Resolution Summary
Each year during the AAFCO Midyear Meeting the current AAFCO President will call for resolutions. All resolutions received will be reviewed and submitted to the AAFCO Board of Directors for consideration.
Through this process, members and committees may raise concerns and suggest action relating to legislative, regulatory, and technical issues as they apply to commercial animal feed and food safety issues. The complete resolutions policy and procedures can be found within the Official Publication.
Definitions and Roles
- Policy on Resolution: Policy on Resolutions adopted (08/04/2022)
- Board of Directors (“Board”): Reviews proposed resolutions and makes recommendations to the membership. Initiates, or delegates to the Executive Director or Committee Chairs, action required or appropriate for the membership-approved resolutions. May invite the Resolution Sponsor to provide context or answer questions to the Board meeting where proposed resolutions are presented.
- Memorial, Recognition and Good Etiquette Resolutions: (“MRE Resolutions”): Resolutions that represent good etiquette and recognition of an achievement, event, or person that falls outside of criteria for existing awards and typically do not include a request for action by an outside party. These are presented during the Annual Meeting by the Executive Director.
- Executive Director: Receives and assembles resolution submissions and works with Resolution Sponsor on refining the draft. Presents proposed resolutions to the Board and coordinates Board consideration. May present the MRE Resolutions during the Annual Meeting. Complete and/or ensure actions are complete for implementation of membership-approved resolutions. Coordinate the posting of resolutions and approved responses on AAFCO’s website.
- President: Calls for resolutions at the Midyear Association Business Meeting. Coordinates the inclusion of Board-approved resolutions into the meeting materials for the Annual Association Business Meeting or delegates to the President-Elect.
- President-Elect: Presents Board-approved resolutions to the membership for consideration during the Annual Association Business Meeting. If delegated by the President, coordinates the inclusion of Board-approved resolutions into the meeting materials for the Annual Association Business Meeting.
- Resolution Sponsor: Designated AAFCO member or Committee responsible for drafting and submitting the resolution.
Submission process
- Call for resolutions will be made by the President in January at the Midyear Association Business Meeting by following the Policy on Resolutions. Resolutions are due at a deadline determined by the President and communicated in the Midyear call for resolutions.
- Step 1: Fill out the Resolutions template
- Step 2: Send your resolution to the President and Executive Director via the submission portal above.
- The Executive Director will assign the resolution a number, including the year of submission and a sequential number for each submission in that given year, YYYY-#, e.g. 2016-3.
- Resolutions will be submitted by the Executive Director to the Board no later than 60 days before the Annual Meeting for review and recommendation for membership.
- Guidance on Drafting a Good Resolution
- A Resolution Sponsor should have a good knowledge of the topic and have a solution in mind to whatever the problem may be that has driven them to believe a resolution will be effective or at least stimulate action on a topic.
- Overall and each idea or concept within the resolution should be brief and to the point, beginning with “Whereas” and each ending with a comma and the word “and.” For example:
- “Whereas, there is a problem with the sequencing of ingredients for BSE, and
- The last “Whereas,” section should end with “…therefore be it.” For example:
- “Whereas, this problem could cause a significant amount of animal deaths and there seems to be a lack of understanding due to its prevalence as an inspection violation/observation, therefore be it”
- The last section should begin with “Resolved, that….” Suggested actions should be clear and brief. For example:
- “Resolved, that more clear language be developed in the model regulations to prevent deaths from occurring as well as a directed outreach campaign to increase awareness.”
- In addition to your resolution, submit a one-page summary explaining the purpose and background.
- Submission Guidance:
- A resolution must have a Resolution Sponsor.
- Contact the Executive Director for any assistance.
- Start resolution development early and submit to the Executive Director well before the deadline set by the President’s call for resolutions.
Review process
- The Executive Director will review the resolution for clarity and form and may modify the language as long as the intent is not changed. Similar resolutions may be consolidated.
- Resolutions will be submitted by the Executive Director to the Board no later than 60 days before the Annual Meeting for review and recommendation for membership.
- The Board should review and consider resolutions prior to the deadline for the final Annual Association Meeting Agenda.
- Guidance:
- The Resolution Sponsor may attend the Board meeting to discuss the resolution. Be prepared to answer questions.
Adoption Process
- The President-Elect is responsible for including the Board-approved resolutions in the meeting material for the Annual Association Business Meeting.
- The President-Elect will present the resolutions to members during the Annual Association Business Meeting. Members will vote on each resolution presented, with adoption determined by a two-thirds vote. Adoptions will follow all procedures and by-laws governing the business meetings.
- The adoption process shall follow additional procedures in Policy on Resolutions, including the Board’s responsibility to initiate all action required by the approved resolution within the year. The Board may delegate action to the Executive Director or Committee Chairs for implementation.
- Approved resolutions will be added to the website 30 days after the Annual Meeting.
Resolution progress or responses may be posted to the website.
2025 Resolutions
2025 Resolutions due by Wednesday, April 30, 2025
2024 Resolutions