University of Kentucky
The effects of predators in aquatic ecosystems have been widely examined on the morphology, behavior, and life history of larval prey organisms. The ability of the Mole Salamanders (Family Ambystomatidae) to display phenotypic plasticity... more
Acknowledgements: We thank J. Alex Baecher for help with sampling and Daniel Douglas for assistance on micro-gastropod identification. We would also like to thank Robert Watts and Curtis Cox for their invaluable knowledge of LCW. Lastly,... more
Introduces methods and techniques for the husbandry and breeding of dozens of terrestrial invertebrate prey items for salamanders.
Aim: Population dynamics are often tightly linked to the condition of the landscape. Focusing on a landscape impacted by mountaintop removal coal mining (MTR), we ask the following questions: (1) How does MTR influence vital rates... more
In the Central Appalachians (USA), mountaintop-removal mining accompanied by valley fills often leads to streams with elevated specific conductivity (SC). Thus, the ionic composition of fresh waters in this region is hypothesized to be a... more
Changes in land use, such as mountaintop removal mining with valley fills (MTR-VF), often results in headwater streams with elevated specific conductivity (SC). Stream salamanders appear to be particularly sensitive to elevated SC, as... more
Is dietary or microhabitat specialization associated with environmental heterogeneity in horned lizards (Phrynosoma)? Ecol. Evol. 9:5542-5550.-, i. t. cliFton, and t. k. VaZqueZ. 2019b. Developmental plasticity of thermal ecology traits... more
CRYPTOBRANCHUS ALLEGANIENSIS ALLEGANIENSIS (Eastern Hellbender). LARVAL PREDATION. Salmonids have been identified as dominant predators of larval amphibians, particularly salamander larvae (Barr and Babbitt 2007. Freshw. Biol.... more
In the Central Appalachians (USA), mountaintop-removal mining accompanied by valley fills often leads to streams with elevated specific conductivity (SC). Thus, the ionic composition of freshwaters in this region is hypothesized to be a... more