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Politics – The Bush administration is poised to suspend a major post-9/11 security initiative to cope with increasingly angry complaints from Americans whose summer vacations are threatened by new passport rules
Politics – Bush has pardoned 113 people during his presidency, including a Tennessee bootlegger and a Mississippi odometer cheat. But none has drawn the public scrutiny, nor posed the same political challenge, a
Politics – Democratic presidential hopefuls traded barbs over the war in Iraq Sunday night in New Hampshire, with former Sen. John Edwards blasting two rivals for not taking the lead on a recent war spending bil
Politics – An unclassified summary of outed CIA officer Valerie Plame's employment history at the spy agency, disclosed for the first time today in a court filing by Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, indicates
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Politics – Since we hear so many references to the Constitution here on Netscape, here's a quick tutorial on the essence of US Constitutional law.
Politics – Looks like they still aren't listening to the people, US, that they're supposed to represent. Here's what Kennedy had to say about the American people... ""We know what they're against. What are they for?" asked…
Politics – "I believe we will pass the bill, and I think we have good support among the Republican Party," said Senator Edward M. Kennedy, from Massachusetts, who is the chief Democratic architect of the bill and has been…
Politics – To leave out Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rove, Bush and others, and try to paint Hillary as the responsible party for this Iraq war, now that even FOX can't pretend things are going well, is a journalistic abomination…
Politics – I submit that only a bunch of Congressional fools, who read The Post and The Times and McClatchy wire stories, could have failed over time to notice that the Vice President has been, and still is, systematically…
Politics – Lawmakers on both sides of the immigration debate dug in their heels in advance of the Senate once again taking up an immigration overhaul bill this week. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), an architect of the…
Politics – It's understandable that there's been no mention in the Baghdad courtroom of foreign complicity with Saddam's crimes. What is surprising, though, is how thoroughly the American media have played along with that…
Politics – Frustrated with Congress's inability to pass an immigration reform bill, state legislatures are considering or enacting a record number of strongly worded proposals targeting illegal immigrants. By the time most…
Politics – The prime minister asked U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates for his assistance in expediting the handling of a number of IDF procurement requests meant to complete the replenishment of equipment and stores used…
Politics – So now we're six and a half years into Bush and everyone from Helen Thomas on down is declaring him the worst president ever. What no one is saying is the one overarching reason he's the worst: the Bush administration…
Politics – President Bush has turned the executive branch into a two-way mirror. They get to see everything Americans do: our telephone calls, e-mail, and all manner of personal information. And we get to see nothing about…
Politics – Dr. James Holsinger's nomination to be surgeon general colored by questionable deaths at a VA hospital where he was Chief Medical Officer, along with his record of homophobia and involvement in a questionable Kentucky…
Politics – The vice president's unseen victories attest to traits that are often ascribed to him but are hard to demonstrate from the public record: thoroughgoing secrecy, persistence of focus, tactical flexibility in service…
Politics – President Bush's congressman said Saturday that the administration and Republicans put a higher priority on tax cuts than on veterans' health care.
Politics – Food Fight!: The usually-staid 'Meet the Press' on NBC turned into a smackdown Sunday.
Politics – Just what is "The Radical Left" anyway? I hear this phrase used over and over on the talk shows and new stories that come out on the mainstream media. I wonder if I'm a member of this "radical left".
Politics – Legislation that would strengthen the Freedom of Information Act had all the makings of what Capitol Hill politicos call a "hotline bill." Yet, the bill sits in limbo. Arizona Republican Sen. Jon Kyl invoked a parliamentary…
Politics – As the Bush administration struggles through its last 2 years in office, it appears that the agenda of neocon ideologues has finally lost its appeal among strategic parts of the US foreign policy apparatus. But…
Politics – right-wing hawks have gained control of the weapons in the "war of ideas" ââ;¬" U.S. government-funded and supported media outlets such as Voice of America (VOA), al-Hurra, and Radio Farda, which broadcast to the…
Politics – If we are to think squarely about foreign policy we must return to square one. Foreign policy is carried on by the state, and the state is a unique organization in any society. It is the only organization that may…
Politics – Gonzalez, 56, sued the U.S. attorney general for discrimination on the basis of gender and national origin, and the suit is pending in a court in Washington, D.C. In her filings, Gonzalez claimed that since 2001,…
Politics – Four years of occupation later and still we do not seem to understand what is going on. History is replete with examples, but who reads history anymore? Unless they are utterly exterminated, occupied peoples fight…
Politics – Why is nobody questioning the GOP front-runner about his lobbying efforts on behalf of a murderous leftist demagogue?
Politics – White House officials put out the word this week that the United States would love to make outgoing British Prime Minister Tony Blair its point man on Middle East peace. Blair would represent the "Quartet" of key…
Politics – The streets are empty. The people that supported liberty and freedom have long been killed or have moved. I cleared a group of houses the other day that was at least 50% abandoned. The only people that seem to want…
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