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Meeting Details
- Time and location: Wednesday, 9 AM PST, conf bridge 206
- irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel
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Previous Action Items
axel: etherpad interview questions- stas: have the newsgroups set up
stas: harvey & verbatimstas: set up wiki/l10n/meetingschofmann/stas: bug 654152 (all-locales)Axel/oduinn- all: world ready slides review
Meeting Notes
- Notetaker: stas
- Attendees: kadir, pike, chofmann, milos, pascalc, stas, gandalf
- Verbatim's licensing
- Pike has second thoughts on whether we should include Gerv/Mitchell in this discussion
- Chofmann suggested that we compile the list of issues that we're trying to solve internaly, and then ask legal to provide an easy-to-understand answer to each of those
- Locale selection for aurora
- Pike met with oduinn and solved bug 654152 (all-locales)
- some follow-ups remain
- New contributors:
- stas didn't file bugs to create newsgroups (dev.l10n.new) because he wants to talk to dboswell
- we don't really have a problem with attracting new contributors; instead, we have a problem with helping people who have already spent a couple of weeks translating and now wish
- the merge of mozilla.com and mozilla.org will not happen soon
- we will wait for the new platform ("bedrock") to be complete first
Action Items
stas & pike: send out the notes from the meeting with legal about verbatim's licensing- chofmann: compile the list of issues we're trying to solve for verbatim
stas: talk to dboswell about communication channels for people who want to get involvedstas: have the newsgroups created- review axel's interview questions for the comms role
gandalf: set up a meeting to discuss the world ready slides
- weekend project on hg graphs
- discussion with joduinn on locale selection on channels
- more data1.1 work
Talking points: locale selection; licensing/contributor agreement; mentor requests
- markup, webhero updates
- discussion about Verbatim's licensing
- weekly release of elmo
- meetings!
- JS AST/serializer work.
- Updates to L20n syntax (support for ".." and [.id|literal])
- serbian silme script for accesskey revival
- interviews for PCWorld, Gazeta.pl and vbeta.pl
- launched plugincheck translation for all locales for Firefox 5
- fixed a few bugs in Milos mass bug filing script
- work on webhero page with Milos
- was 2 days at Ubuntu Party Paris manning a mozilla booth
- Debetaed Romansh
- Working on analysing per locale upgrade to Firefox 4 to better understand where we have people on old versions, found in the process that we have upgraded Serbian users to 4.0 and we shouldn't have. A couple of locales (sk, eu) are not upgrading as fast as others to 4.0
- Updated download button on mozilla.com to remove the big version number when 5.0 is released (automatic switch)
- kept on working on geoIP on europe.mozilla.org but it will need more work, request caching problems
- Lots of updates on many projects
- Tomorrow is bank holiday in France and I will be on PTO on Friday
talking point: debetaing, specifically Tamil
- Preparing for de-beta process
- checking the firefox 4 beta locales for status
- mozilla.com fixes
- webhero campaign
- additions to the direct marketing upgrade campaign
- mozilla-europe conrtibutors work
- regular verbatim projects maintenance
- new locale on mozilla-messaging.com - RM - hurray!
Talking points: .com/.org/mozeu merge
Attended UNESCO conference on language policies. many good discussions on:
- methodologies used in lingistic studies to determine what constitutes a language
- sources of data about language use, viability and support among governments
- how language is closely tied to identity
- how the internet is influencing language and vis-versa.
also many new contacts for out reach on building new locale teams.
- http://www.unesco.org/new/en/culture/themes/cultural-diversity/languages-and-multilingualism/endangered-languages/news/dynamic-content-single-view-news/news/towards_unesco_guidelines_on_language_policies/
- http://www.ethnologue.com/web.asp
- http://www.unesco.org/culture/languages-atlas/en/statistics.html