University of Kentucky
Environmental and Sustainability Studies
In the 1960s the German émigré philosopher, Hans Jonas, published a collection of eleven essays under the title The Phenomenon of Life. 1 In these disparate essays he lays out, as he says, "an 'existential' interpretation of biological... more
When Husserl retired in 1928, he began to feel increasing doubts over the reception of transcendental phenomenology in Germany and abroad. Heidegger had just published Being and Time, and it was becoming more and more clear to him not... more
The term, ecology, is not ancient in origin. It is a neologism introduced in 1866 by Ernst Haeckel in his Generelle Morphologie. According to Haeckel, Oecologie signifies a branch of animal physiology that studies the relations of the... more
My aim in this presentation is to analyze Hans Jonas's "post-dualistic" philosophy of life articulated in his work, The Phenomenon of Life, against the backdrop of Max Scheler’s philosophical anthropology. I will argue that Scheler's... more
I propose an existential ecology using Hans Jonas's analysis as my cue but applying this to the concept of land. This concept of land is one I will borrow from Aldo Leopold. My preeminent aim is to offer a new standpoint for the study of... more
In his influential work, The Phenomenon of Life, Hans Jonas articulates what he terms an "existential interpretation of biological facts." A broadening of Jonas's existential interpretation is necessary, I believe. For I hold that Jonas's... more
I argue that a central question for any Leopold scholar interested in animal studies concerns the precise valuation of the animal in his ethical theory. Do animals have value merely insofar as they preserve the integrity, stability, and... more
The essence of life according to Max Scheler is found in the ecstatic impulse and purposive directionality of an entity either toward that which entices it or away from that which repels it. Scheler presented his conceptualization of this... more
In his essay 1917 "The Essence of Philosophy and the Moral Conditions of Philosophical Knowledge," published in On the Eternal in Man, Max Scheler criticizes Husserl's conception of philosophy as rigorous science. There are sciences,... more
I hold that Hans Jonas fails to offer an explicit ecological understanding of living entities. In defending this thesis, I will, first, elucidate the conception of metabolism at the heart of his philosophy of life. Second, I will turn to... more
I intend to offer an account of the essence of technology which I see similarly articulated in the works of Wendell Berry and Martin Heidegger. Berry, like Heidegger, is not so much against individual technologies. Rather the essence of... more
Max Scheler was a philosopher of intuition who rarely worked out his ideas systematically. Consequently, his philosophical writings present something of a challenge for the reader. There is little unifying his disparate studies. In this... more
Max Scheler was a philosopher of intuition who rarely worked out his ideas systematically. Consequently, his philosophical writings present something of a challenge for the reader. There is little unifying his disparate studies. In this... more