Papers by Giulio Mellinato

<jats:p>The Monfalcone shipyard was one of the last plants built inside the Italian economi... more <jats:p>The Monfalcone shipyard was one of the last plants built inside the Italian economic space, and one of the largest. The objective of building in Monfalcone a shipyard for the Mediterranean, able to satisfy the larger part of Italian shipbuilding needs, was also confirmed after the First and the Second World War, with some difficulties during the Thirties in overcoming the global crisis. During the Fifties, the Monfalcone shipyard became a sort of laboratory-plant, with the aim of bettering the entire national shipbuilding. Its size became at the same time a handicap (the public ownership could not accept the massive dismissal of workforce) and an opportunity, because it led to a long lasting quest for technological innovation, competitiveness and new products and practices. In the Sixties, the attempt to realize a hybridization between local traditions and new production logics coming from Japan was not a complete success, due to some misunderstandings that led mainly to acquire the most superficial aspects of the Japanese model, giving less importance to the structural elements. This was a programming error that created a significant pressure over the workforce, with effects that proved to be negative until the Eighties.</jats:p>

In the 1860s in Trieste, the imminent opening of the Suez Canal created the conditions for reflec... more In the 1860s in Trieste, the imminent opening of the Suez Canal created the conditions for reflection upon the possible advantages of the transformation of the Mediterranean Sea from a closed basin into a transit sea and what this transformation could bring to the local economy. In general, two perspectives emerged among the local intellectual elite: one that was substantially conservative and "legitimist" and tied to the valorisation of institutional continuity based on the Habsburg nexus, advocated by Pietro Kandler. The second view, more progressivist and "Mediterranean", advocated by Pasquale Revoltella, aimed at taking advantage of all the liberties of movement and autonomies enjoyed by the Triestine commercial class. Since then, the dichotomy between the "continental" and "Mediterranean" visions of the path that commerce in Trieste should undertake has become recurrent in reflections of the economy and politics in the town, hiding much m...
The present article examines some aspects of the maritime reconstruction developed in Trieste aft... more The present article examines some aspects of the maritime reconstruction developed in Trieste after World War II, in a national (Italian) and international perspective. Trieste's shipping and port facilities were heavily damaged during the war, and

Nel 1882, Italia ed Austria-Ungheria (assieme alla Germania) firmarono una alleanza che impegnava... more Nel 1882, Italia ed Austria-Ungheria (assieme alla Germania) firmarono una alleanza che impegnava gli stati contraenti essen-zialmente sul piano politico2. Nel 1915 l’Italia entrava in guerra contro gli ex alleati, in primo luogo sulla base di rivendicazioni territoriali, che però contenevano al loro interno anche una evidente valutazione delle potenzialità economiche connesse con quello stesso auspicato riordi-namento territoriale. In particolare con riferimento a Trieste, la propaganda irredentista sottolineava soprattutto gli aspetti positivi della presenza marittima austriaca nei porti italiani, considerando la collaborazione tra i due sistemi di mobilità marittima non solo come possibile, ma sponta-neamente attuabile, con mutuo beneficio, allorquando fossero stati sciolti i vincoli asburgici, considerati come artificiali ed economicamente soffocanti. In realtà, l’osservazione del succedersi degli avvenimenti da una prospettiva più vasta consente di catturare un maggior numero di variabili in gioco, e ci può accompagnare verso una valutazione più organica almeno di una parte del retroterra che contribuì alla decisione italiana di ribaltare le alleanze, e di entrare in guerra a fianco degli ex nemici.
In the 1860s in Trieste, the imminent opening of th e Suez Canal created the conditions for refle... more In the 1860s in Trieste, the imminent opening of th e Suez Canal created the conditions for reflection upon the possible advanta ges of the transformation of the Mediterranean Sea from a closed basin into a transi t sea and what this
Workshop at the GHI, June 18–20, 2009. Convener: Jonas Scherner (GHI). Participants: Kim Christia... more Workshop at the GHI, June 18–20, 2009. Convener: Jonas Scherner (GHI). Participants: Kim Christian Priemel (University of Frankfurt/Oder), Jaromir Balcar (University of Bremen), Vera Asenova (Central European University), Eugene White (Rutgers University), Kim Oosterlinck (Open University, Brussels), Angelo Riva (European Business School, Paris), Marcel Boldorf (Humboldt University, Berlin), Martin Laak (Erasmus University, Rotterdam), Fabian Lemmes (University of Saarbrücken), Giulio Mellinato (University of Milano-Bicocca), Jari Eloranta (Appalachian State University), Ilkka Nummela (University of Jyväskylä), Eric Golson (London School of Economics), Harald Espeli (Norwegian School of Management, Oslo), Carsten Burhop (MPI for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn), Johann Custodis (London School of Economics).

Il presente scritto ha l’ambizione di ricostruire alcune tra le dinamiche vissute dalla comunità ... more Il presente scritto ha l’ambizione di ricostruire alcune tra le dinamiche vissute dalla comunità umana che si è evoluta assieme (ma potremmo anche dire attraverso) la città di Trieste, partendo dal confronto con alcuni elementi presenti nell’aspetto attuale della città, utilizzati come pretesti per ricomporre sommariamente alcuni “stati di cose” vissuti dal microcosmo locale, dal XVIII secolo in poi. In questa sede, simili elementi materiali vengono considerati come la testimonianza delle forme assunte dalle relazioni sussistenti tra i diversi elementi del sistema cittadino in un determinato momento: della sua (relativa) autonomia rispetto al potere politico innanzitutto, ma anche delle articolazioni assunte dalla società locale, della mentalità diffusa e soprattutto delle relazioni umane di cui quegli elementi materiali sono stati la rappresentazione. Relazioni di potere, di convenienza ed opportunità, ma anche relazioni tra identità, e di altro tipo, da un’epoca all’altra difficil...
The present article examines some aspects of the maritime reconstruction developed in Trieste aft... more The present article examines some aspects of the maritime reconstruction developed in Trieste after World War II, in a national (Italian) and international perspective. Trieste's shipping and port facilities were heavily damaged during the war, and the material reconstruction of the fleet and land infrastructure was one of the first objectives for the provisional authority of the Allied Military Government. After 1948, the beginning of European Recovery Program (also known as the Marshall Plan) enabled a great surplus of resources that were used primarily for the financing of a new maritime development scheme. This new plan had the aim to regain the prewar productive capacity, not taking into consideration the great development the world maritime market had experienced in those years.
Papers by Giulio Mellinato