University of Tartu
Institute Of Estonian And General Linguistics
In the paper we describe an approach to dialogue management in the agreement negotiation where one of the central roles is attributed to the model of natural human reasoning. The reasoning model consists of the model of human motivational... more
This paper describes a computational model that we are implementing in an experimental dialogue system. Agreement negotiation process is modelled where one participant is trying to influence his/her partner to agree to do an action.... more
Interpretation of Yes/No Questions as Metaphor Recognition Tarmo Truu Haldur Õim Mare Koit University of Tartu Liivi 2, Tartu 50409 Estonia {tarmo.truu, haldur.oim, mare.koit} Abstract Estonian institutional phone calls are... more
Annotatsioon. Käesolev artikkel annab ülevaate sellest, mis seisus on eesti keelega seotud arvutilingvistika ja keeletehnoloogia tartu ülikoolis: milline on uurimistöö temaatika, millised on saavutused ning milliste probleemide ja... more
The paper describes a computational model that we have implemented in an experimental dialogue system (DS). Communication in a natural language between two participants A and B is considered, where A has a communicative goal that his/her... more
In the paper, a model of debate is developed which includes a model of argument. When starting interaction, the participants have opposite communicative goals. They are exchanging arguments and counter-arguments and one of them has... more
- by haldur oim
The paper gives a review of teaching Computational Linguistics (CL) at the University of Tartu. The current curriculum foresees the possibility of studying CL as an independent 4-year subject in the Faculty of Philosophy on the bachelor... more
- by haldur oim
We compare the phenomena of clausal coordinate ellipsis in Estonian, a Finno-Ugric language, and German, an Indo-European language. The rules underlying these phenomena appear to be remarkably similar. Thus, the software module ELLEIPO,... more
The paper describes a computational model that we are implementing in an experimental dialogue system. Conversation process is modelled where one participant is trying to influence his/her partner to agree to do an action. Our goal is to... more
This paper describes a computational model that we are implementing in an experimental dialogue system. Agreement negotiation process is modelled where one participant is trying to influence his/her partner to agree to do an action.... more
Ülevaade. Artiklis tutvustatakse käsilolevat tööd loomuliku inimsuhtluse ühe aspekti, nimelt suhtlusruumi modelleerimise alal. Suhtlussündmuses osalejad paigutavad ennast suhtlusruumis kindlatesse punktidesse, mida iseloomustavad sellised... more
- by haldur oim
In the paper we describe an approach to dialogue management in the agreement negotiation where one of the central roles is attributed to the model of natural human reasoning. The reasoning model consists of the model of human motivational... more
This paper describes a computational model that we are implementing in an experimental dialogue system. Agreement negotiation process is modelled where one participant is trying to influence his/her partner to agree to do an action.... more
Negotiation is a strategic discussion that resolves an issue in a way that both parties find acceptable. Specific forms of negotiation are used in many situations, among them in parliamentary discussions. In this paper we report on a... more
In the paper we describe an approach to dialogue management in the agreement negotiation where one of the central roles is attributed to the model of natural human reasoning. The reasonLng modeI consists of the model of human motivational... more
Annotatsioon. Semantikauuringutest, mis algasid GGG-s, on artiklis kirjeldatud arengut, mille taustaks oli Chomsky "Süntaksiteooria aspektide" ilmumine 1965. aastal ja sellele järgnenud diskussioon generatiivse semantika esindajatega ning... more