Nella complessità dello scenario economico contemporaneo, caratterizzato da profonde connessioni intersettoriali, i territori rurali appaiono come il risultato di multiformi e complessi processi di mutamento, in cui una lettura in chiave... more
City and territory are currently experiencing a phase of development, or crisis, depending on whether they manage to form the know-how to respond to the current exponential evolution. Know-how that has to make a critical assessment of the... more
Today the city is experiencing new forms of urban culture, between cityscape and mindscape. The cityscape moulded through tangible forms and values, spatialized in architectural and urban layouts, is increasingly linked to a mindscape... more
Questo reticolo di strade realizzate nel 1950 era il primo passo per realizzare un insieme di piccole fattorie di cento metri quadrati l'una. Fallito il progetto, 60 anni dopo i tracciati delle strade sono ancora chiaramente visibili sul... more
Checchi-L'intelligenza dei luoghi Francesco Collotti-Conoscere i luoghi col progetto Gian Luigi Maffei-Il progetto nell'edilizia speciale seriale e nodale: metodo e prassi operativa Virginia Stefanelli-Guardare al passato per progettare... more
This work that relates to an intence work of study and research, made since 2004, is organized in three thematic phases to rebuild an Arno new vision, to be seen as a cultural, urban, social and naturalistic resource. Knoledge. Proposed... more
A conservação e valorização do Patrimônio Urbano constitui um dos desafios mais significativos dos últimos cinquenta anos, assumindo uma considerável importância tanto no sentido da preservarção e salvaguarda de valores compartilhados... more
The exhibition Compass and Rule: Architecture as Mathematical Practice in England, 1500-1750, at the Yale Center for British Art was the second incarnation of this show after having been exhibited at the Museum of the History of Science... more
The merchant Francesco di Marco Datini built his palace between 1354 and 1394 in his hometown of Prato, near Florence. Through a direct survey of the building and the vast archives of the merchant – which include full inventories of the... more
Florence has always been considered a paradigmatic example of the transition from medieval to Renaissance urban planning. One of the most fascinating aspects of this process of development is the visual appropriation of public space by... more
The aim of this course is to study architecture as tool of political propaganda. From the ancient Palace of Persepolis down to the 9/11 Memorial, this course analyzes architectural pieces in a chronological timeline. In order to ground... more
This course’s aim is to present significant examples of Italian architecture, representative of its rich history and cross-cultural exchanges. From the first examples of Etruscan and Greek monumental architecture to the continued... more
Panel: Transition and Transformation in the Early Modern Italian Home Chair: Michelle O'Malley and Flora Dennis, University of Sussex. Between the end of the fourteenth century and the beginning of the fifteenth, the Florentine palace... more