Mythos 2021.3 by Revista Mythos
Revista Mythos, 2021
Resumo: Esse artigo analisará a estrutura mítica de Ugarit e a coletividade dos deuses e
deusas q... more Resumo: Esse artigo analisará a estrutura mítica de Ugarit e a coletividade dos deuses e
deusas que aparecem em seus mitos; faremos uma breve análise comparativa com a
estrutura religiosa levantina e demonstraremos que na literatura ugarítica encontramos
permanências e continuidades com o esquema mitológico encontrado em outras
regiões do Levante, no qual um deus representando a ordem cósmica se torna
proeminente no panteão derrotando deidades caóticas.
Abstract: This article will analyze the mythical structure of Ugarit and the collectivity of
gods and goddesses that appear in his myths; we will make a brief comparative analysis
with the Levantine religious structure and demonstrate that in the Ugaritic literature we
find permanencies and continuities with the mythological scheme found in other regions
of the Levant, in which a god representing the cosmic order becomes prominent in the
pantheon defeating chaotic deities.
Revista Mythos, 2021
Resumo: O presente artigo propõe uma breve apresentação sobre como o antigo Egito
Faraônico se en... more Resumo: O presente artigo propõe uma breve apresentação sobre como o antigo Egito
Faraônico se envolveu de alguma forma em debates teológicos dos últimos séculos,
principalmente nas análises e visões envolvendo os conceitos de “monoteísmo” e
“politeísmo” ou na memória da figura de Moisés.
Abstract: The present paper proposes a brief presentation about how the ancient
pharaonic Egypt has been somewhat used in theological discussions of the past
centuries, especially in views and analyses that involved the concepts of “monotheism”
and “polytheism” or in the memory of the figure of Moses.
Revista Mythos, 2021
Resumo: O debate da economia mesopotâmica, a partir da análise de assiriólogos
substantivistas, f... more Resumo: O debate da economia mesopotâmica, a partir da análise de assiriólogos
substantivistas, formalistas e marxistas, é o tema central deste artigo. Os modelos
econômicos tendem a generalizar e simplificar a realidade, por isso tomamos o período
acadiano (2335-2134 a.e.c) como referência, em razão da possibilidade de utilização
de fontes materiais e documentos que iluminam novas perspectivas para os estudos da
Abstract: The debate on Mesopotamian economics, based on the analysis of
substantivist, formalist and marxist assyriologists, is the central theme of this article. The
economic models tend to generalize and simplify reality, which is why we take the
Akkadian period (2335-2134 BCE) as a reference, in reason due the possibility of use
material sources and documents that illuminate new perspectives for studies of the area.
Revista Mythos, 2021
Resumo: Este artigo pretende contribuir com o dossiê temático "Antiguidade Oriental no Brasil: pe... more Resumo: Este artigo pretende contribuir com o dossiê temático "Antiguidade Oriental no Brasil: pesquisas e perspectivas" apresentando relatos de experiências de pesquisa e de ensino na área. Mais do que uma reflexão crítica sobre o tema, trazemos alguns resultados de vivências pessoais neste percurso, do que nos anima, daquilo que nos desafia, com o intuito de estimular cada vez mais estudantes a empreenderem este caminho que, ainda que feito de pedras, nos faz encontrar traços de humanidade que nos unem ao passado.
Abstract: This paper aims to contribute to the thematic dossier “Antiguidade Oriental no Brasil: pesquisas e perspectivas”, which is focused on the Brazilian perspective and research on the Ancient East. More than a critical reflection on the theme, we discuss some results of personal experiences, what excites us, what challenges us, in order to encourage more and more students to follow our steppes and to find traces of humanity that bind us to the past.
Revista Mythos, 2021
Resumo: A localização geográfica de Dura, em área limítrofe entre os impérios persa e romano, som... more Resumo: A localização geográfica de Dura, em área limítrofe entre os impérios persa e romano, somado a diversidade religiosa torna Dura-Europos um excelente laboratório para se analisar o processo de formação de identidades por conta das suas intensas trocas culturais. Nesse sentido, o presente artigo irá tomará como base os
remanescentes materiais das comunidades religiosas, em especial da sinagoga, para iluminar questões quanto a diversidade étnico-cultural de Dura.
Abstract: The geographical location of Dura, in a border area between the Persian and Roman empires, added to the religious diversity makes Dura-Europos an excellent laboratory to analyze the process of identity formation due to its intense cultural exchanges. In this sense, this article will take as a base the material remnants of the religious communities, especially the synagogue, to illuminate issues regarding Dura's
ethno-cultural diversity.
Revista Mythos, 2021
Resumo: Este artigo pretende caracterizar o conceito de “burlesco” e demonstrar como
o conjunto f... more Resumo: Este artigo pretende caracterizar o conceito de “burlesco” e demonstrar como
o conjunto formado por figurino, coreografia e itens de cena, pode resgatar elementos
tanto estéticos quanto religiosos dos antigos egípcios, inserindo-os em um cenário
contemporâneo. Para tal, utilizar-se-á como exemplo a criação de uma artista burlesca
Abstract: This article intends to characterize the concept of “burlesque” and
demonstrate how the ensemble formed by costumes, choreography and props can
rescue both aesthetic and religious elements of the ancient Egyptians, inserting them in
a contemporary setting. For this, will be used as an example the creation of a Brazilian
burlesque artist.
Revista Mythos, 2021
Resumo: Um dos principais temas estudados pela historiografia especializada na Antiguidade de Is... more Resumo: Um dos principais temas estudados pela historiografia especializada na Antiguidade de Israel e Judá é a monarquia unida. Diversos autores apresentaram argumentos favoráveis ou contrários à existência do Reino Unido. O presente artigo faz um debate historiográfico entre alguns pesquisadores que estudam esse tema.
Abstract: One of the main subjects studied by the specialized historiography in the Antiquity of Israel and Judah is the united monarchy. Over time, several authors have put forward arguments in favour of or against the existence of the United Kingdom. This article makes a historiographic debate among some researchers who study this theme.
Revista Mythos, 2021
Resumo: Fontes produzidas na Antiga Mesopotâmia, em períodos que contemplam
desde a Suméria até a... more Resumo: Fontes produzidas na Antiga Mesopotâmia, em períodos que contemplam
desde a Suméria até a Assíria, apresentam informações sobre a prática de um ritual de
animação de estatuas. O objetivo desse artigo é analisar as fontes em questão,
compreendendo o funcionamento desse ritual na Antiga Mesopotâmia; as perspectivas
desses povos a respeito de imagens e sua produção e apresentar novas epistemologias
para pensar a História do Oriente Antigo.
Abstract: Sources produced in Ancient Mesopotamia, in time periods ranging from
Sumeria to Assyria, shows information on the practice of an rites of animating statues. The
purpose of this article is to analyze the sources in question, understanding the working of
this ritual in Ancient Mesopotamia; the perspectives of these peoples regarding images
and their production and to present new epistemologies for thinking about the History of
the Ancient East
Revista Mythos, 2021
Resumo: Esse artigo tem por objetivo apresentar a descoberta e análise dos Óstracos de Samaria e ... more Resumo: Esse artigo tem por objetivo apresentar a descoberta e análise dos Óstracos de Samaria e suas implicações para a história de Israel e Judá entre o séc. IX e VIII AEC. Esse corpus epigráfico é um conjunto de anotações administrativas de recebimento de tributos na capital real de Israel Norte, Samaria, o qual evidencia o desenvolvido de Israel Norte com desdobramentos internacionais de dominação.
Abstract: This article aims to present the discovery and analysis of the Ostraca of Samaria and its implications for the history of Israel and Judah between the 9th and 8th century BCE. This epigraphic corpus is a set of administrative notes for receiving tribute in the royal capital of Northern Israel, Samaria, which evidences the development of Northern Israel with international domination unfolding.
Revista Mythos, 2021
Resumo: Este artigo apresenta as práticas atestadas nos Papiros Mágicos Greco Egípcios (PGM) à lu... more Resumo: Este artigo apresenta as práticas atestadas nos Papiros Mágicos Greco Egípcios (PGM) à luz do contexto local de reordenação político-administrativa do Egito Romano e dos processos mais abrangentes de interações culturais no leste mediterrânico que o antecederam. Objetivamos discutir a progressiva formatação compósita dessa tradição a partir de sua lógica própria de constituição e desempenho.
Abstract: This article presents the practices attested in the Greco-Egyptian Magical Papyri (PGM) in the light of the local context of political-administrative reordering of Roman Egypt and the broader processes of cultural interactions in the Eastern Mediterranean that preceded it. We aim to discuss the progressive composite format of this tradition from its own logic of constitution and performance.
Revista Mythos, 2021
Resumo: Na segunda metade do século XIX, o interesse pela figura de Confúcio de aumentou entre os... more Resumo: Na segunda metade do século XIX, o interesse pela figura de Confúcio de aumentou entre os intelectuais brasileiros, por razões variadas. O problema central era como definir esse personagem em relação as questões filosóficas e religiosas da sociedade brasileira, o que influenciou profundamente a maneira como estudamos o pensamento chinês no país até a atualidade.
Abstract: In the second half of the 19th century, interest in Confucius increased among Brazilian intellectuals, for various reasons. The central problem was how to define this character in relation to the philosophical and religious issues of Brazilian society, which r has profoundly influenced the way we study Chinese thought in the country until today.
Mythos 2021.2 by Revista Mythos
Revista Mythos, 2021
Resumo: Diante de perspectivas históricas e literárias, esta pesquisa objetiva apresentar um estu... more Resumo: Diante de perspectivas históricas e literárias, esta pesquisa objetiva apresentar um estudo acerca das mulheres no mundo antigo, tomando como referência a condição feminina manifestada na comédia grega de Aristófanes Lisístrata, a greve do sexo. Em um viés cômico, o respectivo autor buscou evidenciar a exclusão social e a inferioridade feminina frente às questões sociais da época.
Abstract: Faced with historical and literary perspectives, this research aims to present a study about women in the ancient world, taking as a reference the female condition manifested in the greek comedy of Aristofanes Lisístrata, the sex strike. In a comic bias, the respective author sought to highlight social exclusion and female inferiority in the face of the social questions of the time.
Revista Mythos, 2021
Resumo: Este artigo busca contextualizar historiograficamente o papel da narrativa mítica da deus... more Resumo: Este artigo busca contextualizar historiograficamente o papel da narrativa mítica da deusa Hera quanto à constituição do adultério como uma hybris, isto é, a desmedida, dentro do contexto da transição da “Idade Heroica” para a Emergência da polis.
Abstract: This article seeks to historiographically contextualize the role of the mythical narrative of the goddess Hera in relation to the constitution of adultery as a hybris, in other words, the excessive within the context of the transition from the “Heroic Age” to the Emergence of the polis.
Revista Mythos, 2021
Resumo: Este artigo tem o objetivo de abordar a relevância do discurso incutido na tragédia de An... more Resumo: Este artigo tem o objetivo de abordar a relevância do discurso incutido na tragédia de Antígona, obra do autor grego Sófocles, que, opondo-se à uma ordem autoritária do rei Creonte, percorre uma jornada de luta e subversão, para poder exercer seu direito natural de dar honras fúnebres ao irmão morto, mesmo que isto lhe custe a vida, pois está certa que seu direito divino, sobressai o direito do homem.
Abstract: This article aims to address the relevance of the discourse instigated in the Antigone tragedy, the work of the Greek author Sophocles, who, opposing an authoritarian order from King Creon, goes through a journey of struggle and subversion, in order to exercise his natural right to give funeral honors to the dead brother, even if it costs him his life, because she is certain that her divine right is above man's right.
Revista Mythos, 2021
Resumo: Considerando o potencial dos discursos dos oradores áticos enquanto fonte histórica e as ... more Resumo: Considerando o potencial dos discursos dos oradores áticos enquanto fonte histórica e as recentes discussões sobre as relações de gênero na Antiguidade, propõe-se uma análise do papel da mulher na sociedade ateniense a partir dos discursos Is. I, Is. II e Is. III e da construção do ethos pelo orador, pois Iseu utiliza-se do ethos das mulheres para caracterizar todos os homens envolvidos no processo de sucessão.
Abstract: Considering the potential of the speeches of the Attic Orators as a historical source and the recent discussions on gender relations in antiquity, we will be analyzing the role of women in Athenian society based on the Is. I, Is. II and Is. III and of the construction of the ethos by Iseu, as he uses the ethos of women to characterize all the men involved in the succession process.
Revista Mythos, 2021
Resumo: Com o avanço dos estudos sobre o gênero, para além de personagens históricas, algumas fig... more Resumo: Com o avanço dos estudos sobre o gênero, para além de personagens históricas, algumas figuras mitológicas também têm sido analisadas. Este artigo se propõe a apresentar como a imagem da górgona Medusa tem sido apropriada, nos dias atuais, na construção de discursos feministas ou de críticas às práticas socioculturais enraizadas em nossa sociedade.
Abstract: With the advancement of gender studies, not only historical characters, but some mythological figures have been also analysed. This article aims to present how the image of the Gorgon Medusa has been appropriated nowadays in the construction of feminist discourses and critiques of sociocultural practices rooted in our society.
Revista Mythos, 2021
Resumo: Este artigo mostrará que a tendência de leitura dos fragmentos de Safo como biográficos g... more Resumo: Este artigo mostrará que a tendência de leitura dos fragmentos de Safo como biográficos ganhou mais influência à luz do Romantismo. Contudo, esta perspectiva é anacrônica, pois, dado o caráter público da poesia no mundo antigo, o corpus sáfico localiza-se em outro contexto.
Abstract: This article will show that the tendency to read Sappho’s fragments as biographical has gained more influence in the light of Romanticism. However, this perspective is anachronistic, because, given the public character of poetry in the ancient world, the corpus is located in another context.
Revista Mythos, 2021
Resumo: O presente artigo propõe uma análise das caracterizações da deusa grega Afrodite nas font... more Resumo: O presente artigo propõe uma análise das caracterizações da deusa grega Afrodite nas fontes literárias da Grécia arcaica, questionando, a partir da teoria de gênero e da Narratologia, sua canônica imagem de uma deusa vinculada apenas à beleza, ao amor e à sexualidade, abordando, assim,os múltiplos aspectos da deusa.
Abstract: This article proposes an analysis of the characterizations of the Greek goddess Aphrodite in the literary sources of archaic Greece, questioning, from the gender theory and Narratology, her canonical image of a goddess linked only to beauty, love and sexuality, thus addressing the multiple aspects of the goddess.
Revista Mythos, 2021
“Por las dos diosas, vais a saber que también entre nosotras hay cuatro batallones de mujeres pre... more “Por las dos diosas, vais a saber que también entre nosotras hay cuatro batallones de mujeres preparadas para la lucha, completamente armadas, ahí dentro” (ARISTÓFANES. Lisístrata, vv. 452-454)
Revista Mythos, 2021
Resumo: A poesia épica grega pode oferecer diversos testemunhos sobre o século VIII a.C., período... more Resumo: A poesia épica grega pode oferecer diversos testemunhos sobre o século VIII a.C., período em que os poemas de Homero e Hesíodo foram registrados. Considerando a Ilíada, Odisseia, Hinos Homéricos e a Teogonia, procurarmos distinguir o estatuto da “rainha-sacerdotisa”, atribuído as mulheres da realeza homérica – sua participação na sucessão real e no culto a deusa-mãe nativa.
Abstract: Greek epic poetry can offer several testimonies about the 8th century BC, when the poems of Homer and Hesiod were recorded. Considering the Iliad, Odyssey, Homeric Hymns and Theogony, we seek to distinguish the status of the “queen-priestess” attributed to the women of Homeric royalty – her participation in the royal succession and in the cult of the native mother-goddess.
Mythos 2021.3 by Revista Mythos
deusas que aparecem em seus mitos; faremos uma breve análise comparativa com a
estrutura religiosa levantina e demonstraremos que na literatura ugarítica encontramos
permanências e continuidades com o esquema mitológico encontrado em outras
regiões do Levante, no qual um deus representando a ordem cósmica se torna
proeminente no panteão derrotando deidades caóticas.
Abstract: This article will analyze the mythical structure of Ugarit and the collectivity of
gods and goddesses that appear in his myths; we will make a brief comparative analysis
with the Levantine religious structure and demonstrate that in the Ugaritic literature we
find permanencies and continuities with the mythological scheme found in other regions
of the Levant, in which a god representing the cosmic order becomes prominent in the
pantheon defeating chaotic deities.
Faraônico se envolveu de alguma forma em debates teológicos dos últimos séculos,
principalmente nas análises e visões envolvendo os conceitos de “monoteísmo” e
“politeísmo” ou na memória da figura de Moisés.
Abstract: The present paper proposes a brief presentation about how the ancient
pharaonic Egypt has been somewhat used in theological discussions of the past
centuries, especially in views and analyses that involved the concepts of “monotheism”
and “polytheism” or in the memory of the figure of Moses.
substantivistas, formalistas e marxistas, é o tema central deste artigo. Os modelos
econômicos tendem a generalizar e simplificar a realidade, por isso tomamos o período
acadiano (2335-2134 a.e.c) como referência, em razão da possibilidade de utilização
de fontes materiais e documentos que iluminam novas perspectivas para os estudos da
Abstract: The debate on Mesopotamian economics, based on the analysis of
substantivist, formalist and marxist assyriologists, is the central theme of this article. The
economic models tend to generalize and simplify reality, which is why we take the
Akkadian period (2335-2134 BCE) as a reference, in reason due the possibility of use
material sources and documents that illuminate new perspectives for studies of the area.
Abstract: This paper aims to contribute to the thematic dossier “Antiguidade Oriental no Brasil: pesquisas e perspectivas”, which is focused on the Brazilian perspective and research on the Ancient East. More than a critical reflection on the theme, we discuss some results of personal experiences, what excites us, what challenges us, in order to encourage more and more students to follow our steppes and to find traces of humanity that bind us to the past.
remanescentes materiais das comunidades religiosas, em especial da sinagoga, para iluminar questões quanto a diversidade étnico-cultural de Dura.
Abstract: The geographical location of Dura, in a border area between the Persian and Roman empires, added to the religious diversity makes Dura-Europos an excellent laboratory to analyze the process of identity formation due to its intense cultural exchanges. In this sense, this article will take as a base the material remnants of the religious communities, especially the synagogue, to illuminate issues regarding Dura's
ethno-cultural diversity.
o conjunto formado por figurino, coreografia e itens de cena, pode resgatar elementos
tanto estéticos quanto religiosos dos antigos egípcios, inserindo-os em um cenário
contemporâneo. Para tal, utilizar-se-á como exemplo a criação de uma artista burlesca
Abstract: This article intends to characterize the concept of “burlesque” and
demonstrate how the ensemble formed by costumes, choreography and props can
rescue both aesthetic and religious elements of the ancient Egyptians, inserting them in
a contemporary setting. For this, will be used as an example the creation of a Brazilian
burlesque artist.
Abstract: One of the main subjects studied by the specialized historiography in the Antiquity of Israel and Judah is the united monarchy. Over time, several authors have put forward arguments in favour of or against the existence of the United Kingdom. This article makes a historiographic debate among some researchers who study this theme.
desde a Suméria até a Assíria, apresentam informações sobre a prática de um ritual de
animação de estatuas. O objetivo desse artigo é analisar as fontes em questão,
compreendendo o funcionamento desse ritual na Antiga Mesopotâmia; as perspectivas
desses povos a respeito de imagens e sua produção e apresentar novas epistemologias
para pensar a História do Oriente Antigo.
Abstract: Sources produced in Ancient Mesopotamia, in time periods ranging from
Sumeria to Assyria, shows information on the practice of an rites of animating statues. The
purpose of this article is to analyze the sources in question, understanding the working of
this ritual in Ancient Mesopotamia; the perspectives of these peoples regarding images
and their production and to present new epistemologies for thinking about the History of
the Ancient East
Abstract: This article aims to present the discovery and analysis of the Ostraca of Samaria and its implications for the history of Israel and Judah between the 9th and 8th century BCE. This epigraphic corpus is a set of administrative notes for receiving tribute in the royal capital of Northern Israel, Samaria, which evidences the development of Northern Israel with international domination unfolding.
Abstract: This article presents the practices attested in the Greco-Egyptian Magical Papyri (PGM) in the light of the local context of political-administrative reordering of Roman Egypt and the broader processes of cultural interactions in the Eastern Mediterranean that preceded it. We aim to discuss the progressive composite format of this tradition from its own logic of constitution and performance.
Abstract: In the second half of the 19th century, interest in Confucius increased among Brazilian intellectuals, for various reasons. The central problem was how to define this character in relation to the philosophical and religious issues of Brazilian society, which r has profoundly influenced the way we study Chinese thought in the country until today.
Mythos 2021.2 by Revista Mythos
Abstract: Faced with historical and literary perspectives, this research aims to present a study about women in the ancient world, taking as a reference the female condition manifested in the greek comedy of Aristofanes Lisístrata, the sex strike. In a comic bias, the respective author sought to highlight social exclusion and female inferiority in the face of the social questions of the time.
Abstract: This article seeks to historiographically contextualize the role of the mythical narrative of the goddess Hera in relation to the constitution of adultery as a hybris, in other words, the excessive within the context of the transition from the “Heroic Age” to the Emergence of the polis.
Abstract: This article aims to address the relevance of the discourse instigated in the Antigone tragedy, the work of the Greek author Sophocles, who, opposing an authoritarian order from King Creon, goes through a journey of struggle and subversion, in order to exercise his natural right to give funeral honors to the dead brother, even if it costs him his life, because she is certain that her divine right is above man's right.
Abstract: Considering the potential of the speeches of the Attic Orators as a historical source and the recent discussions on gender relations in antiquity, we will be analyzing the role of women in Athenian society based on the Is. I, Is. II and Is. III and of the construction of the ethos by Iseu, as he uses the ethos of women to characterize all the men involved in the succession process.
Abstract: With the advancement of gender studies, not only historical characters, but some mythological figures have been also analysed. This article aims to present how the image of the Gorgon Medusa has been appropriated nowadays in the construction of feminist discourses and critiques of sociocultural practices rooted in our society.
Abstract: This article will show that the tendency to read Sappho’s fragments as biographical has gained more influence in the light of Romanticism. However, this perspective is anachronistic, because, given the public character of poetry in the ancient world, the corpus is located in another context.
Abstract: This article proposes an analysis of the characterizations of the Greek goddess Aphrodite in the literary sources of archaic Greece, questioning, from the gender theory and Narratology, her canonical image of a goddess linked only to beauty, love and sexuality, thus addressing the multiple aspects of the goddess.
Abstract: Greek epic poetry can offer several testimonies about the 8th century BC, when the poems of Homer and Hesiod were recorded. Considering the Iliad, Odyssey, Homeric Hymns and Theogony, we seek to distinguish the status of the “queen-priestess” attributed to the women of Homeric royalty – her participation in the royal succession and in the cult of the native mother-goddess.
deusas que aparecem em seus mitos; faremos uma breve análise comparativa com a
estrutura religiosa levantina e demonstraremos que na literatura ugarítica encontramos
permanências e continuidades com o esquema mitológico encontrado em outras
regiões do Levante, no qual um deus representando a ordem cósmica se torna
proeminente no panteão derrotando deidades caóticas.
Abstract: This article will analyze the mythical structure of Ugarit and the collectivity of
gods and goddesses that appear in his myths; we will make a brief comparative analysis
with the Levantine religious structure and demonstrate that in the Ugaritic literature we
find permanencies and continuities with the mythological scheme found in other regions
of the Levant, in which a god representing the cosmic order becomes prominent in the
pantheon defeating chaotic deities.
Faraônico se envolveu de alguma forma em debates teológicos dos últimos séculos,
principalmente nas análises e visões envolvendo os conceitos de “monoteísmo” e
“politeísmo” ou na memória da figura de Moisés.
Abstract: The present paper proposes a brief presentation about how the ancient
pharaonic Egypt has been somewhat used in theological discussions of the past
centuries, especially in views and analyses that involved the concepts of “monotheism”
and “polytheism” or in the memory of the figure of Moses.
substantivistas, formalistas e marxistas, é o tema central deste artigo. Os modelos
econômicos tendem a generalizar e simplificar a realidade, por isso tomamos o período
acadiano (2335-2134 a.e.c) como referência, em razão da possibilidade de utilização
de fontes materiais e documentos que iluminam novas perspectivas para os estudos da
Abstract: The debate on Mesopotamian economics, based on the analysis of
substantivist, formalist and marxist assyriologists, is the central theme of this article. The
economic models tend to generalize and simplify reality, which is why we take the
Akkadian period (2335-2134 BCE) as a reference, in reason due the possibility of use
material sources and documents that illuminate new perspectives for studies of the area.
Abstract: This paper aims to contribute to the thematic dossier “Antiguidade Oriental no Brasil: pesquisas e perspectivas”, which is focused on the Brazilian perspective and research on the Ancient East. More than a critical reflection on the theme, we discuss some results of personal experiences, what excites us, what challenges us, in order to encourage more and more students to follow our steppes and to find traces of humanity that bind us to the past.
remanescentes materiais das comunidades religiosas, em especial da sinagoga, para iluminar questões quanto a diversidade étnico-cultural de Dura.
Abstract: The geographical location of Dura, in a border area between the Persian and Roman empires, added to the religious diversity makes Dura-Europos an excellent laboratory to analyze the process of identity formation due to its intense cultural exchanges. In this sense, this article will take as a base the material remnants of the religious communities, especially the synagogue, to illuminate issues regarding Dura's
ethno-cultural diversity.
o conjunto formado por figurino, coreografia e itens de cena, pode resgatar elementos
tanto estéticos quanto religiosos dos antigos egípcios, inserindo-os em um cenário
contemporâneo. Para tal, utilizar-se-á como exemplo a criação de uma artista burlesca
Abstract: This article intends to characterize the concept of “burlesque” and
demonstrate how the ensemble formed by costumes, choreography and props can
rescue both aesthetic and religious elements of the ancient Egyptians, inserting them in
a contemporary setting. For this, will be used as an example the creation of a Brazilian
burlesque artist.
Abstract: One of the main subjects studied by the specialized historiography in the Antiquity of Israel and Judah is the united monarchy. Over time, several authors have put forward arguments in favour of or against the existence of the United Kingdom. This article makes a historiographic debate among some researchers who study this theme.
desde a Suméria até a Assíria, apresentam informações sobre a prática de um ritual de
animação de estatuas. O objetivo desse artigo é analisar as fontes em questão,
compreendendo o funcionamento desse ritual na Antiga Mesopotâmia; as perspectivas
desses povos a respeito de imagens e sua produção e apresentar novas epistemologias
para pensar a História do Oriente Antigo.
Abstract: Sources produced in Ancient Mesopotamia, in time periods ranging from
Sumeria to Assyria, shows information on the practice of an rites of animating statues. The
purpose of this article is to analyze the sources in question, understanding the working of
this ritual in Ancient Mesopotamia; the perspectives of these peoples regarding images
and their production and to present new epistemologies for thinking about the History of
the Ancient East
Abstract: This article aims to present the discovery and analysis of the Ostraca of Samaria and its implications for the history of Israel and Judah between the 9th and 8th century BCE. This epigraphic corpus is a set of administrative notes for receiving tribute in the royal capital of Northern Israel, Samaria, which evidences the development of Northern Israel with international domination unfolding.
Abstract: This article presents the practices attested in the Greco-Egyptian Magical Papyri (PGM) in the light of the local context of political-administrative reordering of Roman Egypt and the broader processes of cultural interactions in the Eastern Mediterranean that preceded it. We aim to discuss the progressive composite format of this tradition from its own logic of constitution and performance.
Abstract: In the second half of the 19th century, interest in Confucius increased among Brazilian intellectuals, for various reasons. The central problem was how to define this character in relation to the philosophical and religious issues of Brazilian society, which r has profoundly influenced the way we study Chinese thought in the country until today.
Abstract: Faced with historical and literary perspectives, this research aims to present a study about women in the ancient world, taking as a reference the female condition manifested in the greek comedy of Aristofanes Lisístrata, the sex strike. In a comic bias, the respective author sought to highlight social exclusion and female inferiority in the face of the social questions of the time.
Abstract: This article seeks to historiographically contextualize the role of the mythical narrative of the goddess Hera in relation to the constitution of adultery as a hybris, in other words, the excessive within the context of the transition from the “Heroic Age” to the Emergence of the polis.
Abstract: This article aims to address the relevance of the discourse instigated in the Antigone tragedy, the work of the Greek author Sophocles, who, opposing an authoritarian order from King Creon, goes through a journey of struggle and subversion, in order to exercise his natural right to give funeral honors to the dead brother, even if it costs him his life, because she is certain that her divine right is above man's right.
Abstract: Considering the potential of the speeches of the Attic Orators as a historical source and the recent discussions on gender relations in antiquity, we will be analyzing the role of women in Athenian society based on the Is. I, Is. II and Is. III and of the construction of the ethos by Iseu, as he uses the ethos of women to characterize all the men involved in the succession process.
Abstract: With the advancement of gender studies, not only historical characters, but some mythological figures have been also analysed. This article aims to present how the image of the Gorgon Medusa has been appropriated nowadays in the construction of feminist discourses and critiques of sociocultural practices rooted in our society.
Abstract: This article will show that the tendency to read Sappho’s fragments as biographical has gained more influence in the light of Romanticism. However, this perspective is anachronistic, because, given the public character of poetry in the ancient world, the corpus is located in another context.
Abstract: This article proposes an analysis of the characterizations of the Greek goddess Aphrodite in the literary sources of archaic Greece, questioning, from the gender theory and Narratology, her canonical image of a goddess linked only to beauty, love and sexuality, thus addressing the multiple aspects of the goddess.
Abstract: Greek epic poetry can offer several testimonies about the 8th century BC, when the poems of Homer and Hesiod were recorded. Considering the Iliad, Odyssey, Homeric Hymns and Theogony, we seek to distinguish the status of the “queen-priestess” attributed to the women of Homeric royalty – her participation in the royal succession and in the cult of the native mother-goddess.
Abstract: This article seeks to investigate the friendship and the complicity performed by the feminine in Aristophanes’s Thesmophoriazusae, so that it proves that women are an informal collective frame in Athens, formed as result of social-historical actions, capable of a democratic procedure based in affections.
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to present a story published in Shimmy magazine (1925), that addresses the poet Sappho of Lesbos (VII - VI BCE) in association with the theme of lesboerotism. The example presented is part of the corpus of an ongoing research, which aims to locate and study the uses of this historical figure in popular narratives, that have been published in Brazil in the first half of the 20th century.
Abstract: With the entry of women into the university (1970) and the addition of archeology to historiography, it was possible to rethink the female locus within Classical Athens, undoing the unified formulations, in which the woman is characterized by a single possibility of being. In view of this perspective, the article aims to demonstrate, from the figure of the bacchae, another face of antiquity.
Abstract: The present study seeks to make some reflections about the tragedy of Eurípides Troianas and the Gender theme. Understanding the importance of tragic theater in the context of the Athenian isonic society of the 5th century BC, we chose this piece to analyze the representations of the feminine constructed by the tragedyographer, considering the formative value present at the heart of the tragedy.
Abstract: Based on a philological analysis and guided by the gender perspective proposed by Joan Scott and by the notion of the history of cosmos elaborated by Barbara Graziosi and Johannes Haubold, this work analyzes the participation of Helen in the promotion of the Trojan War, which aims to end the race of heroes. What will be seen, then, is the instrumentalization of Helen and the gender elements that stand out in this process.
Abstract: In this work, we will observe the use of the Pandora myth as the subordination of women’s actions in the Athenian Pólis, the building of a collective memory about the feminine and the symbolic and power system uses provided by this myth. It has become relevant to verify the tragedy as a training that educates and denounce institutional violence.
Abstract: In Classical Antiquity, the mythological narratives are a mirror of a universe marked by violence, from which female deities are not exempt This will be the focus of this articleI
Abstract: In the ancient textual production, we come across different male mentions about the universe of women, which pass through the wisdom they held about their bodies and sexualities. In the present work, it is our aim to analyze some Aristophanic and Hippocratic references with regard to female sharing of knowledge in Classical Greece.
Abstract: The present paper aims to look at Aeneas’s partners so as to comprehend their role and influence throughout the narrative. Besides, we pursue understanding the manner in which these characters’ representations can have fulfilled certain social role at the time as well.
Abstract: This article seeks to analyze some of the sapphic fragments through inquiry into the role of Sappho as educator, making also use of various testimonies from Antiquity. For that we also will be questioning the athenian feminine condition between V and IV B.C. by analyzing the male vision in literature about women of aristocracy.
Palavra-chave: Beleza; Cinema; Feminino; Homero; Troia.
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to think over on Helen's representations, our considerations articulate the way she appears in Homer's narrative, as well as in the movies, Helen of Troy and Troy. We observe the figure of the beauty and the feminine in Homer, as the manner which it is translated for the screens.
Abstract: Through this article, we intend to analyze the theme that arouses a wide range of interests when the proposal is to argue about Roman magistrates, without a doubt, with a more exciting reference directed to the Roman Tribune. Established at the dawn of the Roman Republic, motivated by the friction between the two social orders - commoners and patricians - that adjusted and were organized according to the republican context.
Abstract: This article seeks to contextualize historically the period of fragmentation in northern China during the years 220-589 ten, shortly after the fall of the Han dynasty, there was no uprising of ephemeral reigns altered by nomads and seminomas that arrived in Chinese lands, consequently, bringing a cultural divide between Han Chinese and ethnic groups from Central Asia. In addition, this period is described as a passage from Chinese history, commonly associated with the “dark ages”, so there is a social and political complexity in which it is necessary to be discussed.
Abstract: Since the period that was conventionally called the primitive Church, which dates back to the first Christian communities in antiquity, as well as throughout the course of the medieval period, the phenomenon of sanctity has assumed different expressions. Based on considerations about historical specificities and based on hagiographies, this article seeks to highlight and discuss the criteria of sanctity, which were featured as marks that were valued in the process of defining what it was to be a saint in the period referred to.
Abstract: Starting from the historiographical renewal concerning historical studies, this article aims to reflect the representations of Ancient Rome present in the spiritist novel “Two thousand years ago”. For this, the elements that involve the object under analysis are considered, such as the place of production of the source.
Abstract: In this article, the interest aroused is in relation to the persecutions that Christians suffered in the Roman Empire between the 1st and 2nd centuries of the common era. But was it really persecution? Or conflicts about the exercise of Roman citizenship in certain regions? The work aims to relativise the paradigm of persecution by analysing the epistolary documentation of Pliny the Young.
Abstract: The paper discusses the rhetorical meanings of tears in the account presented by Neoptolemus in the tragedy Philoctetes by Sophocles (409 BCE) from the perspective of the history of emotions. This paper examines how a speech developed as a deceitful account works with an array of emotional effects to build a close relationship with Philoctetes.
Abstract: Catullus and Ovid, Latin poets who lived in the years between the end of Julius Caesar’s res publica and the beggining of Augustan Principate, expressed in their verses the intention to reach other audiences and cross the seas. To think of Roman urbs oeuvres circulation in that time allows us to consider the intrinsic relation between written text and the way records were kept – or how they intended for posterity. With that in mind, in this paper we want to address both circulation and propagation processes of oeuvres in general in such period. We study Catullus and Ovid poems examining amicitia and patronage relations, which are alike yet different, as they bring each poet context and experiences.
Palavra-chave: Populus; Ciclos de Cambio; Formas de Gobierno; Teoría Política Clásica
Abstract: The objective of this work is to review the anti-popular tradition reflected in the theories of change of government present in Book VI of The Histories by Polybius and On the Republic by Cicero. In our opinion, these authors underestimate the political status of the lower classes. Consequently, this fact reveals the tension between the people as a founding principle of citizenship and the enunciative sectorialization that separated their subordinate part from any possibility of exercising good government.
Keyword: Populus; Cycle of Change; Forms of Government; Classical Political Theory
Palavra-chave: Homossexualidade; Idade Média; Cristianismo.
Abstract: This article presents some ideas built on homosexuality during the Middle Ages. In a way, some studies of several authors dealing with the subject will be discussed, in order to analyze their different conceptions and to identify some constructions of the social imaginary that were propagated by medieval society in the period.
Keyword: Homosexuality. Middle Ages. Christianity.
Palavras-chave: Atenas; Análise política; Eurípides; Sofistas.
Abstract: the present article aims to study the political thoughts that permeated the V century; C., like the experience of the sophists and the theater of Eurípides, in the tragic conceptions of the time, had its innovations and also its attempt of conservation.
Key-words: Athens; Political analysis; Euripides; Sophists.
Palavras-chave: Boaventura de Bagnoregio; Francisco de Assis; Ordem dos Frades Menores.
Abstract: This article reflects on Fr. Bonaventure of Bagnoregio's generalate from his works on the sanctity of Francis of Assisi. The study aims to understand different types of documents - and especially hagiography, in a context that goes beyond the cult of saints, being potential sources for analyzing normative aspects during the 13th century.
Keywords: Bonaventure of Bagnoregio; Francis of Assisi; Orders of Friars Minor.
Palavras- Chave: Antiguidade. Corpo. Feminino. Poder.
Abstract: In this article, the objective is to analyze the anatomical discourses of the female body, as well as the mythological ones related to women in the Ancient Greek world. In turn, the body and its owners became spaces of power denied or even "feared" by men of different times and societies in antiquity. In this sense, we decided to highlight some works by important exponents of this theme that lived in the archaic and classical periods, notably Hesiod and Aristotle.
Keywords: Antique. Body. Female. Power.
Palavra-chave: Antígona. Atenas Clássica. Cidadania. Gênero. Tragédia.
Abstract: Based on Sophocles' Antigone, we seek to achieve the comprehension of the relationships between the members of the polis, by the representation of a character who subverts the ideal pattern established by the Ancient Greek society. Thus, gender and feminist studies allow us to take new approaches about recurring themes, and Antigone reappears before us bringing back problems which are still relevant, problems that are still able to dialogue with the present times.
Keyword: Antigone. Classical Athens. Citizenship. Gender. Tragedy.
Esta resenha foi fruto de um trabalho realizado na disciplina de doutorado “Do antiquarismo ao Pós-Processualismo, as contribuições da Arqueologia Funerária para a História e o estudo da cultura material" do Programa de Pós-graduação em História Comparada da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (PPGHC/UFRJ).
Abstract: This work aims to present how the cultural formation of Anatolia in the 1st and 2nd century AD took place. For this, we will dialogue with the historiography that addresses the ethnic groups that influenced and contributed significantly to such a change in the culture of the Anatolians of the time, emphasizing the influences of these relations in customs, architecture, language and religiosity.
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to highlight that Solon is the cornerstone of Athenian archaic philosophy and the grandfather of classical moral philosophy. The core of my argument lies in the fact that Aristotle's thoughts about happiness and the best way of life-the main ethical issues-seems to have been deeply influenced by Solon.
Palavras-chave: Dante Alighieri; A Divina Comédia; Inferno; Conflitos Políticos.
Abstract: Dante Alighieri was a poet and politician from Florence (13th-14th centuries) and participated in the conflicts between Papacy and Monarchy. After being exiled, Dante dedicates himself to the production of The Divine Comedy, in order to criticize society. This article proposes an analysis of the representations of the political-religious conflicts perceived in Dante’s Hell.
Palavra-chave: Casamento dinástico. Fernando de Aragão. Isabel de Castela.
Abstract: This paper aims to presente the ways to the consolidation of the dynastic union between Castile and Aragon on the images of Isabel and Fernando. The dynastic marriage was tought as a political and diplomatic device.
Keyword: Dynastic marriage. Fernando of Aragon. Isabel of Castile.
Palavras-chave: Monaquismo. Durham. Monges. Anglia.
Abstract: The Benedictine monks of the priory Durham, a monastic house linked to the Cathedral of Durham, in northern Anglia, projected on the past of the community some elements of healthy importance for the construction of the identity of that institution. This can be seen in the forged letters 2.1.Pont.8, 1.1. Pont.4a, 1.1.Pont.2a, 1.1.Pont.3a and 1.1.Pont.1a, both made in the priory scriptorium and dating from the 12th century. The problem developed in this article is to discuss the role of the counterfeiting enterprise in the religious and political situation in northern Anglia (present-day England) in this period.
Keywords: Monasticism. Durham. Monks. Anglia
para trazer legitimidade e embasamento aos variados escritos. Curiosamente, Ramon
Llull, filósofo catalão, não fazia uso da auctoritas como era de praxe. Em fato,
raramente citava nomes, e sequer a Bíblia. Destarte, pretende-se aqui entender como
ele lidava com tal recurso.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Ramon Llull; Auctoritas; Retórica.
ABSTRACT: In the Middle Ages, was very usual the citation of countless auctores
forward bringing legitimity and support to the many works. Curiously, Ramon Llull,
catalan philosopher, didn’t make use of the auctoritas as so common at the time.
Indeed, rarely quoted names, and even the Bible. This way, it’s intended here to
understand how he dealed with such resource.
KEYWORDS: Ramon Llull; Auctoritas, Rhetoric.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Mitologia. Japão. Jimmu Tennō.
ABSTRACT: This article discusses the divinity that is considered the first emperor of Japan. The references to this emperor in two documents are highlighted, namely: “Kojiki” (Register of Ancient Affairs) and “Nihon Shoki” or “Nihongi” (Chronicles of Japan), which present particularities in relation to the development of the god. In addition, these documents demonstrate the elaboration of the Jimmu Tennō myth, and how it mixes with reality.
KEYWORDS: Mythology. Japan. Jimmu Tennō.
lugar, la sabiduría en la antigua Grecia es un conocimiento que procede de los dioses,
pero hay varias formas de ella: 1) el profeta; el poeta músico; y 3) el científico,
legislador y político. Adicionalmente, tempranamente el sabio -Tales y Pitágoras por
ejemplo- se convirtió en una clase específica de filósofo. A partir de Heráclito, la
sabiduría propiamente filosófica consiste en reconocer y seguir las leyes de la
naturaleza -el logos y su dialéctica.
Palabras clave: Sophía, Heráclito, Platón, Aristóteles.
The purpose of this paper is -freely paraphrasing Nietzche- to illustrate the birth of
philosophy out of the spirit of wisdom. To start with, wisdom in ancient Greece is a
knowledge that comes from gods, but there are several forms of it: 1) the prophet; 2)
the poet and musician; and 3) the scientist, law-giver and politician. In addition, at a
very early time the wise man –Tales and Pythagoras for instance– became a specific
kind of philosopher. From Heraclitus onwards, proper philosophical wisdom consists
in recognizing and following the laws of nature –the logos and his dialectic.
Keywords: Sophía, Heraclitus, Plato, Aristotle.
Himno Homérico a Apolo para descubrir ciertos rasgos de la divinidad y
mostrar la duplicidad intrínseca que presenta Apolo. Para ello
tomaremos en cuenta la lectura que realiza Giorgio Colli en el
Nacimiento de la Filosofía (1987) cuando nos advierte que buscar los
orígenes de la filosofía nos reconduce al Señor de Delfos.
No obstante, antes de establecer las marcas de esa duplicidad
intrínseca que ubicaremos en la tensión entre un Apolo lúdico y un
Apolo terrible, iniciaremos nuestro trabajo con algunas indicaciones
sobre las marcas identitarias del dios. Además, hablaremos del plexo de
divinidades que lo acompañan en un segmento recortado del Himno y
colaboran con la imagen festiva que queremos poner de manifiesto para
luego tensionar con la imagen oracular del señor que reina en Delfos.
El mismo dios toma conciencia de esa duplicidad cuando en su
autoproclamación advierte “—¡Sean para mí la cítara y el curvado arco!
¡Y revelaré a los hombres la infalible determinación de Zeus! (Himno
homérico a Apolo vv. 131-132). Esa autoproclamación encierra en sí
misma la duplicidad que queremos trabajar en el presente artículo. Una
cara musical y festiva y una cara terrible que, no solamente lo muestra
como arquero divino, capaz de defender de los males, sino también con
un rasgo de perversidad a partir de su vínculo con los mortales en el
marco de la función mántica que preside. Ubicaremos el esquema de trabajo en tres metáforas: la del viaje,
la musical y la agonística para recorrer tres tópoi de la identidad de esta
figura polisémica.
que é a deusa Amaterasu, além de sua participação na segunda parte do mito desse
país. Destaca-se as referências em dois documentos, a saber: “Kojiki” (Registro de
Assuntos Antigos) e “Nihon Shoki” ou “Nihongi” (Crônicas do Japão), que apresentam
particularidades nos relatos da deusa. Além disso, demonstra a elaboração do mito
desta divindade, assim como a sua importância na construção cultural do país.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Mitologia. Japão. Amaterasu.
ABSTRACT: This article discusses one of the most influential deities in Japan, which
is the goddess Amaterasu, in addition to her participation in the second part of that
country's myth. The references in two documents stand out, namely: “Kojiki” (Register
of Ancient Affairs) and “Nihon Shoki” or “Nihongi” (Chronicles of Japan), which present
particularities in the goddess's reports. In addition, it demonstrates the elaboration of
the myth of this divinity, as well as its importance in the cultural construction of the
KEYWORDS: Mythology. Japan. Amaterasu.
animais de Loki na mitologia nórdica e como tais animais eram vistos por esta
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Mitologia; Animais; Representatividade.
ABSTRACT: this article aims to discuss the representativeness of Loki´s animal
children in Norse mythology and how such animals were seen by this society.
KEYWORDS: Mythology; Animals; Representativeness.
mongol. Analisaremos a organização social, política e religiosa desta comunidade,
abordando ainda aspectos relacionados a Genghis Khan e sua influência na Ásia
Palavras-chave: Genghis Khan, Nomadismo, Mongólia, Cotidiano.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this work is to address the daily aspects of Mongolian society.
We will analyze the social, political and religious organization of this community, also
addressing aspects related to Genghis Khan and his influence in Central Asia.
pesquisa em história, pela perspectiva da transição da escrita em história da
temporalidade Arcaica para a Clássica da Grécia antiga, abordando em principal o
método desenvolvido sobre a obra documental História escrita pelo grego Heródoto.
Usando da linguística e suas ramificações como a poesia e narrativa buscou-se
demonstrar as perspectivas de modificações no método de pesquisa dos historiadores
gregos, além de relacionar este processo com as incorporações da filosofia sofistica e
da religiosidade mítica existente na polis grega, deste modo o uso de análises do
conteúdo e semânticos foram utilizados para entender este processo.
Palavras-chave: Grécia. Heródoto. Transição. Filosofia. Religiosidade.
Abstract: In the research ahead we will approach the construction of the thought and
technique of the research in history, by the perspective of the transition of the writing
in history from the archaic temporality to the classical of ancient Greece, approaching
in main the method developed on the documental work History written by the Greek
Herodotus. Using linguistics and its ramifications as poetry and narrative, the aim
was to demonstrate the perspectives of modifications in the research method of Greek
historians, besides relating this process with the incorporations of the sophistic
philosophy and mythical religiosity existing in the Greek polis.
Keywords: Greece. Herodotus. Transition. Philosophy. Religiosity.
língua francesa na língua portuguesa. Com base em teóricos como COUTO (2010),
TEYSSIER (1990) e ILARI (1999) foram realizados estudos sobre o assunto em questão
complementados com abordagem qualitativa descritiva, com um enfoque
fenomenológico, e método indutivo. A pesquisa nos mostra que a influência da língua
francesa para a língua portuguesa é de grande valia na construção de sua identidade
como língua, tendo participação desde a Idade Média. No Brasil, o francês é infiltrado
nas escolas 1809, mostrando assim a sua grande influência na construção do
português brasileiro, não de forma superficial, mas de forma mais complexa e
Palavras chaves: Influência, língua portuguesa, língua francesa.
ABSTRACT: This work aims to understand the relation of influence of the French
language in the Portuguese language. Based on theorists such as COUTO (2010),
TEYSSIER (1990) and ILARI (1999), studies on the subject were carried out
complemented with a descriptive qualitative approach, with a phenomenological
approach, and inductive method. The research shows that the influence of the French
language on the Portuguese language is of great value in the construction of its
identity as a language, having participation since the Middle Ages. In Brazil, French is
infiltrated in the 1809 schools, thus showing its great influence in the construction of
Brazilian Portuguese, not in a superficial way, but in a more complex and daring way.
Key-words: Influence, Portuguese language, French language.
PALAVRAS CHAVE: Etnocentrismo. Gregos e Egípcios. Livros Didáticos.
ABSTRACT: In this work we will analyze the concepts of ethnocentrism and otherness, in order to observe Greek and Egyptian societies. With this idea of observation of Greeks and Egyptians, we can deal with these concepts and demonstrate their reproductions in the didactic materials of the 6th year of elementary school. With this, it is crucial to the perception of the Mediterranean and its interaction and integration between Greek and Egyptian societies, aiming to enhance ethnic-racial diversity in the construction of the past.
KEY-WORDS: Ethocentrism. Greeks and Egyptians. Textbook.
a natureza e expressar as necessidade que estavam para além do seu domínio. O homem soube utilizar a arte em seu favor de variadas formas, incluindo o seu uso em rituais e utilização como sinalização. Como recursos a elaboração da pesquisa foram utilizados a análise de conteúdo e documental.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: paleolítico – arte rupestre – simbolismo
ABSTRACT: The genesis of art and symbolism belong to the Paleolithic. Since Paleolithic art consists of a symbolic language used by the peoples who made it, through the necessities of survival, men regarded the world and themselves as a transformative agent. They produced paintings in order to dialogue with nature and express the need that was beyond their domain. The men have been able to use art to his advantage in a variety of ways, including its use in rituals and use as signage. As resources for the elaboration of the research were used, the content and document analysis.
PALAVRAS CHAVE: Atenas; Teatro; Medeia; Violência.
ABSTRACT: Violence and death are aspects of Greek society expressed in different aspects of daily life and cultural practices, such as in myth, literature and predominantly in the theater. The present article then proposes to highlight violence and death in the Greek tragedy of Euripides, Medea, as well as infanticide and its possible analyzes within the work.
KEY WORDS: Athens; theater; Medea; violence.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Identidade religiosa, Valdenses, Idade Média, Bom Cristão
SUMMARY: We propose to analyze the formation of the religious identity of the Waldenses. From this perspective we assume that the religion of this movement would be directly linked to the formation of an identity influenced by the belief in Christian monotheism that has within one of its principles a moral conduct established by the teachings of the prophet Jesus Christ.
KEY WORDS: Religious Identity, Waldenses, Middle Ages, Good Christian
Palavras-Chave: Cavalgada, Príncipe Alfonso, Fernando III.
ABSTRACT: In our brief article, we will cover the first military participation of the Castilian-Leonese Prince Alfonso on horsebacks orchestrated by the royal hosts of the monarch Ferdinando III (1252-1284) in the Muslim landlords of Andalusia during the years 1231-1236.
Keywords: Cavalcade, Prince Alfonso, Fernando III.
Tradução, introdução e notas de Maria Aparecida de Oliveira Silva.
Mortuárias no Mediterrâneo Romano. Paco Editorial, 2016.
Este texto analisa o mais recente título organizado pelos
professores Doutora Luciane Munhoz de Omena e Doutor Pedro Paulo
Funari, da Universidade Federal de Goiás e Universidade Estadual de
Campinas, intitulado: “Práticas Funerárias no Mediterrâneo Romano”.
O livro com aproximadamente duzentas e vinte e sete páginas, busca
fazer uma síntese sobre as práticas mortuárias no Mediterrâneo romano
até o presente momento. O livro é dividido na seguinte seqüência:
“Apresentação”, “Prefácio” do professor Dr. Airton Pollini; “Aspectos
Legais do Mundo Funerário Romano” escrito por José Remesal
Rodriguez, “Monimenta Mortuorum: Memória e Religião em dois
monumentos mortuários ciceronianos” de Cláudia Beltrão da Rosa;
“Tecendo o fio entre a memória e a morte: à luz do túmulo de Otávio
Augusto” de Luciane Munhoz de Omena e Pedro Paulo de Abreu Funari;
“Lápides Funerárias e Ritos de Passagens entre os romanos no início do
principado: o que a morte pode nos dizer sobre a vida” redigido por
Renata Senna Garrafoni; “El Monumento Funerario del veterano L.
Poblicio (colônia s. 1.d.C) y la cultura literária de los soldados romanos
en el Alto Imperio” de Dario N. Sanchez Vendramini; “ A Morte no
Apocalipse” de Maria Aparecida de Andrade de Almeida e Pedro Paulo
de Abreu Funari; “Práticas Funerárias e Martírios: Morrendo pela Fé
cristã, enterramento como lugar de memória na concepção de
Prudêncio” de Ana Teresa Marques Gonçalves e o último capítulo
intitulado: “As relíquias dos mártires como esteio dos bispos: Melécio e
o culto de Bábilas em Antioquia(século IV d.C)” de Gilvan Ventura da
Silva e Érica Cristhyane Morais da Silva.
personagens da novela de cavalaria A Demanda do Santo Graal, do
século XIII, narrativa com forte influência eclesiástica. O texto
apresenta uma visão misógina, mas também é possível observar
imagens femininas positivas no manuscrito. Analisamos o papel da
morte da filha do rei Brutus, apaixonada, sem ser correspondida, pelo
cavaleiro Galaaz, associada à imagem da Eva-pecadora. Em
contraponto com a primeira, abordamos a morte da donzela ideal na
Demanda, associada à figura da Virgem Maria, a irmã de Persival, que
ocorre para que esta jovem pudesse curar uma leprosa. O objetivo é
refletir sobre o papel de ambas as donzelas na salvação feminina e
masculina, bem como, na condução dos eleitos ao Santo Graal.
Palavras-Chave: Morte, A Demanda do Santo Graal, filha do Rei Brutus,
irmã de Persival, Eva, Virgem Maria.
ABSTRACT: This paper discusses the meaning of two character’s death
in the novel of chivalry The Quest for the Holy Grail, from 13th century,
narrative with deep ecclesiastical influence. The text presents a
misogynous conception, but it is also possible to observe female positive
images in the manuscript. We analyze the death of Brutus’ daughter, in
love impassioned, unrequited, by the knight Galahad, associated to the
image of the sinner Eve. In counterpoint with the first one, we address
the death of Persival’s sister, which occurs so that this damsel could
cure a leprous woman. The objective is to reflect about the role of both
maidens in female and male salvation, as well, as in the conduct of the
chosen ones to the Holy Grail.
KEYWORDS: Death, The Quest for the Holy Grail, daughter of King
Brutus, sister of Persival, Eve, Virgin Mary.
lugar, en pensar algunos aspectos de la situación histórica de Hesíodo
en relación a su hermano Perses, a la condición de Ascra, su aldea, y a
la relación que ésta guarda con Tespia, ya que, a partir del juicio que
ambos hermanos sostienen, las referencias de Hesíodo en Trabajo y
Días, parecen devolver una progresiva incorporación de la aldea a
Tespia. En segundo lugar, nos proponemos pensar la variable del
espacio exterior en el marco del análisis socio-histórico-político efectuado en primer término. Doble propósito, pues a partir de la
situación presente de Hesíodo, jugaremos con la variable del territorio
para efectuar una lectura antropológica de la relación entre espacio y
guerra na civilidade Maia do período clássico de 250-900 a. C.
Investigaremos primeiramente a divisão dos grupos sociais,
hierarquicamente organizados, afim de verificar qual a função de cada
grupo no desenrolar da guerra. Logo em seguida, analisaremos a
escolha dos chefes, a fabricação das armas e preparação para a
batalha, desmitificando a ideia, que a guerra para os Maias era
motivada principalmente para a captura de prisioneiros para o
sacrifício. Por fim, verificaremos como eram realizadas as práticas de
sacrifício após as batalhas. O que evidencia por meio desse contexto e
que a guerra para civilidade Maia assim como para outras civilidades da
mesoamerica, contribuindo para a construção dos Estados e para o
desenvolvimento da sociedade.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Maias, Guerra, Sacrifício, Sociedade.
ABSTRACT: This article aims to analyze the practices of war in Mayan
civilization from the classic period of 250-900 a.C. We will first
investigate the division of social groups, hierarchically organized, in
order to verify the function of each group in the course of war. Soon
after, we will analyze the choice of the chiefs, the manufacture of the
weapons and preparation for the battle, demystifying the idea, that the
war for the Mayas was motivated mainly for the capture of prisoners for
the sacrifice. Finally, we will check how the sacrificial practices were
carried out after the battles. This isevidenced by this context and that
the war for Maya civilization as well as for other civilizations of the
Mesoamerica, contributing to the construction of States and to the
development of society.
KEYWORDS: Mayan, War, Sacrifice, Society.
e castidade no medievo além de levantar argumentos de historiadores
sobre a inclusão destes valores no código de conduta da Ordem do
Templo. Assim, pretende-se destacar o que eles representavam para a
sociedade, como ela os interpretava e fazer uma comparação sobre o
sentido que esses preceitos religiosos tinham na Regra Templária, a
maneira que influenciavam seu cotidiano e as consequências sofridas
por aqueles que se desviassem deles. Em suma procura-se estabelecer
uma correlação de como o conceito destes valores manobrava o modo de
vida da sociedade medieval e em especial o modo de vida Templário
durante a Baixa Idade Média.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Pureza. Castidade. Templários.
ABSTRACT: In this article we will discuss the meaning of purity values
and chastity in the Middle Ages, besides raising historians arguments
about the inclusion of these values in the code of conduct of the Order
of the Temple. So it’s intended to highlight what they represented for
the society, how they interpreted, and make a comparision about the
meaning of this religious precepts had for the Templar Rule, the way
that their daily life was influenced , and the consequences suffered by
those who deviated from them. In short, it seeks to establish a
correlation of how the concept of these values maneuvered the medieval
society way of life in especially the Templar way of life during the Low
Middle Ages.
KEYWORDS: Purity. Chastity. Templars. Medieval Society.
necromânticos no século VIII a.C. da Grécia arcaica, em especial, um
ritual de necromancia mencionado por Homero na Odisseia. A
abordagem desta pesquisa insere-se no campo da História
Antropológica. Do ritual de necromancia, compreendemos como uma
pratica mágica que conjurava as almas dos mortos para fins de
adivinhação e informações sobre acontecimentos do futuro. No campo
da teoria, utilizaremos as concepções de Marcel Mauss para explicar as
práticas de magia.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Grécia Arcaica; Magia; Rituais; Necromancia.
ABSTRACT: The research has the objective to analyse the practices of
necromancy rituals on VIII century B.C. of the Archaic Greece, in
special, a necromancy ritual mentioned by Homer in Odissey. This
search’s approach is inserted on the Anthropologic History field. Of
necromancy ritual, we comprehend that those rituals were a magical
practice that conjured the dead’s souls, with purpose to divination and
get information around future events. In the theory field, we will utilize
Marcel Mauss conceptions to explain the magic practices.
KEYWORDS: Archaic Greek; Magic; Ritual; Necromancy.
correlacionados aos indícios do crescimento econômico na Europa
medieval dos séculos XI-XIII, a saber: o ressurgimento das cidades e a
retomada do comércio. Optou-se em abordar esses dois aspectos de
forma simultânea, uma vez que podem ser compreendidos como
resultados de um mesmo processo: as transformações econômicas que
se deram a partir do ano mil (FRANCO JÚNIOR, 1984, p.100).
Palavras-chave: Renascimento urbano. Ressurgimento comercial.
Crescimento econômico. Transformações sociais.
ABSTRACT: This article seeks to discuss two aspects that were
correlated with the signs of economic growth in medieval Europe from
the eleventh to the thirteenth centuries, namely: the resurgence of cities
and the resumption of trade. It was decided to approach these two
aspects simultaneously, since they can be understood as the results of
the same process: the economic transformations that occurred from the
year one thousand (FRANCO JÚNIOR, 1984, p.100).
Keywords: Urban revival. Commercial resurgence. Economic growth.
Social Transformations
religiosa entre seus cidadãos, constituindo a ideia de “historicidade”
mediante as explicações míticas sobre o mundo. O estudo parte do
pressuposto de analisar esse fato que deu origem à consciência mítica
que fora formada entre os gregos, e de como a teoria a qual se
utilizavam, era baseada pela credulidade e não pela veracidade. O artigo
ainda abordara em segundo momento a transição que se origina a
partir do século V a.C. – com o apogeu do conhecimento e da sociedade
grega – ocasionando um processo gradual de ruptura no pensamento
mitológico, para o pensamento histórico. Neste panorama Heródoto de
Halicarnasso surge então como protagonista na defesa da busca e
investigação dos fatos. Contudo mediante aos desdobramentos do tema
adiante, observaremos a similaridade e as influências ao qual Heródoto
ainda mantém com seus antecessores e suas epopeias.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Mito, História, Heródoto
ABSTRACT: This article aims to analyze the practices of war in Mayan
civilization from the classic period of 250-900 a.C. We will first
investigate the division of social groups, hierarchically organized, in
order to verify the function of each group in the course of war. Soon
after, we will analyze the choice of the chiefs, the manufacture of the
weapons and preparation for the battle, demystifying the idea, that the
war for the Mayas was motivated mainly for the capture of prisoners for
the sacrifice. Finally, we will check how the sacrificial practices were
carried out after the battles. This is evidenced by this context and that
the war for Maya civilization as well as for other civilizations of the Mesoamerica, contributing to the construction of States and to the
development of society.
KEYWORDS: Mayan, War, Sacrifice, Society.
ferramentas didáticas utilizadas pela Igreja Católica, as quais tiveram o
intuito de servir como uma forma de controle social por meio da
inserção do medo do demônio, do inferno e da ação das bruxas na Idade
PALAVRAS CHAVE: Demonização; Idade Média; Igreja Católica
ABSTRACT: This work aims to present the main didactic tools used by
the Catholic Church, which were intended to serve as a form of social
control through the insertion of the fear of the devil, hell and the action
of witches in the Middle Ages.
KEYWORDS: Demonization; Middle Ages; Catholic Church;
medieval em torno do inferno descrito por Dante Alighieri na obra a
Divina Comédia. Na primeira parte (inferno) da obra, o inferno é dividido
em nove círculos concêntricos, sendo que o primeiro é o limbo do
segundo ao quinto dos condenados por pecados inconscientes e do
sexto ao nono para os que pecaram conscientemente. A divina comédia
foi escrita para moralizar as pessoas nos últimos séculos do medievo.
Além disso, foi usada como forma de manutenção do domínio da Igreja
Católica que estava dentro de um período de transformações sociais.
Pode se observar no escrito a concepção do universo do homem
medieval, onde o inferno seria um agrupamento de pessoas
sentenciadas ao sofrimento eterno por não cumprirem os mandamentos
cristões. Destarte, a sociedade medieval revela-se como sendo altamente
simbolista, onde tudo é um símbolo a ser decifrado e que o mundo
espiritual e intrínseco na realidade cotidiana do medievo.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: coletivo, Dante, inferno, mentalidade, símbolos.
ABSTRACT: this article aims to analyze, the speech and imaginary
medieval about the hell described by Dante Alighieri in the work the
divine comedy. In first part of work, the hell is divided in nice concentric
circles, the first being limbo, from the second to the fifth of those that
were doomed for unconscious sins and from sixth to the ninth to those
that were doomed for conscious sins. The divine comedy was written to
moralize people in the last centuries of medieval period. Besides, it was
used as a form to maintence the dominion of the Catholic Church that
was inside of a period of social transformations. It can be observed in
writing, the conception about universe of medieval man, where hell
would be a grouping of people doomed to eternal suffering for not fulfilling Christian’s commandments. Then, the medieval society revel
itself being highly symbolist, where everything is a symbol to be
deciphered and that the spiritual world is intrinsic in the daily reality in
the Middle Age.
KEY WORDS: medieval, Dante, hell, maintence, symbol.
elegia The husband’s message, presente no Livro de Exeter, centrandose na figura histórica do rei Aethelwulf de Wessex. Logo após seu
casamento com Judith, Aethelwulf teve de retornar a Wessex devido a
uma querela com seu filho Aethelbald (Kirby, 2000). Articulando essas
passagens históricas, tentaremos identificar como esta elegia é
reveladora das relações hierárquicas na sociedade anglo-saxã do século
X. Por fim, propomos a tradução desta elegia para o português.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Livro de Exeter, The husband's message,
Inglaterra anglo-saxã, Alta Idade Média.
ABSTRACT: This introductory research aims to explore the elegy "The
husband's message" found in the "Exter book" focusing on the historical
figure of the king Aethelwulf of Wessex. Immediately after Aethlwulf's
marriage to Judith, he had to return to Wessex due to a quarrel with
his son Aethelbald (Kirby, 2000). Articulating these historical passages,
we will try to show the way which elegy reveals the hierarchical
relations represented in the anglo-saxon society of the tenth century.
Finally, we propose its translation to portuguese.
KEYWORDS: Exeter book, The husband’s message, Anglo-saxon
England, High Middle Ages
de “saber camponês”, ou seja, um conhecimento empírico, construído
através de gerações a partir da observação dos sinais da phýsis e a
leitura destes sinais como marcação de tempo para a realização das
atividades cotidianas, mais especificamente, aquelas relacionadas às
atividades da área rural de Atenas. Este saber foi sistematizado na obra
Os Trabalhos e os Dias de Hesíodo e evidencia como os valores rurais,
ligados à terra e às atividades agrícolas, ainda permeava o imaginário
cultural arcaico ateniense.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Hesíodo, Camponês, phýsis
ABSTRACT: This work has the objective of presenting what we call
"peasant’s knowledge", i.e., an empirical knowledge, built through
generations from the observation of the signs of phýsis and reading
these signs as marking time for the performance of daily activities, more
specifically, those related to the activities of the rural area of Athens.
This knowledge was systematized in The Works and Days of Hesiod and
shows how the values rural areas, connected to the earth and to
agricultural activities, still permeated the cultural imaginary archaic
KEYWORDS: Hesiod, Peasant, Phýsis
dedicados aos heróis gregos no período Homérico. No campo da teoria,
utilizaremos as concepções de Jean-Pierre Vernant para explicar que o
culto heroico possuía um significado religioso e influenciava no
equilíbrio geral de um sistema cultural correspondente aos cultos
direcionados as divindades.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE:Grécia, Religião, Rituais, Heróis.
ABSTRACT: The present article has the goal to make an analisis of the
funeral rites dedicated to the Greek Heroes in the homeric period. In the
theory field, we will utilize Jean-Pierre Vernant conceptions to explain
that the heroic cult had a religious significance and influenced the
general equilibrium of a cultural system corresponding to the cults
directed to the deities.
KEYWORDS: Greek, Religion, Rituals, Heroes.
técnicos e práticos necessários à atividade profissional do mercador na
baixa Idade Média. O recorte espacial se refere à região da Europa
Ocidental. Utilizaremos o documento La Pratica de Mercatura, um
manual do comércio escrito no século XII pelo florentino Francesco
BalducciPegolotti. Esse gênero literário passou a ser difundido na
Europa cristã a partir do século XIII e configura-se como um registro de
conhecimentos e experiências coletiva dos mercadores (REIS, 2015,
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Idade Media. Mercadores. Manual de comércio.
ABSTRACT: This article pick up point and discuss the technical and
practical knowledge necessary for the professional activity of the trader
in the late Middle Ages. The spatial clipping refers to the region of
Western Europe. We will use the document Her practice of Mercatura, a
trade manual written in the 12th century by the Florentine Francesco
BalducciPegolotti. This literary genre became widespread in Christian
Europe from the 13th century and appears as a record of collective
knowledge and experience of the \
KEYWORDS: Middle Ages. Merchants. Trade Manual
é um movimento reformista que surgiu na França Medieval do século
XIII. Seu fundador é Pedro Valdo,um abastado comerciante de Lyon no
reino da Borgonha que decide abdicar toda a sua riqueza e passa a viver
uma vida simples e apostólica. Reunindo com suas pregações grande
número de seguidores. Discutiremos aqui, o contexto histórico em que
surge esse grupo religioso, tendo em vista que além dos Valdenses
também houve outros movimentos (Cátaros, doutrina Wicliffiana e o
movimento Hussita) que também criticavam a atuação do clero e o
modo como estes conduziam a vida religiosa. Este artigo visa analisar
ás críticas dos Valdenses aos privilégios Clero Medieval como; o
monopólio do clero sobre a supervisão, execução e implantação da
educação e da saúde pública. Abordaremos também, as críticas dos
Pobres de Lyon sobre os direitos do Clero como; isenção do pagamento
de impostos, o direito de cobrar uma taxa para manutenção da capela
local (esse dizimo era chamado “Tostão de Pedro”) e o direito ao
recebimento de doações de bens em testamento. Analisaremos também,
o direito divino do Papa na Idade Média. Segundo esse direito, poder do
Papa estava à cima de qualquer poder na terra, pois ele seria o
escolhido de Deus para guiar o caminho dos fieis até a salvação.
Presenciamos aqui a ideia agostiniana, a da superioridade do espiritual
(Papa como representante de Deus) sobre o temporal (Rei, Imperador.).
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Igreja; Privilégios; Direitos; Valdenses.
clássicos como Caio Júlio César, Estrabão e Aminiano Marcelino, a
situação social e religiosa da mulher na civilidade celta na Gália
anterior a romanização. Pretendemos observar, quais funções as
mulheres poderiam exercer, uma vez que a igualdade em relação aos
homens não era algo distante da realidade celta.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Mulheres celtas; Sociedade; Sexualidade; Magia.
ABSTRACT: This work aims at analyzing, through classical authors
such as CaioJúlio César, Strabo and Aminiano Marcelino, a social and
religious situation of women in Celtic civilization in Gaul prior to
Romanization. We intend to observe, what functions as women can
exercise, since an equality with men is not something far from the Celtic
KEYWORDS: Celtic women; Society; Sexuality; Magic.
formação da sociedade cavaleiresca como um grupo social dentro do
ocidente medieval, visto que este título de “cavaleiro”, uma vez que, com
as mudanças que ocorrem dentro do contexto medieval, torna-se um
título de nobreza. É necessário, portanto, que vejamos como se formou
esse grupo tão conhecido e fantasiado no mundo e qual era a sua
finalidade dentro da sociedade medieval ocidental.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Cavaleiros; Título de Nobreza; Sociedade; Ocidente
ABSTRACT: The production of this article aims to show the formation
of the Knight Society as a social group within the medieval west, since
this title of "Knight", with the changes occurring within the medieval
context, it becomes a title of nobility. It is necessary, therefore, to see
how this well-known and dreamed group was formed and what its
purpose in western medieval society.
KEY-WORDS: Knights; Title of Nobility; Society; Medieval West;
portuguesa do século XIII, escrita no códice vienense n° 2594,
compondo a Matéria da Bretanha, que é um extenso conjunto de textos
centrados na figura de Artur e de seus cavaleiros da távola redonda. A
Demanda do Santo Graal conta a aventura destes cavaleiros na busca
pelo Graal, cálice sagrado usado por Cristo na Última Ceia e no qual
José de Arimatéia recolheu o Sangue de Cristo, que restituiria a
abundância ao reino de Logres. Pretendemos neste artigo trabalhar com
a identificação e análise das questões que envolvem a vulnerabilidade
física e sexual da mulher medieval, tendo como fonte A Demanda do
Santo Graal. Desde a Antiguidade e atravessando o medievo, a questão
do direito do homem sobre a vida e o corpo da mulher já se fazia uma
constância. No século XIII passa-se a criminalizar as ações de violência
contra as mulheres, mesmo que com maior preocupação em proteger a
mulher nobre. Porém, não pretendemos somente olhar estas mulheres
como vítimas, mas, também identificar as ações destas enquanto
provocadoras de violência, representações que refletem o olhar misógino
dado ao feminino.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Mulher, violência, Idade Média, A Demanda do
Santo Graal.
no imaginário feminino de três personagens vicentinas em relação ao
casamento na sociedade portuguesa do século XVI, com base em três
obras de Gil Vicente: o Auto da Índia, o Auto da Sibila Cassandra e a
Farsa de Inês Pereira. Ao final buscamos evidenciar que os diferentes
posicionamentos são indicativos das transformações no comportamento
feminino em Portugal de Quinhentos.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Imaginário feminino, Casamento, Comportamento
ABSTRACT: This paper seeks to analyze the conceptual plurality in the
feminine imaginary of the three Vicentian characters in relation to
marriage in the Portuguese society of of the sixteenth centurycentury,
based in three works by Gil Vicente: the Act of India, the Act of Sibyl
Cassandra and Ines Pereira’s Farce. In the end, we tried to show that
the different positions are indicative of the transformations in female
behavior in Portugal in the 15th century.
KEYWORDS: Imaginary, marriage, female behavior
outro conhecimento. Pensar e falar teologicamente foram e serão
sempre decisivos na afirmação da cidadania em uma sociedade
profundamente influenciada pela religião. Entretanto, a trajetória e a
sistematização do pensamento teológico de raízes oriental e ocidental é
de prerrogativa quase exclusivamente masculina. No cristianismo, não
foi sem resistências que as mulheres aceitaram a condição de silêncio
que lhes foi imposta.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Mulher. Cristianismo. Teologia.
SUMMARY: Theological Saber is an instrument of power, like any other
knowledge. Thinking and talking theologically were and will always be
decisive in the affirmation of citizenship in a society deeply influenced
by religion. However, the trajectory and systematization of theological
thought of oriental and western roots is almost exclusively masculine
prerogative. In christianity, it was not without resistors that women
accepted the condition of silence that was imposed upon them.
KEYWORDS: Woman. Christianity. Theology.
cada vez mais entre os interesses daqueles que fazem Arqueologia,
ganhando cada vez mais legitimidade e atuando nas áreas de ciências
humanas e sociais, de modo que deixou de ser apenas uma curiosidade,
passando a ter um lugar legítimo. Embora ainda não tenha o prestígio
de alguns campos da Arqueologia, esta passa a ter cada vez mais
enfoque global; sendo um campo de estudo recente, ainda não atingiu a
visibilidade que lhe é possível, em razão de posicionamentos que ainda
não estão fortemente consolidados, desafiando os modelos que lhe eram
impostos. Uma série de jovens pesquisadores têm adotado diferentes
posições acadêmicas afim de construir uma mudança de paradigmas na
possível o estabelecimento da Inquisição e seus consequentes resultados. Criada
durante a Idade Média como instrumento de repressão às práticas tidas como pagãs e
hereges, a Inquisição permaneceu vários séculos atuando lado a lado com a Igreja.
Contudo, é necessário que se faça um estudo mais minucioso para que se possa
compreender as circunstâncias em a sociedade medieval vivia para que possam ser
determinadas a prováveis causas da difusão desse Tribunal no âmbito medieval.
e castidade no medievo além de levantar argumentos de historiadores
sobre a inclusão destes valores no código de conduta da Ordem do
Templo. Assim, pretende-se destacar o que eles representavam para a
sociedade, como ela os interpretava e fazer uma comparação sobre o
sentido que esses preceitos religiosos tinham na Regra Templária, a
maneira que influenciavam seu cotidiano e as consequências sofridas
por aqueles que se desviassem deles. Em suma procura-se estabelecer
uma correlação de como o conceito destes valores manobrava o modo de
vida da sociedade medieval e em especial o modo de vida Templário
durante a Baixa Idade Média.