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Take A Galactic Role NightLight / 2007-02-21 Sign up to the Hub boards and take part in a community driven role-playing game.
Smelled of… err… geek -... ReaperX / 2007-02-12 Graeme from Taoyuan Nights shares his views on this years Taipei Game Show, Hellgate:London and even the smell of the Hellgate...
RareTracker Passes 100,000... Paraduck / 2007-02-11 RareTracker has logged over 100,000 rare items. Check out the latest stats!
CraftBot 1.0.2598.30 Released! Paraduck / 2007-02-11 This version incorporates changes from feedback over the past couple of weeks, as well as a few bug fixes that improve the...
D.I.C.E. NightLight / 2007-02-11 Team Xbox had the chance to sit down with Dr. Ray Muzyka at D.I.C.E., where he was happy to tell them all about Mass Effect.
6 Exclusive Gods and Heroes... Chris Gregory / 2007-02-09 Gods and Heroes Townhall has received 6 exclusive screenshots. Be sure to check them out!