limited to the discipline. Finally, it was found that the assessment systems must be reviewed by teachers,
with a preference for mixed forms that take into account students’ individual characteristics.
Keywords: teaching innovation; problem-based learning; distance learning; assessment systems; information
technology and communication.
study explores the gambler's fallacy and the hot hand theory. This paper investigates the influence of
self-regulation in heuristics and biases used during consumer decision making. Two experiments were
conducted. The first one assessed if results of past performance of stocks affected consumer
preference to buy or sell those stocks. Results indicated a significant difference between gender in
decision making, with the occurrence of the gambler's fallacy for the male sample, but not for the
female sample. The second experiment investigated the role of self-regulation in the gambler's
fallacy and hot hand bias. Results showed that after the induction of self-regulation, it was noticed
the gambler's fallacy and the hot hand theory in some conditions, indicating changes in the decisions
made by consumers. We conclude that there is a significant influence of affective state in decision
making and that women are less susceptible to the gambler's fallacy than men.