University of Kentucky
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Phase shifting structured light illumination for range sensing involves projecting a set of grating patterns where accuracy is determined, in part, by the number of stripes. However, high pattern frequencies introduce ambiguities during... more
Active stereo vision is a method of 3D surface scanning involving the projecting and capturing of a series of light patterns where depth is derived from correspondences between the observed and projected patterns. In contrast, passive... more
OF DISSERTATION FAULT IDENTIFICATION ON ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION LINES USING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS Transmission lines are designed to transport large amounts of electrical power from the point of generation to the point of... more
Accurate detection and segmentation of suspicious regions within the complex and irregular tissues of the breast, as depicted with ultrasonic B scans, typically require human analysis and decision making. Tissue characterization methods... more
Breast cancer diagnosis through ultrasound tissue characterization was studied using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis of combinations of acoustic features, patient age, and radiological findings. A feature fusion method... more
Abstruct-This paper examines the detection of regular scatterer spacings from hackscattered ultrasound using the autoregressive (AR) cepstrum. Monte Carlo simulations present a relationship between the probability of detection and the AR... more
This paper considers the effects of using spectral correlation in a maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) for backscattered energy corresponding to coherent reflectors embedded in media of microstructure scatterers. The spectral... more
An ultrasonic backscattered signal from material comprised of quasiperiodic scatterers exhibit redundancy over both its phase and magnitude spectra. This paper addresses the problem of estimating mean-scatterer spacing from the... more
Abstracf-The quasiperiodicity of regularly spaced scatterers results in characteristic patterns in the spectra of backscattered ultrasonic signals from which the mean scatterer spacing can be estimated. The mean spacing has been... more
This paper presents an algorithm for detecting and estimating pitch in acoustic audio signals using the Generalized Spectrum (GS). A performance evaluation of a GS-based and two classical (autocorrelation-and cepstrum-based) pitch... more