University of Kentucky
Communication and Information
Computer-mediated communication pervades society today. Higher education is no exception. Recently in the USA, a debate has emerged regarding online administration of student ratings of instruction (SROIs). Since these end-ofsemester... more
Fifty Shades of Grey's past as a work of Twilight fan fiction has turned a spotlight onto the conversion of fan works for the commercial romance market. Fifty Shades reminds us of the increasing flow of texts, readers, and writers across... more
Part of "Reading the Romance: A Thirtieth Anniversary Roundtable." Editor's Introduction here:
Published in Women & Erotic Fiction: Critical Essays on Genres, Markets & Readers. Ed. Kristen Phillips. Jefferson: McFarland & Co., 2015.
Published in The Routledge Companion to Cinema and Gender. Eds. Elizabeth Kaplan, Patrice Petro, Kristin Hole and Dijana Jelača. New York: Routledge., 2016.