Meteogram Tracking Tool Evaluation

In May of 2014, NWS forecasters from all four CONUS Regions joined product developers, training officials, and OPG staff to conduct a rigorous evaluation of a potential tool for AWIPS-2. The tool is known as the Tracking Meteogram (TM) Tool, an application developed by NASA SPoRT in collaboration with the NWS Meteorological Development Lab. 

The aim of this Operational Readiness Evaluation (ORE) was to assess the tool’s practical usability, usefulness for decision making, and potential for workload impacts, from the perspective of NWS forecasters. Forecasters from four NWS regions were placed in a simulated WFO environment, and then led through a diverse array of warning and forecast scenarios, using both archived cases and live data sets. Overall, NWS forecasters unanimously endorsed the TM as a useful tool that could add genuine, unique value to several practical forecaster tasks. Click on the pictures below for full report document.