University of Kentucky
Agricultural Economics
In the search for explanations of persistent differences in economic growth rates, the conditional convergence growth model has introduced the possibility of incorporating a wide set of factors as determinants of growth. Controlling for... more
A growing belief exists that social capital contributes to economic growth of communities. In this paper, we identify inputs into the production of social capital at the level of US counties, using an array of individual and community... more
The effect of social capital on economic growth is examined using linear regression analysis and U.S. county-level data. Results reveal that social capital has a statistically significant, independent positive effect on the rate of... more
The self-organization paradigm, a theoretical framework with roots in biology and physics, has been proposed as having relevance to understanding change in social systems. The processes and design features associated with... more
C C hange in rural places comes from many sources and often affects rural areas unevenly. The following list of factors important in rural change is not exhaustive, nor are the factors listed in order of importance. A minor force in one... more
For a majority of farm families and operators in OECD countries, off-farm or non-farm occupations have become a significant source of income and a major determinant of their well being. This study investigates the use of off-farm... more
For a majority of farm families and operators in OECD countries, o-farm or non-farm occupations have become a signicant source of income and a major determinant of their well being. This study investigates the use of o-farm employment as... more
This study examines the time-varying Japanese price reactions to the 2001 Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) discovery, the 2000 outbreak of foot and mouth disease (FMD), and the 1996 E. coli food po isoning events. Historical... more
Fish is a low-fat protein source high in omega-3 fatty acids, but in 2004 consumers also heard that farmed salmon had high levels of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs). This research evaluated how Canadian consumers and processors reacted to... more
This research examines the relationship between U.S. foreign direct investment (FDI) and exports of processed foods to China and identifies management strategies to enhance U.S. competitiveness. Two-stage least-squares empirical... more
A binary logistic regression is used to evaluate factors contributing to an agricultural or food processing firm's decision to export. The objective of the project is to identify economic concepts and factors that are most significant in... more
This paper examines problems being faced by agribusiness firms in developing countries in meeting the food-safety standards imposed by importing countries in their respective markets. Based on existing institutional frameworks in... more