Barbara Poggio
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Papers by Barbara Poggio
rendono più difficile per le donne entrare in modo stabile nell’accademia e raggiungere le posizioni apicali? Frutto di una ricerca di respiro nazionale sugli intrecci tra percorsi accademici, genere e politiche in Italia, il volume affronta la questione delle ostinate disparità di genere nelle carriere, dal reclutamento alla stabilizzazione e agli avanzamenti alle posizioni
di vertice. Combinando vissuti individuali, dimensione organizzativa e processi di governance, la prospettiva multidimensionale dell’analisi offre un quadro inedito delle disparità di genere in accademia e dei processi che contribuiscono a riprodurle, rintracciabili sia nel persistere di pratiche e modelli di genere tradizionali, sia nei nuovi assetti universitari.
Offering both theoretical reflections and empirical research examples illustrating the multiple strategies through which the different articulations that characterize the work–life intersection can be analysed, this Research Handbook includes analyses of gendered labour, generational assets and technological changes. Contributors provide translation and actualization of specific research practices and methodological choices, focused on different national contexts. The empirical analysis ranges from comparative research based on quantitative methods, to qualitative approaches centered on longitudinal, discursive and narrative perspectives, and mixed-method studies. Further contributions adopt innovative research methods based on the use of digital and visual technologies.
This Research Handbook will be an inspiring read for both undergraduate and postgraduate sociology and social policy students. The book is also addressed to researchers, consultants and policy makers interested in work–life balance issues.
Gender and Precarious Research Careers aims to advance the debate on the process of precarisation in higher education and its gendered effects, and springs from a three-year research project across institutions in seven European countries: Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Iceland, Switzerland, Slovenia and Austria. Examining gender asymmetries in academic and research organisations, this insightful volume focuses particularly on early careers. It centres both on STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and SSH (Social Science and Humanities) fields.
I contributi che compongono il volume hanno cercato di districare questo nodo in relazione ai domini - spesso sovrapposti - della sessualità, della politica, del lavoro e della cultura, scelti in quanto ambiti privilegiati per un’analisi multi e interdisciplinare in ottica di genere e, al contempo, in quanto dimensioni in cui il potere si dispiega in modalità particolarmente evidenti e pervasive. La sfida posta dal convegno ci pare sia stata compresa da autori e autrici dei contributi che, intrecciando differenti prospettive disciplinari, differenti posizionamenti soggettivi e differenti interessi di ricerca, ci offrono un mosaico di riflessioni aperte alla contemporaneità e alle sue sfide, benché forti della solidità di un bagaglio teorico ormai maturo. Ulteriore elemento di forza è stata la capacità degli autori e delle autrici di sviluppare i propri contributi proprio a partire dal carattere ambivalente e, dunque, euristicamente molto fertile del concetto di genere, declinandolo nella sua duplice valenza di categoria normativa - in cui il potere si articola in modo rigidamente asimmetrico - e di categoria trasformativa, che ha in sé la possibilità di decostruire la norma, ridefinendo in forme nuove e differenti il potere stesso.
Nelle organizzazioni, l’adozione di interventi e politiche di genere è solo una questione etica oppure anche un imperativo strategico? Cosa significa gestire le organizzazioni in un’ottica di genere? Come è possibile farlo in modo efficace? A partire da queste domande il volume offre una serie di strumenti operativi, di analisi, intervento e gestione, utili per attivare processi di cambiamento e raggiungere condizioni di equità di genere nelle organizzazioni lavorative.
A critical survey of gender studies which argues that entrepreneurship is a cultural model of masculinity that obstructs the expression of other models;
'Reflexive' ethnographic observation conducted in five small firms which describes how business cultures are 'gendered' and how gender is the product of a social practice;
An analysis of how discursive and narrative practices in business cultures constitute gender and entrepreneurship.
La ricerca ha preso in considerazione le caratteristiche dell’occupazione femminile nell’ambito della grande distribuzione commerciale e dei servizi finanziari, due settori che negli ultimi anni sono stati coinvolti da profondi cambiamenti organizzativi e da significative innovazioni tecnologiche e che sono caratterizzati da una crescente presenza femminile.
Al centro dell’analisi vi è l’impatto delle ristrutturazioni organizzative e dell’introduzione della ICT (Information Communication Technology) sui modelli di lavoro delle donne, soprattutto coloro che sono in posizioni non manageriali, e sulla costruzione delle loro competenze ed expertise.
This special issue intends to show and discuss some facets of the phenomena in the Italian context, considering the transition from education to work, women’s trajectories and strategies in some disciplinary fields, the experiences of early-career researchers, and the pay gap phenomenon among physicians. These issues will be investigated using different research tools and interpretative lens.
The article describes how organizational members became storywriters of an important process of organizational change. Writing became a practice designed to create a space, a time, and a methodology with which to author the process of change and create a learning context. The written stories produced both the subjectivity of practical authors and reflexively created the con/text for their reproduction.
A storywriting workshop inspired by a processual and participatory practice-based approach to learning and knowing was held in a research organization undergoing privatization. For six months, thirty-one organizational members, divided into two groups, participated in writing one story per week for six weeks. The written story had to refer to a fact that had occurred in the previous week, thus prompting reflection on the ongoing organizational life and giving a situated meaning to the change process.
Storywriting is first and foremost a social practice of wayfinding, i.e of knowing as one goes. Writing proved to be an effective practice that involved the authors, their narratives, and the audiences in a shared experience where all these practice elements became connected and through their connection acquired agency.
Narrative knowledge has been studied mainly in storytelling, while storywriting by organizational members has received less attention. This paper explores storywriting both as a situated, relational, and material practice and as the process that produces narratives which can be considered for their content and their style.
it focuses on early career researchers in the Italian university system. The total availability
required from those who work in the research sector is leading to significant transformations
of the temporalities of work, especially among the new generation of researchers, whose
condition is characterized by a higher degree of instability and uncertainty. Which are the
experiences of the early career researchers in an academic context constituted by a growing
competition for permanent positions and, as a consequence, by a greatly increased pressure?
Which are the main gender differences? In what elements do Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics disciplines differ from Social Sciences and Humanities? The collected
narratives reveal how the ongoing process of precarization is affecting both the everyday
working activities and the private and family lives of early career researchers, with important
consequences also on their future prospects.
This chapter discusses the recent experience of the University of Trento in developing fellowship programs for refugee students and scholars. The aim is to unravel the different territorial scales within which a university operates, focusing specifically on the regional dimension and on the latter’s interconnections with the national and European level. It offers insights on the limits and the possibilities these different scales impose/offer on the type of interventions that can be implemented.
The first part of the analysis discusses how the collaboration between the University and the Provincial Government fostered establishment of reception policies for refugee students and, more recently, academics. It takes as a case in point the programs ‘SuXr - University Students for Refugees’ and ‘Refugee and Asylum Seekers at the University’. Both programs reflected the intent to create educational strategies that would bring higher educational communities closer to the lived reality of refugees, and that strengthen the collaboration between the university and the local civil society.
The second part of the chapter discusses the administrative, economic and socio-cultural challenges related to the implementation of the above-mentioned programs. It does so by referring partly to the university ‘internal’ (administrative and academic) adjustment to refugee programs, and partly to the criticism raised at the city level by right-wing populist parties. The recent victory of the Lega party in provincial election is deeply transforming the relation between the university, the local government and the urban network of civil society associations, and requires renewed educational/employment support strategies for refugee students/scholars.
Drawing from the ongoing experience of Trento, the chapter suggests the importance of analysing the opening – as well potential closing – of universities to refugees in relation not only to changing academic culture and mission, but also to shifting political situation at local, national and European levels.
This contribution will show how narratives can be particularly efficacious means to shed light on three main facets of gender practices in organizations – in processes of identity construction and gender positioning; in reproducing or deconstructing the dominant gender orders; and in fostering gender change – to promote more inclusive contexts.
For each dimension an example of application will be drawn from the author’s research experience based on different narrative materials: stories of women and men working in typically male environments; narratives of working fathers who used parental leave; narratives used as stimuli for reflexivity and experiential learning about gender in organizations.
The first part of the chapter addresses the persistence of significant gender asymmetries in these domains. In fact, despite women’s increased presence in educational spheres, evidence continues to persist of the existence of gender disparities in participation in technical and scientific educational programs, as well as of imbalance in higher status scientific careers. These asymmetries seem to be today reinforced by the emerging practices of science production and of evaluation of scientific performances, as well as by the new work arrangements in scientific organizations, due to the growing hegemony of neoliberal models.
In the second part attention is focused on strategies aimed to combat gender asymmetries in scientific and academic organisations in Europe. In particular I consider the projects funded by the European Commission in recent years aimed to reduce gender inequality in science under the label of “structural changes”, by attempting to illustrate their strenghts and weaknesses. In the concluding section some of the issues arising from the consideration of European policies on gender and science are taken up and developed in light of the stimuly offered by Connell’s theory.