Papers by Marcia 安琪 Schmaltz 修
Translation in Transition: Between cognition, computing and technology, 2017
Translation process research has focused on alphabetic scripts in post-editing and translation ta... more Translation process research has focused on alphabetic scripts in post-editing and translation tasks from the second language (L2) into the mother tongue (L1). This chapter approaches translation and post-editing tasks involving Chinese, which has a logographic script, in combination with Portuguese. The aim is to compare task type (translation and post-editing) and directionality (L2-L1 and L1-L2) focusing on cog-nitive and temporal measures of effort. Eye-tracking and key-logging data were collected from 18 Chinese professional translators in four consecutive translation/post-editing sessions. The results point to a significant impact of directionality and task type on virtually all cognitive measures investigated by means of a linear mixed-effect regression model. However, directionality and task type had no significant impact on total task time.
This paper reports an exploratory study aimed at investigating the impact of post-editing and tra... more This paper reports an exploratory study aimed at investigating the impact of post-editing and translation task execution in the Portuguese-Chinese language pair as performed by professional translators. Eye-tracking and key-logging data were used to assess temporal, technical and cognitive measures related to the understanding of two Portuguese source texts and the production of two Chinese target texts. The results point to no impact of task type on overall temporal effort, but indicate an impact on the cognitive effort related to source-text understanding and on technical effort related to target-text production. The study contributes to the body of knowledge in translation process research by providing results involving a logographic language, Chinese, which, so far, has been barely studied in the field.
In 2005, Sergio Capparelli met Marcia Schmaltz in a Beijing subway and invited her to co-translat... more In 2005, Sergio Capparelli met Marcia Schmaltz in a Beijing subway and invited her to co-translate Chinese tales for children and youngsters. This meeting resulted in a collection of over two hundred short stories, which were partially published in 50 Fables of Fabulous China (Capparelli; Schmaltz, 2007) and in Chinese Supernatural Tales (Schmaltz; Capparelli, 2010). In this paper, I present some reflections originated from the bibliographical research about the preparation of those source texts. The first reflection focuses on the influence of the philosophical doctrines of the traditional culture for the Chinese literary production, which has on education one of its main roles. The second one combines literary concepts such as prose fiction, children’s literature and intertextuality in the different cultural systems involved, which must be taken into consideration by the translator. The third one refers to the reconstitution process of the tale “Confucius and unnamed boy”, and to the texts referring to this tale. Finally, the forth reflection is about the translation process. In this part, we discuss the decisions which were made, taking into account the intrinsic aspects of the source texts in the Chinese cultural system for its transposition in the target culture system.
This paper reports on an ongoing empirical-experimental project (AuTema-PostEd) which aims at tap... more This paper reports on an ongoing empirical-experimental project (AuTema-PostEd) which aims at tapping into translation and post-editing processes as a source of insight into the role of translators' understanding in task problem solving. It analyses data gathered from translation and post-editing task logs by subjects working with the language pair Portuguese-Chinese in both directions (L1 into L2 and L2 into L1), Chinese being the subjects' L1 and Portuguese their L2. Sixteen professional translators performed two translation tasks (L1 into L2 and L2 into L1) and two post-editing tasks (one in their L1 and another one in their L2) using machine-translated input provided by the software PCT (Portuguese-Chinese Translator) (Wong et al 2012). Eye movements and keyboard and mouse activities were logged using a Tobii T120 eye tracker and the software Translog-II (Carl 2012(Carl , 2013) ) in order to capture translators' behaviour while translating and post-editing. Retrospective protocols were recorded immediately after each task. Source texts were short news reports (80-word or character-equivalent long) selected on the basis of distinctive cohesive chains (Halliday & Hassan 1976, Halliday 1989, Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004) running throughout them. The assumption was that identity chains whereby discourse participants are introduced and tracked throughout the text would require the translators to retrieve the identity of what is being talked about by referring to another expression either in the co-text or the context of situation and culture; retrieval movements were thus expected to be captured by eye movements and keyboard activity during reading and writing. Task logs were examined for activity regarding text production of selected cohesive chains and eye tracking (look backs, look forwards, fixation count and duration) and keyboard data (text production between pauses) were obtained. A linear mixed-effects regression model (LMER) was applied to the data set and retrospective protocols were analysed for subjects' verbalization of problem solving decisions regarding the cohesive chains under study. Results for one of the L2 into L1 tasks point to substantial effort on the part of subjects to retrieve the identity of the referred expressions in the source text, as captured by fixation and reading path data and interim renditions while attempting to solve reference problems in the target text. This can be related to subjects' need to cope with typological and registerial differences between source and target language as well as to their need to build a semantic representation for the purposes of understanding the source text.
This paper reports an exploratory study aimed at investigating the impact of post-editing and tra... more This paper reports an exploratory study aimed at investigating the impact of post-editing and translation task execution in the Chinese-Portuguese language pair as performed by professional translators. Eye-tracking and keylogging data were used to assess temporal, technical and cognitive measures related to the understanding of two Portuguese source texts and the production of two Chinese target texts. The results point to no impact of task type on overall temporal effort, but indicate an impact on the cognitive effort related to source-text understanding and on technical effort related to target-text production. The study contributes to the body of knowledge in translation process research by providing results involving a logographic language, Chinese, which, so far, has been barely studied in the field.
Nesse livro, apresentamos uma coleção de ensaios sobre China Antiga, coligidos junto a especialis... more Nesse livro, apresentamos uma coleção de ensaios sobre China Antiga, coligidos junto a especialistas no Brasil, Portugal, Macau, China, Singapura, Israel e Eslovênia. Versando sobre a história, a arte, a filosofia e a literatura da China Antiga, esse livro apresenta-se uma produção inédita no Brasil.
Entrevista com o poeta Hu Xudong.
New Directions in Empirical Translation Process Research: Exploring the CRITT TPR DB, Aug 15, 2015
Few studies using Translog-II in conjunction with eye-tracking data in translation studies have f... more Few studies using Translog-II in conjunction with eye-tracking data in translation studies have focused on languages which use logographic scripts. This chapter reports on an exploratory study of data related to one text included in MS13, contained in CRITT Translation Process Research Database, with a view to investigating the impact of type of cohesive chain on cognitive effort in Portuguese-Chinese translation and post-editing tasks. Eye-tracking and keylogging data were assessed by means of a linear mixed-effects regression model. The results point to no impact of task on the dependent variables, but an impact of type of cohesive relations on target text reading and production. The chapter also contributes to developing a methodology for processing of Translog-II data involving Chinese.
Cadernos de Literatura em Tradução, Dec 2013
O número temático "Especial China" desta Cadernos comemora os 500 anos da chegada do navegador po... more O número temático "Especial China" desta Cadernos comemora os 500 anos da chegada do navegador português Jorge Álvares a Tamão (屯门 tunmen), região do Delta do Rio das Pérolas (珠江 zhujiang) em Cantão (广东 Guangdong). Esse contato foi intermediado por intérpretes chamados então de jurubaças, palavra de origem malaia jurubhasa, em que juru significa "mestre, perito" e baça [bhasa] "língua". Inicialmente, eles eram mestiços portugueses e malaios; mais tarde, portugueses e chineses convertidos ao cristianismo 1 . Em 1582, chega a Macau a missão jesuítica protegida pela coroa Portuguesa que funda seminários 2 e representa o marco da primeira fase da tradução sino-portuguesa (1582-1773). Desse período existe o registro de sete tradutores 3 . Foi no século XVII que surgiu o primeiro Dicionário português-chinês 4 de Matteo Ricci e Michele Ruggieri 5 . Àquela altura, a baixa instrução dos jurubaças somada à pouca habilidade para o manejo interlinguístico, fez com que em 1627 fosse estabelecido o "Regimento da Língua da Cidade e dos
CWMT 2014, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 493, Nov 2014
The focus of the present article is the two Chinese localizers qian (front) and hou (back), in th... more The focus of the present article is the two Chinese localizers qian (front) and hou (back), in their function of time, in the process of the Chinese-Portuguese machine translation, and is integrated in the project Autema SynTree (annotation and Analysis of Bilingual Syntactic Trees for Chinese/Portuguese).
The text corpus used in the research is composed of 46 Chinese texts, extracted from The International Chinese Newsweekly, identified as source text (ST), and target texts (TT) are composed of translations into Portuguese executed by the
Portuguese-Chinese Translator (PCT) and humans. In Portuguese the prepositions of transversal axis such as antes de and depois de, are used to indicate the time before and after, corresponding to qian and hou in Chinese. Nevertheless,
inconsistencies related to the translation of the localizers are found in the output of the PCT when comparing it with the human translation (HT). Based thereupon, the present article shows the developed syntax rules to solve the inconsistencies
found in the PCT output. The translations and the proposed rules were evaluated through the application of BLEU metrics.
Antigas Leituras: Visões da China Antiga, Nov 2014
Este ensaio discute a representação simbólica do cavalo na cultura chinesa da pré-história até a ... more Este ensaio discute a representação simbólica do cavalo na cultura chinesa da pré-história até a dinastia Han Ocidental 西汉 (206 AEC – 24 EC). Inicia-se com a descrição da presença do cavalo na região antes da pré-história. Na segunda seção, arrolam-se mitos sobre cavalos. Na terceira seção, descreve a introdução e desenvolvimento do cavalo como elemento militar. Na quarta seção, descreve-se o termo cavalo nos primeiros registros escritos e a respectiva simbologia no que concerne aos ritos e à educação. Depois de discutir o status do cavalo sob a égide confuciana ortodoxa e da escola das leis, na quinta seção, analisa-se a alegoria do animal para o daoísmo 道 e a respectiva crítica às escolas filosóficas hegemônicas levadas a cabo em Zhuangzi 庄子. Ao final, a partir da revisão bibliográfica conclui-se a importância do cavalo dentro do sistema cultural chinês sob uma abordagem filosófica até ao período dos Reinos Combatentes (475-221 AEC).
Book of abstracts Translation in Transition: between Cognition, Computing and Technology, Jan 30, 2014
This paper reports on an ongoing empirical-experimental project (AuTema-PostEd) which aims at tap... more This paper reports on an ongoing empirical-experimental project (AuTema-PostEd) which aims at tapping into translation and post-editing processes as a source of insight into the role of translators' understanding in task problem solving. It analyses data gathered from translation and post-editing task logs by subjects working with the language pair Portuguese-Chinese in both directions (L1 into L2 and L2 into L1), Chinese being the subjects' L1 and Portuguese their L2. Sixteen professional translators performed two translation tasks (L1 into L2 and L2 into L1) and two post-editing tasks (one in their L1 and another one in their L2) using machine-translated input provided by the software PCT (Portuguese-Chinese Translator) (Wong et al 2012). Eye movements and keyboard and mouse activities were logged using a Tobii T120 eye tracker and the software Translog-II (Carl 2012, 2013) in order to capture translators’ behaviour while translating and post-editing. Retrospective protocols were recorded immediately after each task. Source texts were short news reports (80-word or character-equivalent long) selected on the basis of distinctive cohesive chains (Halliday & Hassan 1976, Halliday 1989, Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004) running throughout them. The assumption was that identity chains whereby discourse participants are introduced and tracked throughout the text would require the translators to retrieve the identity of what is being talked about by referring to another expression either in the co-text or the context of situation and culture; retrieval movements were thus expected to be captured by eye movements and keyboard activity during reading and writing. Task logs were examined for activity regarding text production of selected cohesive chains and eye tracking (look backs, look forwards, fixation count and duration) and keyboard data (text production between pauses) were obtained. A linear mixed-effects regression model (LMER) was applied to the data set and retrospective protocols were analysed for subjects’ verbalization of problem solving decisions regarding the cohesive chains under study. Results for one of the L2 into L1 tasks point to substantial effort on the part of subjects to retrieve the identity of the referred expressions in the source text, as captured by fixation and reading path data and interim renditions while attempting to solve reference problems in the target text. This can be related to subjects' need to cope with typological and registerial differences between source and target language as well as to their need to build a semantic representation for the purposes of understanding the source text.
International Workshop in Speech and Gaze in Translation, abstract book, Aug 9, 2013
Since the end of the 1990s, the understanding of metaphors as figurative language or as linguisti... more Since the end of the 1990s, the understanding of metaphors as figurative language or as linguistic expressions in a source-language replaceable by equivalent expressions in the target-language has changed. A cognitive approach has gained strength, which sees metaphor as the understanding of a domain of experience in terms of another (Lakoff and Johnson 1980: 5). This cognitive approach has contributed new insights to the field of Translation Process Research (TPR). This paper, an empirical-experimental study, investigates the recursion patterns and gaze movements in the problem-solving process to decision-making in the Chinese translation of linguistic metaphors into Portuguese.
Cadernos de Literatura em Tradução (14)
Poetry Between Portuguese and Chinese conduzida pelas autoras. Destaca-se a fundamentação teórica... more Poetry Between Portuguese and Chinese conduzida pelas autoras. Destaca-se a fundamentação teórica da pesquisa, com bases nas oito perguntas de D'hulst (2001) para uma escrita historiográfica. Uma tabela ilustrativa é apresentada como o primeiro resultado prático de uma catalogação bibliográfica de livros de poesia chinesa traduzidos para o português, e vice-versa, que será em breve disponibilizada na página eletrônica da Universidade Macau.
Dialogar é preciso: Linguística para processamento de línguas, Mar 2013
O presente estudo, desenvolvido no âmbito do projeto Autema-Syntre , apresenta uma análise contra... more O presente estudo, desenvolvido no âmbito do projeto Autema-Syntre , apresenta uma análise contrastiva sobre a tradução automática dos adverbiais temporais do chinês para o português, e propõe algumas regras gramaticais, para melhorar o desempenho do Sistema de Tradução Português-Chinês (PCT). O corpus para análise é constituído por 46 textos-fonte (TF) na língua chinesa, cada um com cerca de 200 palavras, e pelos respectivos textos-alvo (TA) na língua portuguesa traduzidos respectivamente pelo PCT (PCT MT) e por Humanos (HT). Os textos-fonte foram extraídos de The International Chinese Newsweekly. As estruturas sintáticas dos TF chinês dos PCT MT e HT foram analisadas e comparadas, e foi possível identificar que os resultados dos PCT MT’s apresentam inconsistências estruturais. Para resolvê-las, discutimos e propomos algumas regras sintáticas.
Revista Olhares
É dito que existem três possibilidades quanto à entrada de espécimes exóticas em um dado ecossist... more É dito que existem três possibilidades quanto à entrada de espécimes exóticas em um dado ecossistema: sobrevivência, extinção ou mutação. Na China, também é observado este fenômeno similar nas artes cênicas, quando o teatro moderno realista ocidental foi transplantado a seu sistema cultural. Este artigo apresenta o panorama do desenvolvimento do moderno teatro na China. Para tanto, inicia-se por uma breve descrição do teatro tradicional chinês para depois expor o contexto da introdução da arte dramática ocidental, os seus principais períodos teatrais e encenações.
Palavras-chave: teatro moderno, história do teatro, China.
The modern Chinese theater: development, pitfalls and postmodernity.
Abstract: It is often said that there are three possibilities to the entry of exotic specimens in a given ecosystem: survival, extinction or mutation. In China, this phenomenon is also observed in Arts, when the Western modern realism in theater was transplanted to this cultural system. This article presents an overview of the development of modern theater in China. To do so, start by a brief description of traditional Chinese theater and then expose the context of the introduction of Western drama, its main periods and theatrical productions.
Keywords: modern theater, theater history, China.
In the area of Translation Studies (TS), metaphor has been largely discussed, mainly with respect... more In the area of Translation Studies (TS), metaphor has been largely discussed, mainly with respect to the procedures of translation under a normative view (cf. Nida 1964, Newmark 1988, among others), based on the understanding of the metaphor as a figurative language or linguistic expression in a source-language, which is replaceable by another equivalent expression in the target-language. It was only at the end of the nineties of the twentieth century that an approach with a cognitive bias gained strength, that is, metaphor as the understanding of a domain of experience in terms of another (Lakoff and Johnson 1980: 5). This cognitive approach has been contributing to new insights in the field of Translation Process-oriented Studies (TPS).
The present empirical-experimental study investigated the recursion pattern in the problem-solving process to decision-making (Tirkkonen-Condit 2005) in the translation of the linguistic metaphors in a journalistic text by twelve professional translators from Chinese into Portuguese. We analyzed the intermediary decisions for the translations of the linguistic metaphors in a text extracted from a weekly magazine with wide circulation in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. The Metaphor Identification Procedure was used in order to discern the linguistic metaphors of the source text and target texts (Pragglejaz 2007, Steen et al. 2010). The tools for the collection of the data were the Translog, a tool for monitoring and collecting keystroke and gaze data, and the application of questionnaires. For the analysis and discussion, we made a triangulation of the data (Alves 2003, Jakobsen 2011), where parameters are proposed in order to enable the measurement of the problem solving process for the translation of linguistic metaphors. The outcome of this study are intended to contribute to deeper understanding of cognitive processes underlying the metaphor translations from Chinese into Portuguese, which may enhance the translation teaching of these two language pairs, as well as provides a basis for development of translation assistance tools.
Papers by Marcia 安琪 Schmaltz 修
The text corpus used in the research is composed of 46 Chinese texts, extracted from The International Chinese Newsweekly, identified as source text (ST), and target texts (TT) are composed of translations into Portuguese executed by the
Portuguese-Chinese Translator (PCT) and humans. In Portuguese the prepositions of transversal axis such as antes de and depois de, are used to indicate the time before and after, corresponding to qian and hou in Chinese. Nevertheless,
inconsistencies related to the translation of the localizers are found in the output of the PCT when comparing it with the human translation (HT). Based thereupon, the present article shows the developed syntax rules to solve the inconsistencies
found in the PCT output. The translations and the proposed rules were evaluated through the application of BLEU metrics.
Palavras-chave: teatro moderno, história do teatro, China.
The modern Chinese theater: development, pitfalls and postmodernity.
Abstract: It is often said that there are three possibilities to the entry of exotic specimens in a given ecosystem: survival, extinction or mutation. In China, this phenomenon is also observed in Arts, when the Western modern realism in theater was transplanted to this cultural system. This article presents an overview of the development of modern theater in China. To do so, start by a brief description of traditional Chinese theater and then expose the context of the introduction of Western drama, its main periods and theatrical productions.
Keywords: modern theater, theater history, China.
The present empirical-experimental study investigated the recursion pattern in the problem-solving process to decision-making (Tirkkonen-Condit 2005) in the translation of the linguistic metaphors in a journalistic text by twelve professional translators from Chinese into Portuguese. We analyzed the intermediary decisions for the translations of the linguistic metaphors in a text extracted from a weekly magazine with wide circulation in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. The Metaphor Identification Procedure was used in order to discern the linguistic metaphors of the source text and target texts (Pragglejaz 2007, Steen et al. 2010). The tools for the collection of the data were the Translog, a tool for monitoring and collecting keystroke and gaze data, and the application of questionnaires. For the analysis and discussion, we made a triangulation of the data (Alves 2003, Jakobsen 2011), where parameters are proposed in order to enable the measurement of the problem solving process for the translation of linguistic metaphors. The outcome of this study are intended to contribute to deeper understanding of cognitive processes underlying the metaphor translations from Chinese into Portuguese, which may enhance the translation teaching of these two language pairs, as well as provides a basis for development of translation assistance tools.
The text corpus used in the research is composed of 46 Chinese texts, extracted from The International Chinese Newsweekly, identified as source text (ST), and target texts (TT) are composed of translations into Portuguese executed by the
Portuguese-Chinese Translator (PCT) and humans. In Portuguese the prepositions of transversal axis such as antes de and depois de, are used to indicate the time before and after, corresponding to qian and hou in Chinese. Nevertheless,
inconsistencies related to the translation of the localizers are found in the output of the PCT when comparing it with the human translation (HT). Based thereupon, the present article shows the developed syntax rules to solve the inconsistencies
found in the PCT output. The translations and the proposed rules were evaluated through the application of BLEU metrics.
Palavras-chave: teatro moderno, história do teatro, China.
The modern Chinese theater: development, pitfalls and postmodernity.
Abstract: It is often said that there are three possibilities to the entry of exotic specimens in a given ecosystem: survival, extinction or mutation. In China, this phenomenon is also observed in Arts, when the Western modern realism in theater was transplanted to this cultural system. This article presents an overview of the development of modern theater in China. To do so, start by a brief description of traditional Chinese theater and then expose the context of the introduction of Western drama, its main periods and theatrical productions.
Keywords: modern theater, theater history, China.
The present empirical-experimental study investigated the recursion pattern in the problem-solving process to decision-making (Tirkkonen-Condit 2005) in the translation of the linguistic metaphors in a journalistic text by twelve professional translators from Chinese into Portuguese. We analyzed the intermediary decisions for the translations of the linguistic metaphors in a text extracted from a weekly magazine with wide circulation in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. The Metaphor Identification Procedure was used in order to discern the linguistic metaphors of the source text and target texts (Pragglejaz 2007, Steen et al. 2010). The tools for the collection of the data were the Translog, a tool for monitoring and collecting keystroke and gaze data, and the application of questionnaires. For the analysis and discussion, we made a triangulation of the data (Alves 2003, Jakobsen 2011), where parameters are proposed in order to enable the measurement of the problem solving process for the translation of linguistic metaphors. The outcome of this study are intended to contribute to deeper understanding of cognitive processes underlying the metaphor translations from Chinese into Portuguese, which may enhance the translation teaching of these two language pairs, as well as provides a basis for development of translation assistance tools.