MAYA PAPERS - International by Milan Kovac

Axis Mundi 2/23, Vol. 18, 2023
Abstract: This research focuses on using caves as elements of ritual power in Uaxactun, one of th... more Abstract: This research focuses on using caves as elements of ritual power in Uaxactun, one of the oldest pre-Columbian Maya cities in the Petén, Guatemala. From a linguistic analysis, the terminology of the meaning of the cave and its symbolic implications to current Mayan languages are explored. These are then applied to urban-power models as the concepts labeled chan chʼeʼn Sky-Cave and kabʼ chʼeʼn Earth-Cave. In this way, the cave-pyramid complex is analyzed as a scenario associated with legitimizing power. Through examples documented in central Mexico and the Maya area, the hypothesis that these places were key to the urban configuration of cities and their periphery has been proved. This model applies to the social groups that inhabited Uaxactun from the Preclassic period to the beginning of the Early Classic period. The caves fulfilled these political and religious functions at different levels. Six caves were investigated in the power centers of Uaxactun and three caves in its periphery were analyzed, finding out their characteristics according to the proposed theoretical concepts. Additionally, the research explored perspectives of anthropogony, eschatology, and cosmology present
in Maya and Mesoamerican myths. According to that, the caves symbolize both the cyclical rebirth linked to the Maize god and a source of sustenance and fertility linked to the Flower Mountain. Finally, the study contributes to understanding a very early political model in Uaxactun and its possible influence on other Maya and Mesoamerican centers.
Resumen: Esta investigación se enfoca al uso de las cuevas como elementos de poder ritual en Uaxactún, una de las ciudades mayas prehispánicas más antiguas del Petén, Guatemala. Desde un análisis lingüístico, se aborda la terminología del significado de cueva y sus implicaciones simbólicas desde el maya clásico hasta los actuales idiomas mayenses, así como los conceptos chan chʼeʼn – cueva celestialy
kab chʼeʼn - cueva terrestre-. De esta manera, se analiza el Complejo Cueva-Pirámide como escenario asociado a la legitimación de poder. A través de ejemplos documentados en México central y área maya,
se refuerza la hipótesis de que estos lugares fueron claves para la configuración de las ciudades y su periferia. Este modelo, es claramente visible para los grupos sociales que habitaron en Uaxactun, que
desde el periodo Preclásico y del inicio del Clásico Temprano, las cuevas cumplieron funciones políticas y religiosas en distintos niveles. Se analizaron 6 cuevas investigadas en los centros de poder de Uaxactun
y 3 cuevas en su periferia, averiguando sus características según los conceptos teóricos propuestos. Adicionalmente, la investigación aborda enfoques desde la antropogonía, escatología y cosmología
presentes en los mitos mayas y mesoamericanos donde las cuevas simbolizan tanto el renacimiento cíclico vinculado al Dios del Maíz como la Montaña florida, un modelo cosmológico de sustento y fertilidad.
Finalmente, el estudio es una aportación para comprender un modelo político muy temprano en Uaxactun y su influencia posible en otros centros mayas y mesoamericanos.
Trillas, México ISBN 978-607--17-4498-2, 2023
El libro presenta 30 mitos lacandones recopilados por Milan Kovac entre los anos 1999 y 2005 en l... more El libro presenta 30 mitos lacandones recopilados por Milan Kovac entre los anos 1999 y 2005 en los pueblos Naha, San Javier y Betel (Chiapas, Mexico). Aunque editorial Trillas presenta la coleccion en forma dedicada y diseñada para los niños, en la realidad los mitos nunca se contaron para los niños sino adultos y la coleccion no presenta ningun cambio de sus originales grabados en la idioma maya-lacandon. Por lo tanto, todavía pueden representar una fuente importante de la tradición oral lacandona.

Estudios Latinoamericanos 42 (2022) : 7–23, 2022
Slovakia was founded in 1993, but it is currently one of the main European research centers of Mesoamerican cultures, especially the Maya. At first glance, it seems as if the current explosion of research and scientific activities has no continuity. Furthermore, few people outside Slovakia understand it in all its complexity. The purpose of the article is to try for the first time to chronologically systematize the interest in Native American cultures in the territory of Slovakia from the 16th century until the present. To show the predecessors, but above all the very dynamic context of the 20th century, when all the prerequisites were prepared
for what happened after 1989. Subsequently, the origin and academic establishment of Mesoamerican studies in the country are analyzed, finally leading to an extensive archaeological investigation in Guatemala.
In particular, the activities of the Center for Mesoamerican Studies are analyzed, which is currently the main institutional framework of the entire process, academic, congress, museum, and educational activities,
which constitute the basis of the unusual dynamics of research. The interdisciplinarity, the continuity of anthropological research, and especially the main achievements of archaeological research will bring the
reader closer to the key facts of the history and present of this discipline in Slovakia.
34. Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueologicas en Guatemala, 2022
The history of the war conflicts between Early Classic Maya polities in the epigraphic records st... more The history of the war conflicts between Early Classic Maya polities in the epigraphic records starts with the “Entrada” of the teotihuacanos in AD 378. Previous interpretations of this event as a war between Tikal and Uaxactun proposed by Peter Mathews is outdated. However, the revision of the Early Classic texts from Uaxactun (Stelae 18 and 19) and Tikal (Stela 39) proves that the Tikal victory over Uaxactun did take place, but should be dated earlier, ca. AD 375. Probably the expansion of Tikal provoked the alliance between various Maya dynasties from Petén with Teotihuacan that led to the invasion od Sihyaj K’ahk’ and the establishment of so-called “New Order” in the Central Maya Lowlands.
Propaganda was present in human history as early as the formation of the first states. Very often... more Propaganda was present in human history as early as the formation of the first states. Very often, it helped ruling elites convince subordinates of their connection to gods and local mythologies. This was probably the most common strategy for maintaining power. Visual art played a very important role here. Alexander the Great is considered to be an ancient master of propaganda: "Alexander the Great became the son of Zeus, and his face soon appeared on coins, replacing that of Heracles, the real mythological son of Zeus … He was the first to recognize that to maintain cohesion and control over his vast empire, such propaganda symbols could serve as a constant reminder of the various subjugated populations just where the center of power resided." 1

ETHNOLOGIA ACTUALIS Vol. 20, No. 1/2020, 2020
This article deals with the Lacandon cosmology, one of the few Maya cosmologies which has been ex... more This article deals with the Lacandon cosmology, one of the few Maya cosmologies which has been exceptionally structured and until today, very well preserved. The present study is based mainly on associations related to stone. There are investigated the emic classifications of the Lacandon. Their classification of divine beings according to their location, and their connection to the stone houses, whether of natural or cultural origin. In the article are analyzed the most sacred Lacandon sites such as the rock shelters, cliffs and caves around the Lake Mensäbäk and Lake Yahaw Petha, as well as Yaxchilan, the archaeological site with the long tradition of Lacandon pilgrimages. The Lacandon believe in different types of transfer of spiritual energy through stone. The stones could be considered on different levels as the seat, heart or embodiment of deities. These relationships and contexts are very complex. The article tries to identify it and to offer some linguistic and theoretical approaches.

Maya Cosmology Terrestrial and Celestial Landscapes. Editors: Milan Kováč, Harri Kettunen and Guido Krempel. Acta Mesoamericana Volume 29, Verlag Anton Saurwein, Munich., 2019
Uaxactun is one of the oldest known Maya cities with astronomical associations. The functions and... more Uaxactun is one of the oldest known Maya cities with astronomical associations. The functions and hypotheses associated with astronomical alignments of specific buildings have been widely discussed for more than a century. However, after nine years of intensive archaeological excavations, the Regional Archaeological
Project Uaxactun found a whole new set of data and specified the old ones. Therefore, the view of Uaxactun
and its importance for ancient Maya astronomy should be supplemented. That is what our contribution is
doing. We focus in particular on revealing new contexts and architectonical expressions in the Preclassic
period, the original construction of the E-Group and its solar and lunar associations. Furthermore, this article
deals with testing of calendar contexts, the meaning of Venus and Orion for the orientation of the most important buildings as well as testing of landscape features in connection with possible architectural alignments.

Contributions in New World Archaeology 13/2019, 2019
The present study deals with the mural of Structure B-XIII of the archaeological site of Uaxactun... more The present study deals with the mural of Structure B-XIII of the archaeological site of Uaxactun in Guatemala. Although this mural was found in 1937 and initially aroused much interest, it does not appear in recent works, given its destruction a few years after its discovery. Many new discoveries in the Maya area have been made and this old one has been burdened with interpretations that are far from the current state of the art. So, we have decided to reinitiate the investigation, digitally recreate the mural on the basis of photographs from the time of its discovery and reattempt to understand its meaning by analysing the image, hieroglyphic writing, and calendric record. We summarise the results and place these in a historical context that allows us to combine new mural data with those that we have obtained from the stone monuments of Uaxactun using modern technology. The results shed light on a critical period of Maya history shortly after the so-called Entrada associated with Teotihuacan.
El estudio comenta el mural del Palacio B-XIII del sitio maya Uaxactún, en Guatemala. Aunque dicho mural fue encontrado ya en 1937 e inicialmente llamó mucha atención, no aparece en los trabajos recientes. Se han producido muchos descubrimientos nuevos en el área maya y este hallazgo antiguo se ha quedado medio olvidado, con interpretaciones que están lejos de los ultimos avances. Por lo tanto, hemos decidido reconstruirlo, volver a pintarlo digitalmente de nuevo sobre la base de las fotografías de época y una vez más tratar de comprender su significado, estudiando la imágen, el texto glífico y el registro de calendario. Analizamos los resultados y los colocamos en un contexto histórico que nos permite combinar los nuevos datos sobre el mural con los datos que hemos obtenido de los monumentos de piedra de Uaxactún, utilizando una tecnología avanzada. Los resultados arrojan más luz al período crítico de la historia maya poco después de la llamada Entrada asociada con Teotihuacán.
Axis Mundi. Journal for the Study of World Cultures and Religions. 2/2019, 2019
This article will focus on the interpretation of vessels as living objects, subjects of action wi... more This article will focus on the interpretation of vessels as living objects, subjects of action with their own cycle of life, both in everyday life and in sacred spaces, according to their forms, uses, context and iconography. Supporting archaeological evidences with historical, mythological sources and various ethnographic elements, we try to reconstruct spiritual aspects of Maya pottery within the category of animacy.

Remote Sensing, 2020
Airborne LiDAR produced large amounts of data for archaeological research over the past decade. L... more Airborne LiDAR produced large amounts of data for archaeological research over the past decade. Labeling this type of archaeological data is a tedious process. We used a data set from Pacunam LiDAR Initiative survey of lowland Maya region in Guatemala. The data set contains ancient Maya structures that were manually labeled, and ground verified to a large extent. We have built and compared two deep learning-based models, U-Net and Mask R-CNN, for semantic segmentation. The segmentation models were used in two tasks: identification of areas of ancient construction activity, and identification of the remnants of ancient Maya buildings. The U-Net based model performed better in both tasks and was capable of correctly identifying 60-66% of all objects, and 74-81% of medium sized objects. The quality of the resulting prediction was evaluated using a variety of quantifiers. Furthermore, we discuss the problems of re-purposing the archaeological style labeling for production of valid machine learning training sets. Ultimately, we outline the value of these models for archaeological research and present the road map to produce a useful decision support system for recognition of ancient objects in LiDAR data.
Hallazgo de un cetro/perforador preclásico en Uaxactun, su contexto arqueológico, epigráfico y si... more Hallazgo de un cetro/perforador preclásico en Uaxactun, su contexto arqueológico, epigráfico y simbólico.
PETNAL - Una ciudad competente de San Bartolo descubrida en su vecinidad, primeras excavaciones, ... more PETNAL - Una ciudad competente de San Bartolo descubrida en su vecinidad, primeras excavaciones, grafitos preclasicos, cronología y papel político,,,,

Lowland Maya civilization flourished in the tropical region of the Yucatan peninsula and environs... more Lowland Maya civilization flourished in the tropical region of the Yucatan peninsula and environs for more than 2500 years (~1000 BCE to 1500 CE). Known for its sophistication in writing, art, architecture, astronomy, and mathematics, Maya civilization still poses questions about the nature of its cities and surrounding populations because of its location in an inaccessible forest. In 2016, an aerial lidar survey across 2144 square kilometers of northern Guatemala mapped natural terrain and archaeological features over several distinct areas. We present results from these data, revealing interconnected urban settlement and landscapes with extensive infrastructural development. Studied through a joint international effort of interdisciplinary teams sharing protocols, this lidar survey compels a reevaluation of Maya demography, agriculture, and political economy and suggests future avenues of field research.
Источники и историография по антропологии народов Америки / Отв. ред. М.Ю. Мартынова, Е.С. Питерская, Д.В. Воробьев. М: ИЭА РАН. С. 67 – 80, 2017
Седьмой полевой сезон работы регионального отряда Вашактунского археологического проекта Институт... more Седьмой полевой сезон работы регионального отряда Вашактунского археологического проекта Института археологии и истории Словакии (SAHI-Uaxactun) был посвящен изучению четырех памятников древних майя северо-восточной части гватемальского департамента Петен. Авторы настоящей статьи (И.А. Савченко — в качестве начальника раскопов, М. Ковач — в качестве директора проекта) провели исследования шести объектов на территории археологических памятников Эль-Манантиаль / Ч’аналь, Ц’ибатнах, Петналь и Химбаль, результаты которых представлены в настоящей статье.
XXXII Simposio de investigaciones arqueológicas en Guatemala., 2019

Contributions in New World Archaeology, 2017
The article is focused on two female taboos linked with menstruation and pregnancy existing among... more The article is focused on two female taboos linked with menstruation and pregnancy existing among the contemporary
members of the Lacandon community. Despite the references about one female taboo associated with different restrictions
for women (sacred places, participation in rituals and other specific activities), in this research we analyse two categories of
reasons for these taboos. The first one related to menstruation takes into account the spiritual essence of blood and the necessity
of keeping it under control during rituals. Menstruation in this case represents an outflow of spiritual powers that cannot be
controlled, with possible risks for the community. In the case of pregnancy, the reason for it being a taboo is different because it
concerns the lack of blood. In this sense, the presented theory is based on the concepts of nagualism, indicating that the existence
of two souls/beings in one body presupposes magic power and healing possibilities with a high risk of magic attacks. The evidence
obtained during long-term fieldwork clarify that the so-called female taboo is composed of two different reasons. It is not
the same phenomenon because the expectations, as well as the consequences, are different. To conclude, a phenomenon formally
comparable with other similar phenomenon from the Old World could possibly have different origins.
MAYA PAPERS - International by Milan Kovac
in Maya and Mesoamerican myths. According to that, the caves symbolize both the cyclical rebirth linked to the Maize god and a source of sustenance and fertility linked to the Flower Mountain. Finally, the study contributes to understanding a very early political model in Uaxactun and its possible influence on other Maya and Mesoamerican centers.
Resumen: Esta investigación se enfoca al uso de las cuevas como elementos de poder ritual en Uaxactún, una de las ciudades mayas prehispánicas más antiguas del Petén, Guatemala. Desde un análisis lingüístico, se aborda la terminología del significado de cueva y sus implicaciones simbólicas desde el maya clásico hasta los actuales idiomas mayenses, así como los conceptos chan chʼeʼn – cueva celestialy
kab chʼeʼn - cueva terrestre-. De esta manera, se analiza el Complejo Cueva-Pirámide como escenario asociado a la legitimación de poder. A través de ejemplos documentados en México central y área maya,
se refuerza la hipótesis de que estos lugares fueron claves para la configuración de las ciudades y su periferia. Este modelo, es claramente visible para los grupos sociales que habitaron en Uaxactun, que
desde el periodo Preclásico y del inicio del Clásico Temprano, las cuevas cumplieron funciones políticas y religiosas en distintos niveles. Se analizaron 6 cuevas investigadas en los centros de poder de Uaxactun
y 3 cuevas en su periferia, averiguando sus características según los conceptos teóricos propuestos. Adicionalmente, la investigación aborda enfoques desde la antropogonía, escatología y cosmología
presentes en los mitos mayas y mesoamericanos donde las cuevas simbolizan tanto el renacimiento cíclico vinculado al Dios del Maíz como la Montaña florida, un modelo cosmológico de sustento y fertilidad.
Finalmente, el estudio es una aportación para comprender un modelo político muy temprano en Uaxactun y su influencia posible en otros centros mayas y mesoamericanos.
Slovakia was founded in 1993, but it is currently one of the main European research centers of Mesoamerican cultures, especially the Maya. At first glance, it seems as if the current explosion of research and scientific activities has no continuity. Furthermore, few people outside Slovakia understand it in all its complexity. The purpose of the article is to try for the first time to chronologically systematize the interest in Native American cultures in the territory of Slovakia from the 16th century until the present. To show the predecessors, but above all the very dynamic context of the 20th century, when all the prerequisites were prepared
for what happened after 1989. Subsequently, the origin and academic establishment of Mesoamerican studies in the country are analyzed, finally leading to an extensive archaeological investigation in Guatemala.
In particular, the activities of the Center for Mesoamerican Studies are analyzed, which is currently the main institutional framework of the entire process, academic, congress, museum, and educational activities,
which constitute the basis of the unusual dynamics of research. The interdisciplinarity, the continuity of anthropological research, and especially the main achievements of archaeological research will bring the
reader closer to the key facts of the history and present of this discipline in Slovakia.
Project Uaxactun found a whole new set of data and specified the old ones. Therefore, the view of Uaxactun
and its importance for ancient Maya astronomy should be supplemented. That is what our contribution is
doing. We focus in particular on revealing new contexts and architectonical expressions in the Preclassic
period, the original construction of the E-Group and its solar and lunar associations. Furthermore, this article
deals with testing of calendar contexts, the meaning of Venus and Orion for the orientation of the most important buildings as well as testing of landscape features in connection with possible architectural alignments.
El estudio comenta el mural del Palacio B-XIII del sitio maya Uaxactún, en Guatemala. Aunque dicho mural fue encontrado ya en 1937 e inicialmente llamó mucha atención, no aparece en los trabajos recientes. Se han producido muchos descubrimientos nuevos en el área maya y este hallazgo antiguo se ha quedado medio olvidado, con interpretaciones que están lejos de los ultimos avances. Por lo tanto, hemos decidido reconstruirlo, volver a pintarlo digitalmente de nuevo sobre la base de las fotografías de época y una vez más tratar de comprender su significado, estudiando la imágen, el texto glífico y el registro de calendario. Analizamos los resultados y los colocamos en un contexto histórico que nos permite combinar los nuevos datos sobre el mural con los datos que hemos obtenido de los monumentos de piedra de Uaxactún, utilizando una tecnología avanzada. Los resultados arrojan más luz al período crítico de la historia maya poco después de la llamada Entrada asociada con Teotihuacán.
members of the Lacandon community. Despite the references about one female taboo associated with different restrictions
for women (sacred places, participation in rituals and other specific activities), in this research we analyse two categories of
reasons for these taboos. The first one related to menstruation takes into account the spiritual essence of blood and the necessity
of keeping it under control during rituals. Menstruation in this case represents an outflow of spiritual powers that cannot be
controlled, with possible risks for the community. In the case of pregnancy, the reason for it being a taboo is different because it
concerns the lack of blood. In this sense, the presented theory is based on the concepts of nagualism, indicating that the existence
of two souls/beings in one body presupposes magic power and healing possibilities with a high risk of magic attacks. The evidence
obtained during long-term fieldwork clarify that the so-called female taboo is composed of two different reasons. It is not
the same phenomenon because the expectations, as well as the consequences, are different. To conclude, a phenomenon formally
comparable with other similar phenomenon from the Old World could possibly have different origins.
in Maya and Mesoamerican myths. According to that, the caves symbolize both the cyclical rebirth linked to the Maize god and a source of sustenance and fertility linked to the Flower Mountain. Finally, the study contributes to understanding a very early political model in Uaxactun and its possible influence on other Maya and Mesoamerican centers.
Resumen: Esta investigación se enfoca al uso de las cuevas como elementos de poder ritual en Uaxactún, una de las ciudades mayas prehispánicas más antiguas del Petén, Guatemala. Desde un análisis lingüístico, se aborda la terminología del significado de cueva y sus implicaciones simbólicas desde el maya clásico hasta los actuales idiomas mayenses, así como los conceptos chan chʼeʼn – cueva celestialy
kab chʼeʼn - cueva terrestre-. De esta manera, se analiza el Complejo Cueva-Pirámide como escenario asociado a la legitimación de poder. A través de ejemplos documentados en México central y área maya,
se refuerza la hipótesis de que estos lugares fueron claves para la configuración de las ciudades y su periferia. Este modelo, es claramente visible para los grupos sociales que habitaron en Uaxactun, que
desde el periodo Preclásico y del inicio del Clásico Temprano, las cuevas cumplieron funciones políticas y religiosas en distintos niveles. Se analizaron 6 cuevas investigadas en los centros de poder de Uaxactun
y 3 cuevas en su periferia, averiguando sus características según los conceptos teóricos propuestos. Adicionalmente, la investigación aborda enfoques desde la antropogonía, escatología y cosmología
presentes en los mitos mayas y mesoamericanos donde las cuevas simbolizan tanto el renacimiento cíclico vinculado al Dios del Maíz como la Montaña florida, un modelo cosmológico de sustento y fertilidad.
Finalmente, el estudio es una aportación para comprender un modelo político muy temprano en Uaxactun y su influencia posible en otros centros mayas y mesoamericanos.
Slovakia was founded in 1993, but it is currently one of the main European research centers of Mesoamerican cultures, especially the Maya. At first glance, it seems as if the current explosion of research and scientific activities has no continuity. Furthermore, few people outside Slovakia understand it in all its complexity. The purpose of the article is to try for the first time to chronologically systematize the interest in Native American cultures in the territory of Slovakia from the 16th century until the present. To show the predecessors, but above all the very dynamic context of the 20th century, when all the prerequisites were prepared
for what happened after 1989. Subsequently, the origin and academic establishment of Mesoamerican studies in the country are analyzed, finally leading to an extensive archaeological investigation in Guatemala.
In particular, the activities of the Center for Mesoamerican Studies are analyzed, which is currently the main institutional framework of the entire process, academic, congress, museum, and educational activities,
which constitute the basis of the unusual dynamics of research. The interdisciplinarity, the continuity of anthropological research, and especially the main achievements of archaeological research will bring the
reader closer to the key facts of the history and present of this discipline in Slovakia.
Project Uaxactun found a whole new set of data and specified the old ones. Therefore, the view of Uaxactun
and its importance for ancient Maya astronomy should be supplemented. That is what our contribution is
doing. We focus in particular on revealing new contexts and architectonical expressions in the Preclassic
period, the original construction of the E-Group and its solar and lunar associations. Furthermore, this article
deals with testing of calendar contexts, the meaning of Venus and Orion for the orientation of the most important buildings as well as testing of landscape features in connection with possible architectural alignments.
El estudio comenta el mural del Palacio B-XIII del sitio maya Uaxactún, en Guatemala. Aunque dicho mural fue encontrado ya en 1937 e inicialmente llamó mucha atención, no aparece en los trabajos recientes. Se han producido muchos descubrimientos nuevos en el área maya y este hallazgo antiguo se ha quedado medio olvidado, con interpretaciones que están lejos de los ultimos avances. Por lo tanto, hemos decidido reconstruirlo, volver a pintarlo digitalmente de nuevo sobre la base de las fotografías de época y una vez más tratar de comprender su significado, estudiando la imágen, el texto glífico y el registro de calendario. Analizamos los resultados y los colocamos en un contexto histórico que nos permite combinar los nuevos datos sobre el mural con los datos que hemos obtenido de los monumentos de piedra de Uaxactún, utilizando una tecnología avanzada. Los resultados arrojan más luz al período crítico de la historia maya poco después de la llamada Entrada asociada con Teotihuacán.
members of the Lacandon community. Despite the references about one female taboo associated with different restrictions
for women (sacred places, participation in rituals and other specific activities), in this research we analyse two categories of
reasons for these taboos. The first one related to menstruation takes into account the spiritual essence of blood and the necessity
of keeping it under control during rituals. Menstruation in this case represents an outflow of spiritual powers that cannot be
controlled, with possible risks for the community. In the case of pregnancy, the reason for it being a taboo is different because it
concerns the lack of blood. In this sense, the presented theory is based on the concepts of nagualism, indicating that the existence
of two souls/beings in one body presupposes magic power and healing possibilities with a high risk of magic attacks. The evidence
obtained during long-term fieldwork clarify that the so-called female taboo is composed of two different reasons. It is not
the same phenomenon because the expectations, as well as the consequences, are different. To conclude, a phenomenon formally
comparable with other similar phenomenon from the Old World could possibly have different origins.
what all happened in the critical moments of Mayan history and what role
climate change played in.
Záhada mayského kolapsu neprestáva byť jednou z najfascinujúcejších
tém pri štúdiu dejín svetových civilizácií. Mnohokrát sa naznačovalo,
že kľúčovú odpoveď pri pochopení tohto nebývalého zrútenia najvyspelejšej civilizácie oboch Amerík zohrávala klíma. Aj keď existujú práce, ktoré úlohu klímy, konkrétne katastrofického sucha vyzdvihujú, iné
zase ponúkajú dostatok protiargumentov. Pokúsim sa predstaviť dáta
z najnovších svetových výskumov a spojiť ich s výsledkami slovenského
bádania tak, aby som ponúkol pokiaľ možno najucelenejší obraz o tom,
čo všetko sa v kritických okamihoch mayských dejín stalo a akú rolu
v tom zohrávala klimatická zmena.
sacred inscriptions of the ancient Maya gradually
led me to assemble a highly skilled Slovak
and international team, as well as to manage
extensive excavations in the rainforest area of
the Petén region of Guatemala. The investigation
this year completes 15 years of excavation,
making it the longest and probably the largest
overseas archaeological research in Slovakia.
Despite being an archaeological project, it has
been multidisciplinary from the outset, as it
focuses on many aspects of Maya culture and
religion, ultimately comparing them to the lives
of Maya communities today. However, as it is
primarily an exploration of ruins only very faintly
accessible in the depths of the rainforest, the
project has gradually evolved into a very efficient
and sophisticated use of the latest technologies.
In underground exploration, it is ground-penetrating
radar GPR, in high-altitude exploration it
is LiDAR, in ceramic processing it is Laser Aided
Profiler LAP, X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
XRF, geophysical analysis, in the study of
inscriptions on stelae and objects it is
Reflectance Transformation Imaging RTI. In
processing, it is GIS, but more recently artificial
intelligence and neural networks. Close collaboration
of the humanities with the natural sciences
and the cumulative deployment of a whole suite
of state-of-the-art technologies have enabled
us to overcome the inaccessibility of the terrain
and the absence of primary information. Today,
it is thanks to these technologies that we are
one of the world’s leading centers for Maya
research. Thanks to the synergy of technology
and the close integration of the humanities and
the natural sciences, we are now able to compile
complete dynastic histories of kingdoms, bringing
entirely new information from the names
of kings, the form of architecture, rituals and
magic, to political organization and the history of
warfare in a region that is completely overgrown
by jungle.
high concentration of the defense industry and access to explosive materials. He also discusses the level of conformity that, through “soldier games” and childish militarism, developed in parallel with a regime that prepared society for the coming war. In the second plan, the contribution points to the developing counterculture, which manifested itself in
the children's world just as intensely. It was based on deepening the relationship with nature and self-identification with the natural world of the American Indians. It offered a way out of the industrially and ideologically shackled world.