Vercel Community Code of Conduct

At Vercel Inc. (“Vercel,” “us,” “our,” “we”), we believe in inclusivity, kindness, and a positive community. We value participation and want all community members to have a pleasant and fulfilling experience. To achieve this goal, we expect everyone in the Vercel Community to conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner at all times.

This Code of Conduct applies to all participants, members, visitors, partners, moderators, vendors, organizers, and administrators (“Community Members”) within the Vercel Community or associated discussion forums, chats, messages, livestreams, events, programs, and/or other community activities (“Community Spaces”). All Community Members must comply with this Code of Conduct, which will be enforced throughout our Community Spaces. Vercel employees must continue to abide by all company policies and internal Code of Conduct at all times.

Community Conduct

We require that Community Members contribute to an open, welcoming, inclusive, and positive environment by:

  • Respecting others and their opinions and viewpoints, even if different from their own
  • Displaying empathy and kindness towards all Community Members
  • Engaging in communications and discourse appropriate for a diverse, professional audience, including having polite, nonjudgmental, and constructive discussions that stay focused on the topic
  • Complying with any other applicable Vercel terms (including acceptable use provisions), guidelines, instructions, requirements or policies, as well as all applicable laws.

We do not tolerate any behavior that would reasonably lead to any Community Member being made to feel unsafe, insecure, or frightened for their physical, mental, or emotional well-being. Behavior and conduct that we deem unacceptable and a violation of this Code includes, without limitation:

  • Engaging in anything other than lawful behavior
  • Making discriminatory, defamatory, abusive, or otherwise offensive remarks, including personal or political attacks, harassment1 (whether private or public), , or other abusive or vulgar language, and the promotion of negative sentiments against others regardless of joking or harmless intent
  • Using sexualized language or making nonconsensual sexual/nonsexual advances. Sexual language and imagery are not appropriate within the Community or in any Vercel Community Space
  • Using the Community to gather personal data for commercial mailing lists or databases
  • Automating access or monitoring the Community with web crawlers, browser plug-ins or add-ons, or other computer programs that are not a web browser
  • Impersonating another user, person, or entity, or falsely implying that you’re affiliated with or endorsed by Vercel or any other company
  • Disabling or circumventing any security or access restrictions of the Community or Vercel
  • Straining infrastructure with an unreasonable volume of requests, or requests designed to impose an unreasonable load on information systems underlying the Vercel Community
  • Conducting yourself in any other manner that could reasonably be interpreted as inappropriate in a professional setting

All Community Members are responsible for their own actions. Permission and consent can be revoked at any given time. Once it has been revoked, it is no longer acceptable to continue a certain act, conversation, or interaction with all involved parties who no longer wish to take part.

Content Restrictions

In addition to the conduct requirements above, it is also prohibited for Community Members to:

  • Share or post private or confidential information of any person or entity to Community Members or the public without express permission from such person or entity.
  • Share, record, or post content that violates any applicable law, infringes intellectual property rights, violates any individual’s privacy rights, or breaches any agreements you may have with other parties.
  • Share or post content containing malicious code, viruses or spyware.
  • Share or post content that constitutes advertising, self-promotion, or solicitations.
  • Engage in trolling or other conduct that results in disruption of discussions, livestreams, or other forms of communication within the Community Spaces.
  • Post the same, or similar, content multiple times, spamming irrelevant content, or sustained disruption of Community Spaces.

By participating in the Vercel Community, you certify that you are a person at least 16 years of age.

Community Moderation

Vercel administrators, moderators, or other community participants acting as official representatives of Vercel (“Community Leaders”) are responsible for clarifying and enforcing acceptable behavior within the Vercel Community. They have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, redact, reject, or delete comments, posts, code, issues, and other communications or contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and may communicate reasons for moderation decisions where appropriate.

We are committed to providing harassment-free experiences for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), location, or technology choices.

If a Community Member engages in harassing behavior, we will take any action we deem appropriate, including warning the offender, removing users from Community Spaces and associated forums, and/or involving law enforcement. If you are asked to stop any misconduct or unwanted behavior, you must comply immediately.

Community Preferences

You may update and correct your Community account preferences and settings at any time by logging into your account or contacting a Community Leader. If you have certain features enabled, you may opt-out of receiving notifications associated with these features, such as Chat and email. You may disable optional features at any time within your account settings.

Reporting Incidents

We value your safety, and we will be happy to assist those experiencing adverse behavior. If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns regarding behavior that violates this Code, please contact us immediately at or flag a post to a Community Leader within the Vercel Community.

All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly, and in accordance with the privacy and security, or other rights of any Community Members.


We do not tolerate violations of this Code of Conduct or harassment of Community Members or by Community Members in any form. If you violate this Code of Conduct, you may be expelled from our community at our sole discretion. We may also prohibit you from creating or having a Vercel account or attending in-person or virtual Vercel events.


We periodically review and update this Code of Conduct to describe changes to our practices. You can determine when this Code was last revised by referring to the “Last Update” date at the bottom of this Code. We encourage you to review the Code whenever you interact with us to stay informed about our community practices and the ways that you can help keep Community Members safe.

Thank you for helping make our community a healthy and safe space for everyone.

Last Update: December 11, 2024

1 Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion, technology choices, sexual images on any media, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, sustained disruption of talks or other events, and unwelcome sexual attention