University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Public Policy
Indonesia is an archipelago country with more than 270 million inhabitants spread across urban and rural regions. This makes digital payment penetration a challenge in itself. Private and government e-wallet service providers have sought... more
To thrive and stay ahead of the competition in a world of Defence industry as well as to achieve its vision, PT Pindad (Persero), better known as Pindad, has a learning value shared within organization, which is expected to encourage... more
Community renewable energy can contribute to important social and environmental outcomes, and in less industrialised countries may be a means of achieving development priorities as well as climate mitigation goals. The complexity of such... more
Smart city movements are growing all over the world. The undertaking is expected to solve a plethora of problems arising from urbanization. Indonesia is one of the countries who march toward the development of sustainable smart cities.... more
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to apply a systems thinking methodology to analyse Indonesia’s new and renewable energy (NRE) electricity sector to describe the complex interrelations between its actors and variables, identify the... more
Social security is an essential instrument for protecting people from falling into poverty due to economic shocks in the event of sickness, work-accident, old age, and death of income producers. Indonesia introduced Law no. 40 Year 2004... more
The aim of this study is to propose a framework model to capture the knowledge management (KM) process and KM enablers and their connection to improving learning and growth in creative industries. This study is a literature review that... more
In 2017, global cumulative solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity reached almost 398 GW and generated over 460 TWh. However, total installed solar PV in Indonesia is only 0.017 GWp from the potential capacity of 207.9 GWp. To push the... more
The cosmetic industry has been designated as one of the priority sectors, as stated in the Master Plan of National Industry Development 2015-2035. The priority development programs in the cosmetic sector are mastering technology and... more
This study aims to identify the critical factors of shipping success and courier services in Indonesia. The study uses a survey questionnaire in Indonesia on the consumer preferences of logistics service consumers, using the location of... more
These results have provoked heated discussion among journalists and academics. Some, seeing Mexico as a post-racial country, contend that discrimination based on skin tone is a thing of the past and cast doubt upon INEGI’s results (eg,... more
This study analyses the effect of the Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement (KAFTA) on the trade structure between Korea and Australia (2012-2015). The TSI, GL/IIT and CTB indexes were employed to analyse the items traded between Korea and... more
Balandier nous a quittés. En ce premier moment du deuil, je laisserai à d'autres, plus jeunes et plus compétents que moi, la tâche de mesurer l'importance de l'oeuvre, la richesse et la diversité de l'apport scientifique, la profondeur de... more
Much of the writing of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865) is neglected within sociology. Yet building on the work of Auguste Comte, Proudhon was an influential, if controversial, social theorist throughout the 19th century. Proudhon, "the... more
Presented at North Carolina Sociology Association