Universität der Bundeswehr München
Social Sciences and Public Affairs
[peer-reviewed] & Udo Simon. Reprinted in: Maribel Fierro (ed.): Orthodoxy and Heresy in Islam: Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies. Vol. I. (Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies) London, New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,... more
Motika, Raoul, and Robert Langer (2005) "Alevitische Kongregationsrituale: Transfer und Re-Invention im Transnationalen Kontext [= Alevi Congregational Rituals: Transfer and Re-Invention in Transnational Context]." In Migration und... more
[originally lecture AAR 2009 Montréal]
[originally lecture AAR 2009 Montréal]
Langer, Robert (2010) "‘Marginalised Islam’: The Transfer of Rural Rituals into Urban and Pluralist Contexts and the Emergence of Transnational ‘Communities of Practice’." In Ritual Matters, ed: Christiane Brosius and Ute Hüsken, 88--123.... more
Langer, Robert (2008) "The Alevi Animal Sacrifice (Kurban) between Professionalisation and Substitution: Recent Developments in the Context of Migration and Urbanization." In Transformations in Sacrificial Practices: From Antiquity to... more
Langer, Robert (2012) "Alevitentum Im Deutschen Akademischen Kontext." In Alevilerin Sesi [= Die Stimme der Aleviten in Europa] 160, (5 ): 38--39.
Langer, Robert; Ögütçü, Hasan Gazi; Khan, Hasan Ali (2011) "Erstes Internationales Sah Ibrahim Veli Seymposium " Alevilerin Sesi [= Die Stimme der Aleviten] 11: 38--39.
[peer-reviewed] EJTS, Thematic issue: “Contemporary Sufism and the Quest of Spirituality: Transgressing Borders, Transgressing Categories”. Ed. Beatrice Hendrich [Papers held at the World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies, WOCMES 2010,... more
Langer, R. (Mai 2012). "Myrtenzweig und Zuckerhut: Ein Sāl-Ritual im Zarathustrierviertel von Yazd. Blumen und Süßigkeiten: Festschrift für Seyfeddin Najmabadi zu seinem 90. Geburtstag." In J. Zimmermann (Ed.). Heidelberg, Seminar für... more
Langer, Robert. "Almanya’daki Alevi Ritüellerinde ve Kültürel-Dinsel Yaşamında Anadolu Kökenli Müziğin Önemi (= the Importance of Music with Anatolian Roots in the Cultural-Religious Life and Rituals of the Alevis in Germany)." In Gap... more
Langer, Robert. "Alevitische Rituale." In Aleviten in Deutschland: Identitätsprozesse Einer Religionsgemeinschaft in Der Diaspora, edited by Martin Sökefeld, 65-107. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2008. Erratum: Throughout "razilik", read... more
Langer, Robert. "Schreine Und Wallfahrtsstätten Der Zarathustrier: Zur 'Sakralisierten Topographie' Irans [= Shrines and Pilgrimage Places of the Zoroastrians: The 'Sacralised Topography' of Iran]." In Heilige Orte in Asien: Räume... more
in Stausberg, M. (2005). Zarathustra und seine Religion. Mit 8 Abb. u. 2 Karten. Originalausg. München, Verlag C. H. Beck oHG.
& Laetitia Martzolff, Claus Ambos, Andreas Pries (eds.).