University of Waterloo
Balsillie School of International Affairs
In recent years, the private insurance sector has started to incorporate cli- mate change issues into its standard business practices and even begun to lobby governments to regulate and reduce global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The... more
"Private voluntary programs for environmental improvement expanded rapidly in both number and scope over the past decade, particularly at the international level. At present, a wide range of international “green” initiatives is available... more
Scholars of global environmental politics (GEP) have devoted little attention to the study of international accounting standards. This neglect is due to the technical language of accounting standards and a paucity of understanding on the... more
Global financial markets -a force for sustainable human progress, or an obstacle against it.
Abstract: This thesis asked two research questions: 1) how are the Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB) and ClimateWise designed to achieve their objectives and 2) what explains the emergence of these unique initiatives? In answer to... more
L'augmenta on incessante de la présence de dioxyde de carbone dans l'atmosphère est une cer tude, même pour le plus sep que des scien fiques. Ce qui est moins certain, ce sont les conséquences; la climatologie n'est pas une science... more
In recent years, the private insurance sector has started to incorporate cli- mate change issues into its standard business practices and even begun to lobby governments to regulate and reduce global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The... more
The 2008 financial crisis has had an important, but neglected, impact on carbon market governance in the United States. It acted as a catalyst for the emergence of a domestic coalition that drew upon the crisis experience to demand... more
Flood insurance has remained unavailable in Canada based on an assessment that it lacks economic viability. In response to Canada’s costliest flood event to date in 2013, the Canadian insurance industry has started to develop a framework... more
Based on archival sources, this article analyzes the Canadian contribution to the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. It finds that continental imperatives were of pivotal importance in the development of Canadian foreign... more
This article tests three hypotheses concerning the influence of international secretariats in world politics. This is a topic that has so far received limited systematic attention by International Relations theorists, who have tended to... more
This article develops a theoretical explanation for the timing of change in international institutions. It provides a rational choice response to key insights of historical institutionalist scholarship. Many existing theories—such as... more