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Health & Fitness – Eating dairy products reduces the risk of metabolic syndrome - a cluster of symptoms which increase likelihood of the conditions - the Welsh team found.
Health & Fitness – America used to be the tallest country in the world. From the days of the founding fathers right on through the industrial revolution and two world wars, Americans literally towered over other nations
Health & Fitness – Only 16% of sunscreens on the market are both safe and effective, according to a new analysis by the Environmental Working Group. Of 783 products analyzed, only 125 blocked both UVA and UVB radiation,
Health & Fitness – Even with the alcohol removed, red wine and white wine may fight bacteria that cause cavities, an Italian study shows. Before you toast the findings, remember that the study was done in test tubes.
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Health & Fitness – Whether you should take diet pills to lose weight, the answer can be yes and no. That will depend on your weight loss goals, your life style, your health conditions, your ratio of your fat and your body, etc. More…
Health & Fitness – Dent Fresh USA Inc. is recalling fluoride mint toothpaste made in China because it may contain a chemical used to make automobile antifreeze, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said on Monday.
Health & Fitness – Q. Does each member of the family need an individual bar of soap to prevent spreading germs, or do we have to switch to liquid soap?
Health & Fitness – The world's first atomic bomb test might have exposed unaware civilians in New Mexico to thousands of times the recommended level of public radiation exposure, according to reconstructed data in a new study.
Health & Fitness – Scientists proposed a new theory this week for how identical twins are formed as embryos, in a discovery that may improve a broad range of artificial reproduction techniques.
Health & Fitness – A faulty gene on Chromosome 16 boosts the risk of developing Type 1 diabetes, according to the latest probe into the causes of this disease.
Health & Fitness – Some members of Congress want to limit Big Pharma's ability to promote products directly to consumers. But the roadblocks are high
Health & Fitness – Homeopathy is a system of medicine founded on a definite law 'Similia Similibus Curantur' which means 'like cures like'. According to this system, the choice of the medicine is fundamentally based on the principle…
Health & Fitness – Despite the typical government screw-ups and cover-ups in the Andrew Speaker case, most people would say, "Yeah I know it's not perfect, but contagious diseases are definitely one area where we need the government.…
Health & Fitness – Malawi's government is calling on all sexually active people in the country to take an Aids test, saying this would help it combat the pandemic. About 14% of Malawi's 12m people are believed to be HIV-positive but…
Health & Fitness – Over the past few months, we have been treated to a slew of promises regarding healthcare reform that make this grade school lesson more important than ever. Virtually every Republican and Democratic presidential…
Health & Fitness – Many veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan face daily battles in their minds. They relive the fighting, the explosions. They watch, again and again, as friends die in front of them. They enrage easily and…
Health & Fitness – The doctor who first suggested a link between MMR and autism paid children Ã;£5 for their blood samples at his son's birthday party, a hearing was told. Dr Andrew Wakefield and two colleagues face professional…
Health & Fitness – Researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine and the University of Wollongong in Australia have discovered that, 30 years ago, a virus infected the strep bacteria ââ;¬" creating…
Health & Fitness – Most people who want to burn off some excess pounds and tighten and tone their bodies simply don't have 2 hours each day to spend in the gym performing the bodybuilding style workouts that most "fitness experts"…
Health & Fitness – In addition to a thorough check of your surgeon, you should probably check out your hospital too. While the surgeon is arguably the key factor in the procedure itself, the hospital staff, environment, and guidelines…
Health & Fitness – Many Alaska National Guard soldiers returning from service in the Middle East come from isolated villages. Few have doctors; fewer have mental health professionals. So traditional healers like Kenny Timberwolf will…
Health & Fitness – From the days of the founding fathers right on through the industrial revolution and two world wars, Americans literally towered over people from other nations. But just as it has in so many other arenas, America's…
Health & Fitness – A top panel of experts will face questions of public and scientific concern on stem cell research, during an international conference being held at the University of Manchester this week.
Health & Fitness – Eating grapefruit can increase the risk of breast cancer by almost a third, a study suggests. It is thought the fruit boosts blood levels of oestrogen, the hormone associated with the risk of the disease.…
Health & Fitness – Here is the latest opinion regarding body building supplements. When you are looking for top advice about body building supplements, .....
Health & Fitness – At the end of the last century death rates from breast cancer in the UK were among the highest in Europe. Long waiting lists, resulting in delayed diagnosis and treatment, were thought to be partly responsible.
Health & Fitness – Americans are lazy bastards, they don't move at all and then they suffer from various diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, sleep apnea, and osteoarthritis. will wii fit help…
Health & Fitness – An eggcup-like device with bionic legs attached to it has been developed by doctors for a man who was chopped in half by a truck in 1995. The accident left Peng Shulin bedridden for over a decade, but thanks to…
Health & Fitness – Strength training is one of the most rigorous training workouts that you can experience. All the work that you put .....
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