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Meeting Details
- Time and location: Wednesday, 9 AM PST, conf bridge 206
- irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel
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Previous Action Items
- none
- Kadir - Will talk to chofman about next steps for Verbatim.
Stas will go ahead in creating etherpad that describes day-to-day activities for this role. See meeting notes above.- Stas to create wiki page with inventory of projects, and template to follow for documentation.
- stas/milos: set up a wiki page about the Bedrock project and what it means for us
Meeting Notes
- Notetaker: stas
- Attendees: Pike, stas, chofmann, pascalc, Milos, Kadir
- verbatim
- chofmann contacted gerv who is comfortable with the direction that we're going in
- next step: contact morgamic and ask for webdev resources
- see the etherpad for ideas for the specification: http://etherpad.mozilla.com:9000/verbatim
- axel is not sure
- bedrock / paris work week
- focused on defining what a 'project' is
- http://etherpad.mozilla.com:9000/bedrock-features-requests
- http://etherpad.mozilla.com:9000/parisl10nworkweek
- Q3 goals
- we need a goal-setting meeting
Action Items
kadir: talk to morgamic about putting verbatim in webdev's q3 goals- pending reply
kadir: ask morgamic to come up with a list of current licenses of all the websites- pending reply
stas to ask liz about licensing of the contenteveryone: jot down list of things that you think we should be working on in Q3
Stas to create wiki page with inventory of projects, and template to follow for documentation.L10n:Projects it is.
- reviewed externalize-media
- migrated aurora to beta for l10n, carried over signoffs for fx, fennec, tb
- discussions around web parts/bedrock/etc with pascalc and milos
- new-locales progress: bug fx-l10n-csb and bug fx-l10n-csb
- work on pontoon qamode with matjaz
- initial work on mozilla support for the ongamestart event in warsaw
- externalized dtd/properties parser/ast/serializer from silme into mozilla.format.dtd and mozilla.format.properties
- l20n debate and parsrr/compiker work
- laptop had a problem last week (screen died), had to buy a new one in emergency and reinstall my stuff
- work week with Pike and Milos in Paris office, listed some of my requirements for a bedrock based site http://etherpad.mozilla.com:9000/bedrock-features-requests
- published new contributors bios pages on mozilla-europe.org
- working on a new home page for europe.mozilla.org entirely community focused (to be done by July 15th) as well as visual changes on the site to reflect that
- keeping on the work on europe.mozilla.org as a community site and www.mozilla.com as a products sites (retiring of pages, new redirects...)
- country-level geoIP solution on europe.mozilla.org fully working now (work by Milos and myself). We will probably port that work to mozilla.com (seen with James Long)
- updated home page on mozilla.com to remove the download counter and use screenshots instead
- put a specific stylesheet on mozilla.com for greek because of bugs in css transforms that affect the locale
- pinged Oriya localizer for debetaing work on the web
- rewrote js code for fx upgrade messages to allow translation of strings (in bug 662975 for now)
- bug triaging for locales
- published many pages (new translations and updates)
- mozilla.com - a bit of qa
- mozilla-europe - contribute pages
- geoIP for mozilla-europe.org, will port it to mozilla.com
- In Paris for a work-week with chofmann, pike and pascal
- mozilla-europe new theme
- got a bunch of new stuff on my plate - mostly what left unmanaged after Seth left
- taking over Join Mozilla from stas