University of Kentucky
A lesson plan to accompany the Farben PowerPoint.
A PowerPoint to accompany the Farben Lesson Plan.
A lesson plan to accompany the Wie Kommst Du zur Uni PowerPoint.
A PowerPoint to accompany the Wie Kommst Du zur Uni Lesson Plan.
Instructions and Materials for Listening Activity 1.
Instructions and Materials for Reading/Writing Activity 1.
Instructions and Materials for Reading/Writing Activity 2.
The following activity could be completed by German 101 students. This is appropriate because the video clip is of a German speaking German, so students get practice with hearing authentic spoken German. It isn't very long, so the video... more
The following activity could be completed by German 101 students. This is appropriate because it allows students to talk about themselves, especially things they find exceptionally interesting or uninteresting about themselves. Because... more
The following activity could be completed by German 101 students. This is appropriate because students get to practice reading German in a familiar context (chatting online with a friend) at a level they will understand: everything is... more
The following activity could be completed by German 101 students. This is appropriate because it allows for students to personalize their responses. This will help students in practical uses of normal German conversation. It, however,... more