University of Kentucky
Family and Consumer Sciences Extension
To evaluate content and face validity of a collaboration readiness assessment tool developed to facilitate collaborative efforts to implement policy, systems, and environment changes in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education... more
This leadership curriculum was developed by 4-H Youth Developement agents with University of Kentucky specialists. Examples in the guide are geared toward an 4-H audience. This guide may be reproduced or modified for educational or... more
Extension educators can serve as a catalyst to engage rural older adults to build community awareness and support healthy lifestyle choices. The study reported investigated rural elders' views of the supports and challenges for... more
As the use of social media increases, Extension is challenged to stay relevant with cliental by using digital tools. This article illustrates how Facebook can be part of Extension's repertoire of methods for communication, program... more
A Health in All Policies approach engages cross-sector stakeholders to collaboratively improve systems that drive population health. We, the members of the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP)’s Health in All Policies... more
programming through the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP). EFNEP is a federally funded program that works to improve the quality of life of families living in poverty through education and behavior modifi cation. The... more
The history of family and consumer sciences (FCS) and the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) is discussed with an emphasis on the critical importance of the human dimension. EFNEP's focus on people, education for... more
Service learning (SL) is a well-recognized teaching approach that integrates meaningful community service with classroom learning. Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud is a successful SL activity that connects student and faculty expertise with... more