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Politics – Why is there war? In history, the same catastrophes exist even today. We know history yet we don't change from it, we know how war started yet we still have it today. Most associate war as bad but what if it is…
Art & Design – Three-part series follows five troops injured in Iraq. (warning some pictures may distrub)
News – The Iraqi Red Crescent Organization reports that despite Dear Leader s military surge to increase security in the country, the number of Iraqis fleeing their homes because of the violence has increased dramatically,…
News – At least 48 Iraqis were killed or found dead and 29 more wounded in various attacks. Two incidents involved U.S. helicopter forces killing civilians or Iraqi policemen. Also, the DOD reported that two American soldiers…
Politics – John Edwards August 25, 2007, Hanover, NH This is the fifth in a series of articles on the Edwards and Kucinich campaigns. This election is unlike any we have faced before. The stakes are higher. And the…
Politics – GOP Sen. John Warner, who wants U.S. troops to start coming home from Iraq by Christmas, said Sunday he may support Democratic legislation ordering withdrawals if President Bush refuses to set a return timetable…
Politics – George Bush -- and other Iraq War supporters -- have argued that if we withdraw from Iraq the result will be like the slaughters -- the killing fields -in Cambodia.
News – As Iraq readies for an important religious holiday, extra security measures have been set in place. Despite the measures, a car bombing in Baghdad has killed or wounded dozens of people. Also, U.S. forces have uncovered…
Movies – Jason Statham and Jet Li Square-Off in Martial Arts Misadventure.
Women – This post, written by Lucinda Marshall, originally appeared on the Feminist Peace Network
News – An Israeli Cabinet minister warned Syria against going to war to regain the Golan Heights. National Infrastructure Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer said in a radio interview recorded this week that Israel has worked…
News – This is a season of attacks by individuals who seek to cause distress in the region in order to consolidate their positions and goals in Lebanon.
News – Hamas is stepping up efforts to carry out attacks against Israeli civilians and soldiers near the Gaza perimeter security fence, army sources said Saturday, after Israeli forces killed eight Palestinians and an…
Politics – FINDING IN THE DEBACLE of the Vietnam War a rationale for sustaining the U.S. military presence in Iraq requires considerable imagination. If nothing else, President Bush's speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars…
Politics – You may have recently heard of the hundreds of thousands of missing weapons in Iraq. What do you think happened to the Navyman who blew the lid off of that one?
Politics – US President George W. Bush signaled Saturday his unwillingness to consider early US troop reductions in Iraq, saying new offensive operations there were just in their "early stages."
Politics – When the Westphalian concept of sovereignty was conceived, and the UN Charter which guaranteed territorial integrity of member nations was framed, the historical contexts were different from the threats posed now…
News – And they're becoming vocal about their frustration over longer deployments and a taxing mission that keeps many living in dangerous and uncomfortably austere conditions. Some say two wars are being fought here:…
Politics – CRAWFORD, Texas -- President Bush said Saturday that Iraqis are sacrificing dearly to secure their country, trying to underscore that the U.S. is not bearing the toll alone.
Politics – WASHINGTON - Following Sen. John Warner's call to start pulling troops out of Iraq, jittery Bush loyalists are pressuring Republican fence-sitters to stay the course with a $15 million ad campaign.
Politics – The United States government is now the most barbaric, brutal, and uncivilized government in the world and has been responsible for more deaths (approximately 7 million people killed) than any other country since…
Politics – It's not in a good way, but that's the spin.
Politics – It's as though Dick Cheney and friends are again writing the Post's editorials. James Woolsey told Lou Dobbs that the United States may have no choice but to bomb Iran in order to halt its nuclear weapons program.…
News – THE Ministry of Defence was last night facing searching questions about delays in buying vital new battlefield identification systems after a "friendly fire" incident in Afghanistan in which three British soldiers…
News – A US soldier is to return home from Iraq under a military proviso known as the "sole survivor" rule after losing both of his brothers in the war.
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Mob Tries to Lynch Men in Prison in Nigeria Charged with Being Gay
“I'm really sorry sister, I didn't mean it, and ...”
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