You may not believe it, but if you're on a date with a woman and things are going well, when you lean in to kiss her, that may determine whether or not you'll be
having sex with her that night.
The right kiss can make a woman want you like never before. The wrong kiss can leave you holding your balls. It's up to you to perfect your skills.
Of course, every woman likes to be kissed differently, but there is something all women have in common: they like to feel as though whomever's kissing them feels an intense passion for them.
That said, here are some tips to ensure that your girl's lips feel your heat:
Use the setting Although you won't always be able to find that perfect location, sometimes opportunities present themselves, and if you learn when to take advantage of them, you may just imprint the moment into your girl's psyche forever.
The next time you're in the park in autumn, near the shore at sunset, or even stopped at a traffic light in the car, grab your girl, hold her tight and give her a soft, moist kiss for a few seconds.
Not only will you be thought of as
spontaneous, but the right setting will give her romantic notions a serious kick, and she will recount the moment to anyone who's willing to listen.
Make some hand maneuvers Although your lips do most of the work, where you place your hands is of utmost importance as well. A few things you can do with them while you're kissing her include:
Caress her back slowly Hold her waist Cup her face with both hands Hold her chin with one hand Lightly pull the back roots of her hair Intertwine your fingers with hers Do something with your hands rather than just focus all your attention on your mouths.
On to an energetic attitude and all the places you can place your lips...
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lily says:
why not suck her lips? all that is part of love
Tue, Aug.28th 2007
at 09:14:31 EST
Rating: n/a
lulu says:
what's wrong with sucking the lips or tongue?
Thu, Aug.16th 2007
at 21:01:11 EST
Rating: n/a
person says:
thats weird, in the french kiss section they suggest you suck your partners tongue and lips- here they specify that as a "dont ". what are you supposed to do? and if you dont suck , then what do u you do?
smh2hotty says:
One thing that I feel was left out of the article, is the fact you gotta go slow at first, sorta licking her tongue like a fudgecicle or something. When done right, both people will feel a tingle down their spine. It doesn't hurt to give a little pelvic thrust while you have your arms around her waist, either...
ash says:
man u aint gettin no hoe to kiss in the first place...u ass wipe!
Wed, Aug.1st 2007
at 19:43:31 EST
Rating: n/a
Ball_Torture says:
should I kiss da hoe wit my toung?