University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Reading and Elementary Education
A. Kursat Erbas, Sarah D. Ledford, Chandra Hawley Orrill, and Drew Polly echnology is a powerful tool in assisting students in problem solving by allowing for multiple representations. It is partic-(Н ularly effective when students are... more
- by Drew Polly
Abstract This paper shares the findings of an exploratory, qualitative investigation of elementary school students' problem solving strategies. Twelve fourth-grade students were given three mathematical tasks about fractions and... more
- by Drew Polly
Research studies on the enactment of mathematical tasks (Doyle, 1988; Henningsen & Stein, 1997; Stein, Grover, & Henningsen, 1996), reform-based mathematics curricula (Kim & Stein, 2006; Remillard, 2005;) and technology-rich problem... more
- by Drew Polly
InterMath participants spend time in workshops exploring technology-rich mathematical investigations and completing write-ups. These write-ups include a written explanation of their problem solving process, screen captures of files that... more
- by Drew Polly
Participants Shantel. Shantel, an African-American female, has been teaching the 5 th grade for 13 years. During the study, Shantel taught three departmentalized mathematics classes daily: one with students in the Early Intervention... more
- by Drew Polly
This article presents findings from a study in which the author served as an expert coach and provided ongoing support to four elementary school teachers related to employing standards-based pedagogies in their mathematics classrooms. In... more
- by Drew Polly
To support mathematics educators as they consider implications of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) for instruction and assessment, Teaching Children Mathematics is publishing a series of feature articles. In this... more
- by Drew Polly
Mathematics (CCSSM) were “designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers" (CCSSI 2010). For the first time in US history, a set of... more
- by Drew Polly
Page 1. Curriculum-Based Professional Development 1 Examining the Influence of a Curriculum-Based Elementary Mathematics Professional Development Program Drew Polly, Ph.D.a Chaung Wang, Ph.D.b Jennifer R.
- by Drew Polly
Abstract This study provides findings from a professional development program for middle grades (Grades 4-8) teachers, which focused on developing teachers' knowledge of mathematics, pedagogy, and technology skills through the exploration... more
- by Drew Polly
Abstract Instruction has undergone a paradigm shift to a more constructivist approach. This shift mandates that instruction be learner-centered and incorporate opportunities for the learner to actively engage in learning activities. The... more
- by Drew Polly
This article uses the framework of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK; Mishra & Koehler, 2006) to analyze findings across projects from the US Department of Education's Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to Use Technology (PT3)... more
- by Drew Polly
Research indicates that students who complete higher-order tasks, such as evaluating, synthesizing, and applying information tend to have a deeper understanding of the content that they are working with, which in turn has led to an... more
- by Drew Polly
Leaders in professional development have called for more learner-centered professional development opportunities for teachers. These approaches allow teachers to have some choice about the content and pedagogies on which they focus during... more
- by Drew Polly