Welcome to BlogCatalog Groups.
A group of people who think that life is too serious and we need to have a laugh now and then. Please post your jokes.
Blogging Pool/Billiards
A place for those with pool/billiards blogs or those who read them to ask questions, discuss problems and observations, and to swap ideas.
Sav's Book Club
I have started this group for all those people who love books and want to share what they are reading, which books they liked.
Squidoo is another huge traffic driving site just like digg & entrecard. in this group we will share our Squidoo lens. and help each other driving traffic to our Blog
My So-Called Blog
Welcome to My So-Called Blog! Here you can talk about anything you want, get technorati love, find cool places to stumble, or talk about anything you want. Visiting other peoples sites is encouraged a…
Badminton Central
Enter the dimension where all the badminton lovers untie. Discuss about equipments, plays, your skills, tips, tricks and anything that has badminton in it. Be one of us!
A group dedicated to Squidoo lensmasters to share their experience about squidoo lens and it's potentials
Web Guru Exchange Market
This group is created with the aim of providing a central point for web masters to exchange links, reviews about each others blogs/sites. Main purpose of this group is to review others blog in exch…
Entrecard contests
Hello Entrecard members, this group is for Entrecard users who want to open a contest to giveaway Entrecard credits, joining this group will allow you to announce your contests and receive more vis…
Astroboy Fanatics
astroboy fans here!
Energy and Architecture
This Group is for all Bloggers having one or more Blogs, talking about Energy and Architecture: -Alternative Energy Sources -Renewable Energy -Bioclimatic Architecture
Pentru cei pasionati de Goblenuri
Blog contests and giveaways
Pet Health Care
pet health care, pet care information, pet care for kids, pet care neopets, pet sitters, pet health insurance, pet stores for cats, dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, mouse, rats, birds, horses, fi…
Facebook is growing by fits and start. Lets be a part of this revolution where every day 300,000 people are getting involved.