Book Reviews by Vasilica Mocanu
Book Review Language Perceptions and Practices in Multilingual Universities. Maria Kuteeva, Kathrin Kaufhold, Niina Hynninen, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.2020. 424 pp. Hb (9783030387549) € 145.59, Pb (9783030387570) € 103.99, Ebk (9783030387556) € 117.69., 2021
Kalocsái, Karolina. Communities of Practice and English as a Lingua Franca. A Study of Erasmus Students in a Central European Context, 2016
Karolina Kalocsái’s Communities of Practice and English as a Lingua Franca is a timely and highly... more Karolina Kalocsái’s Communities of Practice and English as a Lingua Franca is a timely and highly valuable book which really captures the ways in which social meanings are construed through ELF by a group of Erasmus students in Hungary, while getting inside the intricacies that using English as a common language of communication among speakers coming from different countries can imply, providing an extensive and rich study of a group of Erasmus students sharing a few months of their lives at the University of Szeged. The study successfully conveys the atmosphere of this particular micro-cosmos and it does so in a very readable and informative way.
Papers by Vasilica Mocanu
Language Perceptions and Practices in Multilingual Universities, 2020
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
La recerca al voltant de l'impacte de les estades a l'estranger sobre la identitat i de l... more La recerca al voltant de l'impacte de les estades a l'estranger sobre la identitat i de la relacio entre l'estudi a l'estranger, la identitat i l'aprenentatge d'idiomes, majoritariament duta a terme mitjancant metodes qualitatius, mostra una varietat de resultats que poden arribar a semblar contradictoris. Mentre que alguns academics manifesten una actitud esceptica sobre el fet que un periode d'estudi a l'estranger constitueixi un tipus de mobilitat suficientment llarg i desestabilitzador perque pugui tenir un impacte en les identitats dels participants (Block, 2014), altres afirmen que estudiar a l'estranger pot desencadenar una ‘alteracio’ o una modificacio del jo a causa de la necessitat de viure en un idioma estranger (Pellegrino Aveni, 2005). Aquest projecte d'investigacio adopta una metodologia mixta amb un enfocament longitudinal per tal d’abordar el tema de la identitat, la inversio i l'aprenentatge d'idiomes en estades de mob...
This paper examines the relationship between English as a lingua franca (henceforth ELF) and Euro... more This paper examines the relationship between English as a lingua franca (henceforth ELF) and European identity. In the first place, the ELF phenomenon and its status in the European context, where multilingual policies prevail, are discussed. Secondly, this article addresses how globalization has triggered identification processes that are novel and should be treated as such and it analyses the characteristics of an alleged European identity, triggered by the pulse of globalizing processes. The role ELF may play in identification processes with Europe is examined. Finally, this article demonstrates that the flexible and hybrid nature of both ELF and European identity make them two very similar phenomena that add an extra layer to localized languages and national identities, respectively. Under this light, the hypothesis is presented that ELF and European identity are interconnected, and that ELF may be an essential condition for a sense of European identity to form.
Changing teachers’ attitudes towards English as a lingua franca, 2018
General aims of this chapter This chapter will explore ways in which teachers can enhance their s... more General aims of this chapter This chapter will explore ways in which teachers can enhance their sense of efficacy in teaching English by deeply exploring the concept of English as a lingua franca. After revising some basic concepts related to the empowerment of non-native teachers of English and the need to develop ELF awareness, it will be argued that current frameworks of teaching are constrained by limitations of two kinds: exogenous, which are due to what Phillipson (1992) labelled 'the native speaker fallacy'; and endogenous, which are set up by self-imposed barriers, and the ones that teacher training must aim to overcome. The chapter will emphasize the importance of a change of attitude by teachers regarding ELF and NNS uses of English, and a five-stage training proposal will be devised, through which teacher-trainees should gradually develop an understanding of English language diversity and become aware of NNS uses of English in the world. Thus, ELF will eventually appear a desirable goal rather than a poor version of an idealised NS model. On completing this chapter, you should be able to: • Develop ELF awareness of non-native English language teachers. • Deconstruct the idea of the native speaker as model for English language teachers. • Evaluate your attitudes regarding ELF and NNS uses of English.
Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, 2016
Constructing and Reconstructing Attitudes towards Language Learning in Study Abroad, 2020
This articledraws from a research projectin which a mixedmethods longitudinal framework was adopt... more This articledraws from a research projectin which a mixedmethods longitudinal framework was adopted to approach the issue of identity, investment and language learning in study abroad. It did so by examining the sense of belonging, imagined identities, attitudes towards languages and cultural differences, expectations and degree of investment in both personal and professional learning among European higher education students. The general aim of the project was to investigate the impact of the participation in the Erasmus study abroad program on the identities, language attitudes and uses, and employability, as reported by international university students in three different contexts:Finland, Romania, and Catalonia. The goals of this study in particular are to investigate how attitudes towards languages and language learning are constructed and reconstructed by European students during a study abroad period. Therefore, the chapter examines the attitudes of international students towards languages present in the three above mentioned contexts and towards language learning, as well as the participants’ expectations in relation to language use at the beginning of their stay abroad and their linguistic practices eventually realized during their sojourn.
Changing teachers’ attitudes towards English as a lingua franca , 2018
General aims of this chapter This chapter will explore ways in which teachers can enhance their s... more General aims of this chapter This chapter will explore ways in which teachers can enhance their sense of efficacy in teaching English by deeply exploring the concept of English as a lingua franca. After revising some basic concepts related to the empowerment of non-native teachers of English and the need to develop ELF awareness, it will be argued that current frameworks of teaching are constrained by limitations of two kinds: exogenous, which are due to what Phillipson (1992) labelled 'the native speaker fallacy'; and endogenous, which are set up by self-imposed barriers, and the ones that teacher training must aim to overcome. The chapter will emphasize the importance of a change of attitude by teachers regarding ELF and NNS uses of English, and a five-stage training proposal will be devised, through which teacher-trainees should gradually develop an understanding of English language diversity and become aware of NNS uses of English in the world. Thus, ELF will eventually appear a desirable goal rather than a poor version of an idealised NS model. On completing this chapter, you should be able to: • Develop ELF awareness of non-native English language teachers. • Deconstruct the idea of the native speaker as model for English language teachers. • Evaluate your attitudes regarding ELF and NNS uses of English.
La mobilitat d’estudiants universitaris ha estat potenciada en les darreres dècades com a catalit... more La mobilitat d’estudiants universitaris ha estat potenciada en les darreres dècades com a catalitzadora de la internacionalització i l’augment de les perspectives professionals dels estudiants que hi participen. En aquest article, plantegem a quins llocs estarien disposats a traslladar-s’hi per treballar i viure-hi en un futur els estudiants universitaris que havien decidit participar en un programa de mobilitat internacional. Aquesta pregunta se’ls fa tot just en arribar a les universitats de destí objecte del nostre estudi: Lleida (Catalunya), Oulu (Finlàndia) i Bucarest (Romania).
Teaching Documents by Vasilica Mocanu
Context general i destinataris: la unitat didàctica està dissenyada per a un grup d... more TOTS A TAULA
Context general i destinataris: la unitat didàctica està dissenyada per a un grup de 15-20 estudiants universitaris amb un nivell de català A2/ B1. Es recomana iniciar aquesta unitat després d'haver estudiat el lèxic relacionat amb els aliments.
Book Reviews by Vasilica Mocanu
Papers by Vasilica Mocanu
Teaching Documents by Vasilica Mocanu
Context general i destinataris: la unitat didàctica està dissenyada per a un grup de 15-20 estudiants universitaris amb un nivell de català A2/ B1. Es recomana iniciar aquesta unitat després d'haver estudiat el lèxic relacionat amb els aliments.
Context general i destinataris: la unitat didàctica està dissenyada per a un grup de 15-20 estudiants universitaris amb un nivell de català A2/ B1. Es recomana iniciar aquesta unitat després d'haver estudiat el lèxic relacionat amb els aliments.