Transmitting Vs. Non-Transmitting Sites - Warning Decision Training Division (WDTD)
Transmitting Vs. Non-Transmitting Sites
While the RadarServer will poll the drop-ins folder for an RPS list whenever there’s a change in VCP, how it puts together the list it sends will depend on whether it’s a transmitting or non-transmitting site. So, what’s the difference between them?
Transmitting sites are WFOs responsible for sending data for a particular radar to central collection. If your office is the transmitting site for a particular WSR-88D, then the RadarServer will combine the National RPS List file with your local RPS list for the current VCP and send it to the RPG. The RadarServer will remove duplicate product requests between the lists when they are combined. If you don’t have a local RPS list file defined in the active directory, then the RadarServer will use a default template list for that VCP as the local list.
For non-transmitting sites, only the local RPS list will be sent by the RadarServer. As in the previous situation, a default template file will be used if your office doesn’t have a local RPS list for the current VCP.