University of Kentucky
ABSTRAK Evaluasi Efektifitas Tayangan Multimedia yang Disajikan Pada Seminar di BATAN. Tayangan multimedia merupakan alat bantu yang banyak digunakan pada saat penyajian hasil penelitian pada suatu seminar. Tayangan multimedia yang... more
ABSTRAK Dipaparkan riwayat singkat beberapa tokoh, Ernest O. Lawrence, Herman Joseph Muller, Jean Frederic Joliot dan Irene Curie, Lise Meitner, Rutherford dan Roentgen yang berperan dalam sejarah penemuan dan pemahaman atom, radiasi dan... more
ABSTRAK Soal ujian yang berkualitas adalah soal yang memenuhi kaidah-kaidah tertentu, sehingga mampu mengevaluasi secara akurat pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran yang telah ditentukan. Untuk mengetahui kualitas dari soal ujian pelatihan... more
ABSTRAK Dalam buku panduan ISO 9712 yang berjudul "Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification of personnel" tingkat kompetensi personel uji tak rusak (UTR) dibagi menjadi 3 tingkat. Ketiga tingkat kompetensi... more
ABSTRAK Dewasa ini, pengelolaan pengetahuan nuklir di Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional (BATAN) telah menjadi kebutuhan yang mendesak. Kebutuhan pelestarian dan pewarisan pengetahuan nuklir tersebut dipicu oleh beberapa peristiwa yang terjadi... more
Butir soal evaluasi hasil belajar yang baik, selain harus mempunyai tingkat kesukaran yang sesuai dengan tingkat hasil belajar yang akan diukur, juga harus mempunyai daya pembeda yang mampu membedakan peserta pelatihan pandai dan yang... more
Litologi Batupasir dan Batulempung. Metode inversi Impedansi Elastik atau Elastic Impedance (EI) merupakan salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi litologi reservoir batupasir di Lapangan "D", Formasi Talang Akar, Cekungan... more
We propose a statistical method to test whether two phylogenetic trees with given alignments are significantly incongruent. Our method compares the two distributions of phylogenetic trees given by two input alignments, instead of... more
This Document is my commentary on the Book of Revelation. The Revelation was written in the era of messianic uprising in Judaea, a period that extended in time from the Great Revolt circa 66 A.D. to the end of the Bar Kokhba Revolt circa... more
This study presents my hypothesis as to the primitive (early) meaning of the Tetragrammaton and gives arguments and evidence in support of my assertions. I devised my hypothesis based upon the Tetragrammaton written in the ancient... more
In this monograph, I present the results of my analysis of the documentary sources for both Exodus and Deuteronomy. This analysis determines the number of occurrences of the words, Lord and God and phrases comprising combinations of... more
In this present book I have reprinted the English translation of Genesis through Deuteronomy; the text is from the King James Bible. Within the text I have substituted alternate words and phrases in the many places at which the word... more
Tetragrammaton and First Kings, Second Kings, First Chronicles and Second Chronicles In this present book I have reprinted the English translation of First Kings through Second Chronicles; the text is from the King James Bible. Within... more
Tetragrammaton and Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms and Proverbs In this present book I have reprinted the English translation of Ezra through Proverbs; the text is from the King James Bible. Within the text I have substituted... more
Tetragrammaton and Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Lamentations In this present book I have reprinted the English translation of Ecclesiastes through Lamentations; the text is from the King James Bible. Within the... more