Operational Systems - Environmental Modeling Center
Software Directory with Accordions (added components)
Software Directory
The Unified Forecast System description outlines elements of the emerging unified modeling system. Additional details can be found at the UFS Community Web Portal.
All NCEP operational model source codes are available at this link; the UFS community repository on Github is accessible at https://github.com/ufs-community
Links to Latest UFS applications : Medium Range Weather App V1.1; Short Range Weather App V1.0
Components are distinct software elements of applications and prediction suites.
Short Name | Long Name | Type | Description | Documentation and Code Access | |
CCPP | Common Community Physics Package | atmospheric physics | The CCPP is a model agnostic, vetted, collection of codes containing atmospheric physical parameterizations for use in numerical weather prediction. Common categories of parameterizations include radiation, surface layer, planetary boundary layer and vertical mixing, deep and shallow cumulus, and microphysics. | GFS Operational Physics Doumentation | |
CICE | Los Alamos sea ice model | sea ice | CICE is a computationally efficient ice model designed for use in coupled simulations of the climate. | ESPS documentation | |
FV3 | Finite Volume Cubed Sphere (FV3) | atmosphere | NOAA GFDL'sFinite Volume Cubed Sphere (FV3) dynamical core was selected as the foundation for the NWS Unified Forecast System (UFS). | FV3GFS VLab Community | |
GSI | Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation | data assimilation | The Community Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) system is a variational data assimilation system, designed to be flexible, state-of-art, and run efficiently on various parallel computing platforms. The GSI system is in the public domain and is freely available for community use. It is used in the data assimilation system for many NCEP operational systems (GFS, NAM, RAP/HRRR, RTMA/URMA, HWRF, and HMON). | GSI Community Users page at DTC | |
HYCOM | HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model | ocean | A three-dimensional depiction of the ocean state at fine resolution in real time with provision of boundary conditions for coastal and regional models, and with provision of oceanic boundary conditions for a global coupled ocean-atmosphere prediction models. | ESPS documentation | |
IPE | Ionosphere Plasmasphere Electrodynamics model | space weather | A time dependent, three-dimensional model of ionosphere and plasmasphere | ESPS documentation | |
Noah-MP LSM | Noah-Multiparameterization Land Surface Model | land surface | Noah-MP is a land surface model (LSM) using multiple options for key land-atmosphere interaction processes . Noah-MP contains a separate vegetation canopy defined by a canopy top and bottom, crown radius, and leaves with prescribed dimensions, orientation, density, and radiometric properties. The canopy employs a two-stream radiation transfer approach along with shading effects necessary to achieve proper surface energy and water transfer processes including under-canopy snow processes. Noah-MP contains a multi-layer snow pack with liquid water storage and melt/refreeze capability and a snow-interception model describing loading/unloading, melt/refreeze capability, and sublimation of canopy-intercepted snow. Multiple options are available for surface water infiltration and runoff and groundwater transfer and storage including water table depth to an unconfined aquifer. | ESPS documentation | |
MOM | Modular Ocean Model | ocean | MOM is a numerical ocean model based on the hydrostatic primitive equations. | ESPS documentation | |
NMMB | Nonhydrostatic Mesoscale Model on the B-Grid | atmosphere | The NMMB is designed to be a flexible, state of the art atmospheric simulation system that is portable and efficient on available parallel computing platforms. | ESPS documentation | |
JEDI | Joint Effort for Data Assimilation Integration | data assimilation | The JEDI framework will provide a unified data assimilation framework for research and operational use — for different components of the Earth system and various applications. This project’s main objective is to reduce or avoid redundant work within the community, increase the efficiency of research, and assist in the transition from development teams to actual operation. | ESPS documentation | |
WAVEWATCH III® | WAVEWATCH III® | wave | A wave modeling framework that produces wave forecasts every 3 hours out to 180 hours. | ESPS documentation | |
WRF-Hydro | Weather Research and Forecasting Model Hydrological Modeling Extension | hydrological | The WRF-Hydro model coupling extension package provides a means to couple hydrological model components to atmospheric models and other Earth System modeling architectures. | ESPS documentation |
Modeling applications and suites rely on frameworks and utilities that perform general functions.
Short Name | Long Name | Description | Documentation and Code Access |
NEMS | NOAA Environmental Modeling System | NEMS is infrastructure used for building and coupling a collection of modeling applications within a unified framework. It is based on the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF). | NEMS home page |
NCEPLibs | National Centers for Environmental Prediction Libraries | NCEPLibs are a set of commonly used libraries. | NCEPLibs documentation |